Thursday, October 21, 2010

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October 21
was the October 21, 1901 when he was born in Potsdam Margarete Buber-Neumann ... showed from an early age a strong political passion. Was twenty years old when he joined the Kommunistischen Jugendverband Deutschlands German Communist Youth Union. Later he joined the Communist Party
... It lasted a short time and was not a happy marriage to Rafael Buber jew son of the famous philosopher Martin Buber. In the second wedding marry Heinz Neumann, a leading member of the Communist Party.
When Hitler came to power in 1933 Heinz Neumann was persecuted and forced into exile, then it will be condemned to death and Margarete be interned by the Soviets in 1938 in a g ulag as the wife of a dangerous ... In 1940 it will be immediately sent back to Germany where he will be deported to Ravensbrück concentration camp ... here know Milena Jesenska , Kafka's friend ...
Survives Margarete to camp and wrote a book, document of his odyssey
Gefangene Als bei Stalin und Hitler Prisoner of Stalin and Hitler Il Mulino Bologna 2005

Sunday, October 17, 2010

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October 16, 1943 the deportation of Jews from the Ghetto of Rome

"That October 16 - said one of the survivors of the deportation - was un sabato, giorno di riposo per gli ebrei osservanti. E nel Ghetto i più lo erano. Inoltre era il terzo giorno della festa delle Capanne. Un sabato speciale, quasi una festa doppia... La grande razzia cominciò attorno alle 5.30. Vi presero parte un centinaio di quei 365 uomini che erano il totale delle forze impiegate per la "Judenoperation" . L'antico quartiere ebraico fu l'epicentro di tutta l'operazione... Le SS entrarono di casa in casa arrestando intere famiglie in gran parte sorprese ancora nel sonno... Tutte le persone prelevate vennero raccolte provvisoriamente in uno spiazzo che si trova poco più in là del Portico d'Ottavia attorno ai resti del Teatro di Marcello. La maggior parte degli arrestati erano adulti, many old folks, many women, boys, boys. It was not without exception, or for people who are sick or prevented, or for pregnant women or for those who still had children at the breast
...". "The Germans knocked, having received no response then broke through the doors. Behind them, as if petrified posassero for the most frighteningly surreal family groups, were waiting in terrified the inhabitants, their eyes hypnotized by the throat and the heart stopped, "recalls Giacomo Debenedetti .
" We were massed in front of St. Angelo in Fish: The gray truck arrived, the Germans pushed or loaded with the butt of the gun men, women, children ... and also old and sick, they left. When it fell to us I noticed that the truck take the Tiber in the direction of Regina Coeli ... But the truck went forward to the Military College. They took us to a great hall: we stayed there for several hours. What goes through my head in those moments I can not remember with precision what they thought of my companions in misfortune emerged from their confused questions, explanations, prayers. Would take us to work? Where? There were interned in a concentration camp? "Concentration Camp" had no significance then that terrible today. It was a place where it leads you to wait until the end of the war, where we probably would have suffered cold and hunger, but nothing prepares us for what would have been the camp, "wrote Settimia Spizzichino in his book" The years have been stolen. "
For the first time Rome was a witness to an operation of mass so violent. Among those who attended dismayed that there was a woman crying and began to pray softly repeated "poor innocent flesh." No neighborhood in the city was spared: the largest number of arrests occurred in Trastevere, Testaccio and Monteverde. Some were saved by chance, many survived the raid by hiding in the homes of neighbors, friends or taking refuge in religious houses, as the adjacent buildings at St. Bartholomew Island Tiberina. At 14, the great raid was over. All were kept in the Military College of Lungara away, a short walk from here. The more than 30 hours spent at the Military College before transferring to the Tiburtina station were of great suffering, not least because the detainees had not received food. Among them were 207 children.
Two days later, Monday, October 18th, the prisoners were loaded onto a convoy of 18 cattle cars in departure from Tiburtina station .
On 22 October, the train arrives at Auschwitz .
Of 1024 Jews captured on October 16 have returned only 16 of which only one woman Settimia Spizzichino.
None of 207 children survived.

Friday, October 1, 2010

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October 1
The portadellamemoria opens to introduce a special meeting. E 'opera of the Cultural River , which includes true "love of Memory".
The title of this meeting to be held in Stienta (Rovigo) Auditorium Jubilaeum 2000 Monday, October 4 at 18 is:
"MEMORIES" (by clicking on the names of the rapporteurs)

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29 September 2010
I searched the news of this day as the News announced in Italian, was expected to take place as an "event" historic ... I waited hoping that maybe put it in a corner to find the time, breath, heart to "remember" ...
I did not find any I remember, maybe I will be escaped?! I decided to take what we already wrote, and I will return to Christmas. I count on the stroke of the reader.
I leave with the photos, this terrible picture that alone is enough to tear us ...

We Babi Yar .
E 'September 29 1941 .
E ' Yom Kippur . Back to the
portadellamemoria remember Babi Yar ... Almost envy those who do not know this fact, I do not know, I really killing me that at least this was not known. Instead I know almost everyone and for many years. I've been following the events in the various anniversari.Vi just some news story without going into details, it would be too painful. It was Yom Kippur , the holiest day of the year for Jews, and then, here is that the perpetrator chose that day to do even more harm, for profaning the body and soul ... The fourth Einsatzkommando , under the command of SS Colonel Paul Blobel and with the help of the Ukrainian police ... We know how it happened from the testimony of autism Hoefer : "Only two shooters to the shooting. One by one end and an other side of the ravine. The people had to lie down on the corpses and the shooter was firing. All occurred almost ordinato.Un planned massacre " . The ravine of Babi Yar filled with corpses of innocent men, women and children. And 'the massacre of the Jewish residents of Kiev, the oldest city in Russia. All the Jews of Kiev, men, women, children ... all will herded and killed summarily and thrown into the ravine of Babi Yar . The carnage will continue until October 3. A shot in the neck and bodies fall on each other, some muoino immediately, others will die ... Never know how many Jews were murdered in Babi Yar . It is said to have been 100,000 and will be forgotten for long years. And here comes the poetry, yes, poetry. It will be a young Russian poet Yevgeny Evtushenkoche in 1961 recounts in verse the terrifying tragedy of Babi Yar . This is the desperate cry of the poet:
"I think it 's i was a son of Israel ...
Dreyfus seems to me to be me ....
I feel like I am a child of Bialystok ...
I feel like I am Anne Frank ...
here I am every old man who was killed ...
I am every child here who was killed "»
And to think that according to tradition, Hasidic prayer most listened to, the one that knows how to be open the doors of the Lord, is the prayer recited on the day year holier. Only prayer for Yom Kippur comes to God. So why has not pierced the sky ... why do not our petitions have been heard, the piercing screams of men, women, children Babi Yar
