The facts have a hard head and can not be changed, so today, in a climate increasingly AntiResistenziale you try to hide them, as is being done with the so-called Day of Remembrance. remember then the facts established by historians. Victims of sinkholes, on the northeastern end, in September-October 1943 and May 1945 were hundreds of Italians, mostly military, fascist leaders, managers and officials of the Italian occupation of Yugoslavia , collaborators. It was, in all the five hundred, six hundred victims of acts of summary justice, revenge and excesses, by the hand of Yugoslav partisans. On the basis of historical studies, these tragic events have absolutely had the right size and fascists would have you believe, or it was an organized and planned from the summit of Tito's Yugoslavia. It was the result of accumulated hatred from the victims fascist occupation and colonization of the lands of Slovenia and Croatia, subject to all sorts of crimes by the state fascista.Nella spring of 1941 the war of aggression against Yugoslavia, with the annexation of Slovenia '42 with the establishment of the Italian province of Ljubljana and the directives of the General Robotti and Roat: "It kills too little clearance ... totalitarian past where Arise from the feet all the people who can shoot back ... Destroy the country and clear the population. "It was so the destruction of entire villages Slovenes and Croats, the data sources, the massacre of tens of thousands of civilians, the displaced camps concentramento.Furono 150,000 Yugoslavs in the concentration camps of Rab , Palmanova, Gonars Renicci and others, with more than 4,000 died of hunger and hardship. we must not forget the victims of the Yugoslav Zlatin fascist concentration camp, the male inhabitants of Srbernovo shipped to the camps, tortured by women ' fascist army and then thrown into ravines. And also the Rice Mill St. Sabba, the Nazi concentration camp in Trieste, where they were exterminated Communists, Jews and Roma, with the complicity direct black shirts of Mussolini. The price paid by the peoples of Yugoslavia in the war of imperialist aggression of Hitler (to the east at the expense of the Slavs) and Mussolini in the Mediterranean (Illyria, Albania, Greece, North Africa, Corsica, Nice, etc. ...) was huge : a population of 18 million inhabitants of the entire country, were 1,750,000 deaths in total, 350,000 partisans on the ground dead and 400,000 wounded and missing (. under the command of Titus fighters were 300,000 at the end of '43 and 800,000 at the time of final liberation). From 400,000 to 800,000, or 34 to 60 divisions, German and Italian soldiers were kept busy in the fight against Yugoslav partisans. Violence systematic and planned, used to build the 'Empire on the Adriatic, also precedes the aggression and occupation of Yugoslavia by fascism. Since 1920, actions against gangs of cultural centers, union offices, agricultural cooperatives, newspaper workers, politicians and citizens "Slavic race", then in twenty years, the closure of schools in Slovenia and Croatia, the change of language and names The Italianization forced. For years, the perpetrators identified by the international community have been protected (none of the over 700 - many were in the Commission of the United Nations war crimes - Italian war criminals, starting with the general Roatta and Robotti, was never convicted or extradited and handed over to Yugoslav authorities.) and now also wants to rehabilitate them. "sacralization" an episode of sodium while tragic war, taking it away from its historical context and altering the size, this is merely a policy, to do what has been historically very small and hide what was great .. Without the war nationalist, racist and imperialist of Mussolini and Hitler dead foibe there were, like those of Kefalonia, Marzabotto Ardeatine, and all victims of war most inhuman of all humanity with its 56 million dead. "
Thursday, April 22, 2010
How To Create A Security Dongle
FOIBE: non stravolgiamo i fatti
The facts have a hard head and can not be changed, so today, in a climate increasingly AntiResistenziale you try to hide them, as is being done with the so-called Day of Remembrance. remember then the facts established by historians. Victims of sinkholes, on the northeastern end, in September-October 1943 and May 1945 were hundreds of Italians, mostly military, fascist leaders, managers and officials of the Italian occupation of Yugoslavia , collaborators. It was, in all the five hundred, six hundred victims of acts of summary justice, revenge and excesses, by the hand of Yugoslav partisans. On the basis of historical studies, these tragic events have absolutely had the right size and fascists would have you believe, or it was an organized and planned from the summit of Tito's Yugoslavia. It was the result of accumulated hatred from the victims fascist occupation and colonization of the lands of Slovenia and Croatia, subject to all sorts of crimes by the state fascista.Nella spring of 1941 the war of aggression against Yugoslavia, with the annexation of Slovenia '42 with the establishment of the Italian province of Ljubljana and the directives of the General Robotti and Roat: "It kills too little clearance ... totalitarian past where Arise from the feet all the people who can shoot back ... Destroy the country and clear the population. "It was so the destruction of entire villages Slovenes and Croats, the data sources, the massacre of tens of thousands of civilians, the displaced camps concentramento.Furono 150,000 Yugoslavs in the concentration camps of Rab , Palmanova, Gonars Renicci and others, with more than 4,000 died of hunger and hardship. we must not forget the victims of the Yugoslav Zlatin fascist concentration camp, the male inhabitants of Srbernovo shipped to the camps, tortured by women ' fascist army and then thrown into ravines. And also the Rice Mill St. Sabba, the Nazi concentration camp in Trieste, where they were exterminated Communists, Jews and Roma, with the complicity direct black shirts of Mussolini. The price paid by the peoples of Yugoslavia in the war of imperialist aggression of Hitler (to the east at the expense of the Slavs) and Mussolini in the Mediterranean (Illyria, Albania, Greece, North Africa, Corsica, Nice, etc. ...) was huge : a population of 18 million inhabitants of the entire country, were 1,750,000 deaths in total, 350,000 partisans on the ground dead and 400,000 wounded and missing (. under the command of Titus fighters were 300,000 at the end of '43 and 800,000 at the time of final liberation). From 400,000 to 800,000, or 34 to 60 divisions, German and Italian soldiers were kept busy in the fight against Yugoslav partisans. Violence systematic and planned, used to build the 'Empire on the Adriatic, also precedes the aggression and occupation of Yugoslavia by fascism. Since 1920, actions against gangs of cultural centers, union offices, agricultural cooperatives, newspaper workers, politicians and citizens "Slavic race", then in twenty years, the closure of schools in Slovenia and Croatia, the change of language and names The Italianization forced. For years, the perpetrators identified by the international community have been protected (none of the over 700 - many were in the Commission of the United Nations war crimes - Italian war criminals, starting with the general Roatta and Robotti, was never convicted or extradited and handed over to Yugoslav authorities.) and now also wants to rehabilitate them. "sacralization" an episode of sodium while tragic war, taking it away from its historical context and altering the size, this is merely a policy, to do what has been historically very small and hide what was great .. Without the war nationalist, racist and imperialist of Mussolini and Hitler dead foibe there were, like those of Kefalonia, Marzabotto Ardeatine, and all victims of war most inhuman of all humanity with its 56 million dead. "
The facts have a hard head and can not be changed, so today, in a climate increasingly AntiResistenziale you try to hide them, as is being done with the so-called Day of Remembrance. remember then the facts established by historians. Victims of sinkholes, on the northeastern end, in September-October 1943 and May 1945 were hundreds of Italians, mostly military, fascist leaders, managers and officials of the Italian occupation of Yugoslavia , collaborators. It was, in all the five hundred, six hundred victims of acts of summary justice, revenge and excesses, by the hand of Yugoslav partisans. On the basis of historical studies, these tragic events have absolutely had the right size and fascists would have you believe, or it was an organized and planned from the summit of Tito's Yugoslavia. It was the result of accumulated hatred from the victims fascist occupation and colonization of the lands of Slovenia and Croatia, subject to all sorts of crimes by the state fascista.Nella spring of 1941 the war of aggression against Yugoslavia, with the annexation of Slovenia '42 with the establishment of the Italian province of Ljubljana and the directives of the General Robotti and Roat: "It kills too little clearance ... totalitarian past where Arise from the feet all the people who can shoot back ... Destroy the country and clear the population. "It was so the destruction of entire villages Slovenes and Croats, the data sources, the massacre of tens of thousands of civilians, the displaced camps concentramento.Furono 150,000 Yugoslavs in the concentration camps of Rab , Palmanova, Gonars Renicci and others, with more than 4,000 died of hunger and hardship. we must not forget the victims of the Yugoslav Zlatin fascist concentration camp, the male inhabitants of Srbernovo shipped to the camps, tortured by women ' fascist army and then thrown into ravines. And also the Rice Mill St. Sabba, the Nazi concentration camp in Trieste, where they were exterminated Communists, Jews and Roma, with the complicity direct black shirts of Mussolini. The price paid by the peoples of Yugoslavia in the war of imperialist aggression of Hitler (to the east at the expense of the Slavs) and Mussolini in the Mediterranean (Illyria, Albania, Greece, North Africa, Corsica, Nice, etc. ...) was huge : a population of 18 million inhabitants of the entire country, were 1,750,000 deaths in total, 350,000 partisans on the ground dead and 400,000 wounded and missing (. under the command of Titus fighters were 300,000 at the end of '43 and 800,000 at the time of final liberation). From 400,000 to 800,000, or 34 to 60 divisions, German and Italian soldiers were kept busy in the fight against Yugoslav partisans. Violence systematic and planned, used to build the 'Empire on the Adriatic, also precedes the aggression and occupation of Yugoslavia by fascism. Since 1920, actions against gangs of cultural centers, union offices, agricultural cooperatives, newspaper workers, politicians and citizens "Slavic race", then in twenty years, the closure of schools in Slovenia and Croatia, the change of language and names The Italianization forced. For years, the perpetrators identified by the international community have been protected (none of the over 700 - many were in the Commission of the United Nations war crimes - Italian war criminals, starting with the general Roatta and Robotti, was never convicted or extradited and handed over to Yugoslav authorities.) and now also wants to rehabilitate them. "sacralization" an episode of sodium while tragic war, taking it away from its historical context and altering the size, this is merely a policy, to do what has been historically very small and hide what was great .. Without the war nationalist, racist and imperialist of Mussolini and Hitler dead foibe there were, like those of Kefalonia, Marzabotto Ardeatine, and all victims of war most inhuman of all humanity with its 56 million dead. "
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Funeral Wording For The Dead
Written by Gianni Mina Wednesday, April 7, 2010 9:32

Written by Gianni Mina Wednesday, April 7, 2010 9:32
I study pisco that Mr Fassino, a former secretary who called themselves communists, was the first Pierluigi Battista to join the call by the Corriere della Sera is intensified because the siege that the United States, continuing the stand taken by Bush Jr, have recently tightened with regard to Cuba, using the ambiguous topic of human rights. Fassino, like much of what was once the Italian left has never understood much of Latin America, nor the rights of populations in the southern hemisphere and their battles for survival, to shake off the arrogance of the Western world. When in October 2003 led the Italian delegation at the congress of the Socialist International in Sao Paulo, Brazil, the first thing I did Fassino, for example, before we propose a strategy of independence and redemption for the countries of the South the world, was to seek a document critical of the Cuban revolution. He made a fool, because it was the same Inacio Lula da Silva, owner of the house because they elected a year before Brazil's president, said: "It's not even mentioned. Cuba, for us Latin Americans has been and is, despite so many contradictions, an example of strength and dignity in a continent where neo-liberalism forces us to struggle for survival. " Fassino, moreover, it was only appropriate to the logic of losing his party, the Democrats of the Left. A logic embodied well, three years before, from insightful Massimo D'Alema at a meeting of social democratic parties set up with great fanfare in Florence, instead of inviting Lula, then leader for nearly two decades and more than 50 million Brazilians who voted liberal, he chose to come to Fernando Enrique Cardoso, former left-wing sociologist meanwhile become the Brazilian president-elect of the center, which is also the landowners and their white guards who kill trade unionists, landless or rubber extractors. It was obviously a far-sighted choice. Meanwhile, in fact, Lula has not only been elected for two terms as president of Brazil, and finally addressed, with the Zero Hunger plan, the endemic poverty of 60 of the 200 million fellow citizens who are now guaranteed three meals a day. The President ex-worker has even raised as an economic power internationally his country, even to get the organization of the World Cup in 2014 and 2016 Olympics, and has also recently defeated the U.S. in a fundamental dispute Organization World Trade Organization [WTO]. This victory, not surprisingly ignored by the Italian media, provides the full right of the government in Brasilia to apply trade sanctions against the U.S., has always been guilty of improperly assist their industry and in particular its agriculture, distorting world markets with 'hypocrisy of free trade. Now Brazil has the right to increase tariffs on products such as automobiles, cotton, fresh fruit or milk powder, up to 50%, and in the case of cotton, produced nerve center for the farmers of the southern United States, as much as 100%. Therefore, there is only China to have the economic strength and political authority to choose their own path and design a multi-polar world where the U.S. is not always able to impose their will. Fassino all this does not know or pretends not to know. Pierluigi Battista, an incurable champion of the rights of the strongest and most arrogant of the cases, in fact, has only indicated that incredibly Lula, the day after the summit in Cancun of the countries of Latin America, has made stops in Havana, as they did in the past year all the Latin American heads of state [obviously sympathetic to all the tyrants] and has been photographed so much with Fidel with Raul Castro. And this in the days of the global campaign, prompted by the powerful Cuban lobby in Miami and the group Prisa, publisher of the English El Pais, after the death of Orlando Zapata, held for common crimes that recently it had approached the Damas en Blanco. These representatives of the meager Cuban dissidents were sung again recently, in our media, always at the suggestion of El Pais [a newspaper close to the Socialists in the house, but when it comes to temptations neo-colonial Latin America], as the champion of democracy, after a demonstration in the streets of downtown Havana where they had been insulted by a mob of "fans of the regime." would be easy to dismiss all this way. I am 50 years that the vast western press does, apparently without success, but the reality is that the conflict is not ideological, although Fiji Baptist or even Mario Vargas Llosa (who periodically told El Pais line on Latin America) are trying pathetically to support it. The battle, now, is the principle of justice, basic right to choose. Why, indeed, a great country which for fifty years ago, the U.S. should continue to have the right to award a grant to the sound of millions of dollars, a strategy of tension continues in another country, an island like Cuba ? And all this only because the same island, at a certain moment in its history, has committed the sin of choosing to administer in a manner other than as stated in the most powerful neighbor, annoyed by the message of independence that the country's smallest and sent forward to a continent that is being freed from a historical dependence. What we say if, for example, Zapatero's Spain or Britain's Gordon Brown subsidize un'eversione in Italy against Berlusconi's government, with 140 million euro, reduced to 55 million this year alone for the crisis but not deleted? course, most of this money, as confirmed by an internal investigation ordered by President Obama, are stolen from these so-called committees for freedom in Cuba, but many are invested in the project to change the island and make sure they are committed turn discomfort and tension. The maggior parte dei “dissidenti” incarcerati nel 2003 quando il governo Bush tentò la spallata finale contro Cuba favorendo tre dirottamenti aerei e persino il sequestro del ferry boat di Regla carico di turisti per far rotta verso Miami, sono persone condannate per aver preso dei soldi dal governo di Washington, elargiti direttamente dall’Ufficio d’interesse degli Stati uniti a l’Avana. Questo, a parti invertite, negli Stati uniti procurerebbe un arresto e un’accusa di alto tradimento con diversi anni di carcere. Qualunque giornalista minimamente serio lo sa, anche se nelle nostre cronache sui “giornalisti” arrestati a Cuba nel 2003 si insiste sul fatto che sono stati puniti per presunti reati of opinion and evades the fact that, instead, were hired and paid by the old enemy that keeps the island under embargo for fifty years. Many of these groups, the same as the Ladies in White, were and are held up by terrorists Santiago Alvarez who recently, in a process in Florida where he was sentenced to two and a half years in prison for possession of explosives and weapons which according to him were intended for attacks on the island, revealed that just Michael Parmly, the former chief U.S. representative office in Cuba, he offered to anticipate the subsidies Dame in the same month in which Alvarez was allegedly in prison . Baptist should also agree that it is difficult to assign the dignity of dissident groups such as these, and it is clear that such a policy, supported by all Fassino of Italy and Europe, can not produce freedom and democracy. Yet even the daily, which does not spare the sarcasm Berlusconi to the positions of deputy director of Corriere della Sera, is aligned with his theories when he thunders against Cuba, Venezuela and Latin America is changing. Recently, after having raised to the glory of the altars bloguera Yoani Sanchez informing the world about the illness of Cuban society aided by a German server with a bandwidth 60 times greater than any other used in Cuba by the Internet users, the very fact he published an article in El Pais that he wondered why the country candidly criticized Zapatero's not properly the Cuban regime. wanting to really give the answer would be simple. José Maria Aznar, Zapatero's predecessor at the helm of the English Government when he was in the hands of the People's Party, in addition to having grants for his campaign by leaders of the notorious Cuban-American Foundation in Miami, supporters of terrorism against Cuba and with whom became even shooting, has always been one of the members of the ambiguous associations who meet periodically, perhaps under the auspices of the Adenauer Foundation, to decide, without any embarrassment, strategies of invasion of Cuba and to lobby every time you are standing on the European Community initiatives to improve the harsh isolation and exclusion of Revolucion. It 's a question of mentality and understanding of democracy. no coincidence that in 2002 the English government of Aznar was the first, for example, publicly endorsed the coup attempt and then failed in Venezuela against President Chavez, before the United States George W Bush. E 'is the same Miguel Angel Moratinos, English Foreign Affairs Minister, to make public quest'estemporaneo "act of democracy," Aznar's a shame that even now justifies the suspicion of nuova America latina verso molte scelte della Comunità europea. Un organismo spesso ipocrita, disposto a concedere la patente di democrazia alla violenta Colombia di Uribe, ma pronto a condannare “l’intransigenza” di Cuba senza mai chiedere agli Stati uniti la ragione di un embargo e di un assedio che dura da mezzo secolo e ha già ricevuto 18 condanne di seguito dall’Assemblea delle Nazioni unite. Sarebbe più coerente chiedere al Corriere della Sera e al Fatto perchè non abbiano mai chiesto la liberazione dei cinque componenti dell’intelligence cubana, da dodici anni in carcere negli Usa dopo un giudizio farsa del tribunale di Miami, smentito cinque anni fa dalla Corte di appello di Atlanta. Perchè the only fault of the five is to have exposed the central Florida prepared by the terrorist attacks on Cuba So these human beings, prisoners without rights, are still in prison because the Department of Justice of the United States, first under Bush, unfortunately, but under Obama, has not yet found the time to send the competent courts to national security collected by the CIA dossier on the subject. Perhaps because the intelligence agency has often protected those attacks? Where is the ethics in all this? Source:
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