Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Melina Velba In The Bs

strike today!

The so-called "duty of adjustment imposed on the operator of any site information (from blogs to social networks like Facebook and Twitter to ....) clearly appears as a pretext, an alibi. I In fact, its effects - in terms of bureaucratization of the Internet, the complexity of managing the obligation in question, penalties for heavy users - make a new decree-law kills internet.
Compared to previous attempts, this is even more insidious efurbesco, because instead of directly criticizing the sites and blogs mettein provided them not to publish more or much less to publish, with unanorma hiding behind a false appearance of responsabilizzazionema that actually aims to make life impossible for bloggers to eutenti sharing sites.
Bloggers are already fully responsible in terms of criminal offenses of any insult, libel or other: there is no unsustainable bisognodi introduce penalties for "citizen journalists < http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki / Giornalismo_partecipativo > "if they do not adhere to the winding and bureaucratic taxation as provided in DecretoAlfano.
The plurality of information, whether via the Internet, suigiornali, through radio or television or any other means, constitutes a fundamental human rights and citizen and, probably, the one that are more directly related to the libertàe democracy. The Decree
Alfano we are faced with an attack on freedom of the media ditutto, the largest newspaper to the smallest blog.

Adhesions on http://dirittoallarete.ning.com/

Monday, July 6, 2009

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Ancona - A Day Without Borders - Thursday, July 9

From Eagle Vicenza, Ancona from Rome, July 2 to 10 to challenge the G8 to the crisis will be the community who defend the common good by environmental devastation and the basics of war fighting for the income, the right to housing, to expand areas of freedom against the devices autoritari.Quelle community who want to recover the right to decide their future, and claim independence and autonomy.
Those communities that have woven networks of solidarity with the people of Abruzzo hit by the earthquake that in those days will protest against the militarization of emergency management and for a project of social reconstruction from the bottom. In the Marche
the appointment and the port of Ancona, on the outskirts of the east of our territori.Porte that would shut the need for freedom and dignity entrusted to the sea for thousands of migrants. Closed, the border of war on humanity fleeing from oppression and despair. In the port of Ancona
every day, violating the most elementary human rights are systematically denied the right to asylum. Every day, refugees and asylum seekers, men and women who escaped from Afghanistan or Iraq, are directly rejected by the border police and re-embarked on the journey back to the hell of the refugee camp of Patras. Men and women who, like Amir, facing death or suffocated in container trucks rolled by. Thursday, July 9
want a Day Without Borders: A day to leave the port of Ancona by the barriers and cages where they break those desires for freedom and dignity that come from the sea.
A Day Without Borders to open space without borders for citizenship is denied to the port, because once more a common good of the whole city. A
Day Without Borders to claim the independence and autonomy of the community who want to turn the crisis into an opportunity for joint decision on the transformation of the present.
A Day Without Borders to say NO to the shame of rejections, to break down the infrastructure of the new security-racism opening the doors of the east to the freedom and rights.
Ancona - Thursday, 9 luglioUna Day Without Borders
Resistant Communities in the Marches against the G8Ambasciata DirittiAssociazione Ya Basta! Brands

What Causes Broken Veins In Face

733B PASS THE LAW: THE RIGHTS annihilated "our security" ...

Law 733 b, better known to the public as "security" is now law. A little advanced pads were used during these months, associations and institutions that are actively working on immigration issues, nothing to the concerns expressed also in the final report of the CSM. A nothing hypothesia of unconstitutionality made by lawyers illustri.Diventa reality: the introduction of the crime of illegal entry and stay on Italian soil, the residence permit issues, the need to produce such permit for any acts of marital status (and therefore for registering a birth), the Italian language exam, an extension of time spent in refugee camps for up to 180 days, the penalty of up to three years in prison for those who rent to illegal immigrants and for insulting a public official, the on close family reunion, the certificate of habitability must be registered for the regularization of the "town patrol". "Treating immigrants as criminals will not solve the challenges that immigration poses to Italy. This bill only encourages intolerance or worse, in against individuals who make a living hard enough ... "To give that effect was a few days ago, Human Rights Watch, known international organization that fights for human rights all over the world. If you think that the same voice rises continuously to condemn Iran, or Burma, or China for the Tibetan issue ... this should at least make heavy complaints riflettere.Ma are also contained in the annual report of Amnesty international.La all'impossiblità major concern is related by the illegal migrant to have access to basic rights such as health and education. In fact, despite a false step back from the government, the Italian penal code requires the public official in the performance of its duties, the complaint of irregular immigrants as "guilty" to be drawn into question, therefore, are doctors, teachers and principals.
Already before the entry into force of the rule, some trade unions and other organizations had reported a net loss of foreign workers in first aid, the press has had to register first victims as Ylenia, the Moldovan caregiver bled to death in Puglia because ... "Illegal". Parallel to this is increasingly a real danger that arises and food "a black market of health" to the benefit of organizations across the country criminali.In movements were born spontaneously and committees in recent months have sought to expose the "lie" security-in fact, behind which hides a control strategy and the dismantling of social rights universally recognized, not only for migrants. But this was not enough.
matters little now that the people whose only crime was to be "illegal immigrants" are already scared to death di rivolgersi a un pronto soccorso, ancor prima dell'entrata in vigore della legge. Poco conta che un insegnante, d'ora in poi, possa decidere di denunciare i genitori di un bambino i cui permessi di soggiorno non siano in regola, o che un padre o una madre non possano regolarizare un figlio per lo stesso motivo, ancor meno conta che una persona possa venire privata della propria libertà fino a 180 giorni solo perchè non possiede un “pezzo di carta” che la renda “umana”...
Il diritto internazionale e i diritti sanciti dalla nostra costituzione hanno oggi subito un colpo enorme, di cui forse non si ha ancora piena coscienza, in nome di una sicurezza usata come strumento di propaganda a fini elettorali.
La vera sicurezza la si costruisce a partire dall'analisi di un mondo in continuo divenire in cui la multiculturalità rappresenta un traguardo inevitabile e non attraverso la sua negazione.
A fronte di una deriva sancita a norma di legge forse l'unica speranza può essere ancora legata alle dimensioni locali.
In alcune regioni, Marche e Toscana, per esempio, ma ancor prima nel Lazio, in Campania e in Calabria, le leggi regionali sull'immigrazione recentemente approvate rappresentano un'inversione di rotta rispetto ad una deriva xenofoba “legalizzata”, a dimostrazione del fatto che è solo partendo dal criterio di “cittadinanza sociale” che si possono costruire modelli di società aperti e plurali.
Di sicuro un ruolo key will continue to be played by civil society still able to get angry and do not forget that once the illegal immigrants, without the law, migrants ... we were!