Trieste: aberrant juxtaposition of San Sabba and Rice Mill Cave of Basovizza
L’evento del concerto indetto per il 13 luglio prossimo a Trieste, alla presenza dei presidenti di Italia, Slovenia e Croazia, ha suggerito al giornalista Roberto Morelli (Il Piccolo, 6 giugno 2010) l’idea di proporre che nell’occasione si compia un gesto di “pacificazione”, auspicato da anni: i presidenti dei tre stati si dovrebbero recare assieme a rendere omaggio alla Risiera di San Sabba ed alla foiba di Basovizza. Noi pensiamo che questo gesto costituisca un malinteso senso di “memoria condivisa”, e ricordiamo che, relativamente all’accostamento tra foibe e Risiera, lo storico Giovanni Miccoli ebbe modo di definirlo “aberrante” ancora nel 1976. Riportiamo di seguito le sue motivazioni, our opinion is still valid and current. <>. Add that the bloody struggle of 1943-1945 was not primarily a national dispute. In fact, the defendants, both Italians and Slavs, were fighting against the fascist oppressors who, after nearly two decades of violent dictatorship in Italy, had occupied Ljubljana in 1941 and invested the civilian population with fire, torture, mass shootings. The bloody repression was carried out with the help of pro-Fascist collaborators Slavs. The awareness that there are innocent victims have been possible in the anti-fascist war can not obscure the profound differences between those who fought for freedom and social progress, and who for a regime of oppression and racism. And since the "pacification" would also note that recognition of their responsibilities after 1945 Italy "born of the Resistance" is not ever process their war criminals for the killings, reprisals, with deportations of civilians and destruction of entire villages, made in Yugoslavia, Albania, Greece , Africa. In the interest of peace and coexistence among all peoples is fundamental, in our opinion, that we will evaluate the historical facts correctly and in their entirety, and does not give room for manipulation or misrepresentation. Wanting to come to an act of "shared memory", rather we should be conducting an international conference of historians, who, inspired by the findings of the work study conducted by the Italian-Slovenian Joint Commission between 1993 and 2000, achieve a synthesis of the history of these lands.