Saturday, July 31, 2010

Diffrent Type Of Vajinas

31 luglio 1944 - 3 agosto 1944 Drancy- Auschwitz-Birkenau
La porta della memoria ricorda l’ultimo dei grandi trasporti da Drancy verso Auschwitz. La rafle, la razzia viene concentrata sui ricoveri per bambini ebrei senza genitori gestiti dall’UGIF (Unione generale degli israeliti di Francia, che ebbe rapporti molto discussi con le forze occupanti). 400 bambini vengono aggiunti ai 900 adulti da deportare.
Sarà il 67° trasporto da Drancy, il 77° dalla Francia.
Su quel convoglio viaggiano 1300 persone.

Sui muri del campo di Drancy alcuni dei deportati lasciano una firma, un segno, un ricordo... ecco quelle iscrizioni. Dei nomi che si leggono solo Lucie Fuantes è ritornata.....Davvero commovente leggere il messaggio di queste persone che il 31 luglio 1944 stanno per andare verso la morte, ci dicono: "avec bon moral..."

Il treno arriva ad Auschwitz-Birkenau il 3 agosto. Ci racconta questo viaggio verso l'inferno Denise Holstein , ha 18 anni quando viene deportata da Drancy ad Auschwitz e sopravvive e scriverà così:
........ mais le soir, quand il fallut coucher tous ces enfants dans le noir.... les enfants pleuraient, ils avaient chaud, ils avaient soif et l’air venait à manquer....
E poi l’arrivo all’Inferno. E’ il 3 agosto 1944.
E' ancora Denise a raccontarci:
Le traine s’était arrété à l’intérieur du camp; il n’y avait pas de gare.... plusieurs Allemands faisaient le service d’ordre: envoyaient les uns right where there were trucks .... all children that women aged and all persons who bear children in the arms had gone to the trucks .

Tratto da Calendar di Klarsfeld pagina 1083 ... 1085 From Jufs persecution in France 1940 1944
All'arrivo i bambini vengono tutti alla Camera mandati gas La tragedia della conferma
convoglio del partito da 77 it Drancy 31 luglio 1944 e arrivato Birkenau has it it 3 agosto viene anche da Danuta Czech che nel suo Kalendarium of August 3, 1944 writes:
"With RSHA transport from France 1300 Jews arrived from the camp of Drancy. After selection, they are interned in the camp as prisoners:
291 Jews receiving numbers from B-3673 B-3963 to
183 Jewish receiving numbers from A-16652 to A -16834
Other 826 people killed in gas chambers. "
Of the 1300 people convoy of 77 will return 214 , women are 146 . Among them the door of memory remember 9 . are 9 of the 500 women in the FAL Liebau, the camp where they will be deported after two and a half months spent in Birkenau.
Here are their names: Louise, Rose, Susanne, Selma, Jouliette, Henriette, Ida, Anna, Lilly

Monday, July 19, 2010

Is Cervix Soft Before Period

19 July 1943, Rome ...
was Monday, July 19, 1943
Perhaps as never before that day, Italy has realized the extent of the tragedy of war that was fought.
Mussolini met Hitler and opens up the withdrawal of Italy from that "deal" that got us so bad .... Hitler's reaction was violent ....
Meanwhile, U.S. troops continued their ritch slope along the peninsula and made a "taste" the pain of the bombs to the Eternal City.
Nobody thought that Rome would have been touched. All believed they would hands was enough for Pope Pius XII to protect! Instead
1000 tonnes of bombs will be downloaded to the San Lorenzo district and sow death and wounds will not heal anymore. Not high enough the pope's visit, much less that of the king to ease the pain. But that will tell
Monday, July 19, 1943 carried the words from the wonderful book
U.S. publisher Rizzoli Walter Veltroni.
I leave tell from the eyes of John ...
...." The bombs could be heard clearly, preceded by a whistle terrible. John thought of his. The explosions seemed to close. The aunt said: "They are bombing the station." If so, should all be safe ....... But if it had been a bombing? If the Americans had decided to raze and Mussolini's Palazzo Venezia? Carla screamed that the Americans avevao warned, the night before had dropped leaflets to tell people to go away, but the fascists had made them disappear. The bombs were falling like snow, a bow after another .....
John thought of Mario, with his friend Mario. I was thinking there, they imagined him dead ..... He decided he could not leave Mario alone ..... He took the bike that was all white with the package farina.Osservò dissolved on the ground .....
breathlessly walked the paths of the park in the square, then headed towards Via Principe Amedeo. There seemed to be like a wall in the sky that had just saved the square and colonnades. But when he arrived at the corner of Via Principe Amedeo Mamiani saw the war in the face.
And it was a horrible face, or rather a face that was not there. A soldier was on guard at a building in the state. A splinter had cut off the top of the sentry box and with it the head of the soldier. But the body had been standing motionless in the shed destroyed. The hands of the soldier were unnaturally tight on the rifle, was exposed as a presented arms. The head had ended on the sign of a shop selling wedding dresses. A child staring .... He was lost, alone. He was motionless, with hands in his pockets. Out of his mouth a bloodcurdling scream, one note, establishes, continues, that never ended.
from the book U.S. of Walter Veltroni P. Rizzoli Editore. 56, 57

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Astrology Templates For Blogger

The port memory opens today with these words of Helga Deen
"If from here I look out the window I see birch, fir, blue sky with white clouds "

Helga was born in Stettin on April 6, 1925
will be interned, following a denunciation in the field of collecting Vught June 1, 1943. After a month, was deported to Westerbork. Finally, on 13 July 1943 from Westerbork to Sobibor extermination camp in Poland.
died in the gas chamber at the Sobibor extermination camp on July 16, 1943
be cut off with her father William, mother and brother Klaus Wolff Käthe Gottfried who is three years younger than Helga and many others ...
a poignant sweetness Diary Helga writes that for her lover. It 's a testament of love, is a warning : "But hold me close, let me rest at night on the palm of your hand, your time as a princess and the bad dreams away"
not forget
Helga Deen was 18

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

How Do I Delete History Off My Dvr

July 7, 1940
's still Danuta Czech that in his Kalendarium reminds us what happened at Auschwitz on July 7, 1940 :
During the night, to be left standing several hours during the punishment, the first inmate dies of the concentration camp of Auschwitz, David is the jew Wingoczewski .
was interned in the camp on June 20 from prison in Nowy Wiśnicz, with traces of torture, inhuman ... is suffering from tuberculosis, his condition is hopeless.