Tuesday, June 30, 2009

How Much Do You Have To Weigh To Become A Model


Via Magalotti, 20
a short walk from Piazza della Repubblica)

Saturday, July 11 '09

subscription dinner to follow
Proiezione videodocumentari
- A sud di Lampedusa (2006)
- Come un uomo sulla terra (2008)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Legendary Pokemon Locations On Pokemon Deluge

What's behind the black Ronde. Talk Saverio Ferrari

(da Peacereporter)
Saverio Ferrari è uno studioso delle destre e delle loro trasformazioni. Lo fa con cura meticolosa, analizzando testi, inchieste, notizie accumulando una memoria utile per comprendere fenomeni che apaiono, molto spesso, come schegge isolate. In questa intervista ripercorre i momenti salienti della vicenda DSSA, di Getano Saya.

Il DSSA venne alla luce nel luglio del 2005 quando le procure di Genova e di Milano fecero tre arresti e venticinque perquisizioni. Il Dipartimento di studi strategici antiterrorismo era una struttura illegale parallela rispetto all'intelligence. L'indagine era nata un anno prima, quando si cercava di trovare una pista su Fabrizio Quattrocchi e la sua presenza in Iraq nell'ambito dei mercenari. L'apparato era illegale, una delle strutture era collegata a un movimento politico, la Destra nazionale- nuovo Msi e a un sindacato, l'Unione nazionale forze di polizia. Due strutture che facevano da interfaccia a questo apparato che si era costituuito dopo the attacks of 11 March 2004 in Madrid. We are talking about an event that brings together a congregation of spies and fascists, but especially of police, in my opinion, were not only pataccari, because in the course of the investigation had seen how they could have direct access to databases of the Interior Ministry, as well the fact that they could rely on links with the Sismi.Ci were, then, websites blocked by the courts: one of these had appeared the announcement of the establishment of departments of the National Guard, a paramilitary structure complete with uniform, beret, shirt black belt and that the intentions were to funzioanre in support of the armed forces in case of danger, which was then located in terrosimo by Islamic groups.

Erano credibili?
Stiamo parlando di una struttura illegale di neofascisti che la sparavano anche grossa, perché lo stemma del DSSA è una specie di modifica dello stemma della Cia. Gli agenti che operavano si dichiaravano ex agenti con passato da gladiatore e il loro capo, Gaetano Saya, diceva di essere un massone e non di poco conto, perchè si definiva un Maestro venerabile della loggia Divulgazione 1.

Una storia nuova, oppure in passato, dopo la scoperta della loggia P2, ci si era imbattuti in organizzazioni simili?
Una storia che non è nuova nelle forze di apparati segreti e polizia. Nel nostro Dopoguerra, sorpassata la Loggia P2, abbiamo conosciuto strutture simili, that have been prosecuted and put to shame when, in my opinion should be studied more.

Examples? Arianna
The project, consisting antidrioga key. A clandestine structure in which they were enrolled agents belonging to the forces dell'ordfine. Or the case of the White Helmets, again with international hooks, formed by former police officers, who had some notoriety during the investigation of Telecom Serbia. The Legion Brenno, born at the beginning of the Serb-Croat war, in which it was said that you had to defend the border threatened the West. The Legion had's composed of police officers, police officers and former intelligence agents. There are others, like the Phalange army, we are in the early '90s, an agency that tended to increase the Tenison letters and shells with elements that were traced to contact with elements of the Seventh Division of the Earthquakes. These are realities that should not be underestimated because they tell us that deviations exist and continue to occur.

institutionalize rounds, therefore, the formations like those of Saya may operate under the aegis of the law.
Gaetano Saya is very active. In 2005 was very serious that the current prime minister - in office even then - that he turned to his strtuutra for an electoral alliance. Saya was under house arrest because of the investigation on Dssa and we went to the meeting with Berlusconi moglioe, con tanto di foto. L'incontro non portò a nessun tipo di accordo elettorale. Credo che oggi questo personaggio abbia colto la palla al balzo, che si si ainfilatop nelle pieghe del decreto sicurezza. Con la storia delle ronde quello che una volta si faceva in gran segreto adesso si può fare allo scoperto con la legittimazione di strutture che possono girare per le strade delle metropoli ancora una volta con lo stesso obiettivo, un filo di continuità contro l'invasione 'dei barbari islamici'.

Angelo Miotto

Proton Pack Instructions

Tuscany - A regional law on immigration

La proposta di legge punta alla costruzione di un modello di convivenza tra cittadini toscani e immigratidi
Di Angela Spulcioni
Tuscany proving to be a leading region in terms of immigration. In fact, the Regional Council earlier this year approved the draft law "rules for the reception, integration and share in the protection of foreign nationals in Tuscany" in these days came in the Hall Council Toscano, and pointing the construction of a model of civil coexistence, helping immigrants to come out of hiding Particular attention is paid to all those actions to facilitate communication between citizens and foreign services in the area.

recognition of professional qualifications: skills acquired in the country of origin and can be exploited based on specific agreements. Posts
urgent social and postponed : ensuring everyone a hot meal and a roof, extending this intervention even to foreign nationals without residence permit, in particularly serious situations.
access of immigrants to irregular health service means all "persons dwelling" in the region, "although without a residence permit, may benefit from the" urgent and postponed social welfare interventions required to ensure respect for fundamental rights any person under the Constitution and international standards. "
Voting : promoting participation in the life pubblica dei cittadini stranieri residenti estendendo il diritto di voto. Previsto un più omogeneo funzionamento delle Consulte e dei Consigli degli stranieri presenti in molti Comuni.
Insegnamento della lingua italiana : aspetto che assume un rilievo essenziale proprio per permettere al cittadino straniero di integrarsi all’interno della comunità.
Attenzione particolare ai soggetti "deboli": richiedenti asilo e rifugiati, minori e donne in stato di gravidanza, vittime di tratta e sfruttamento, detenuti.
Sostegno e rafforzamento della rete regionale di sportelli informativi: loro compito è aiutare il cittadino straniero nel suo percorso di stabilizzazione semplificando i rapporti con la P.A..
Prevention of female genital mutilation. Access to the regional civil service
: expected to promote information campaigns to encourage access by young foreigners "second generation" to the social and political life of the community.
from melting pot

PS: Today, June 15, 2009, it was announced the birth of an organizing committee for the recall referendum of the Tuscan regional immigration law, passed two weeks ago. To promote the initiative, they are the Board of An-PDL-PDL and Forza Italy. While some bloggers here and there, shouting to the betrayal of the fatherland and to the Italian threat!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What's Best Polyester Or Acrylic

The first victims of our "security"

Someone dies engulfed by the waters of the Mediterranean, who ends up crushed or asphyxiated in the belly of a truck, but those who remain crushed under the wheels of heavy trucks or invested on a highway, who died earlier in long journey through the desert. They are dead common, nameless and faceless in the thousands, without a tear that is paid, because in most cases, the news does not extend to the family because there is nobody to tell. In these deaths, we should soon start adding, counting one by one, and giving a name and identity, the deaths of those who decide to give up first-aid treatment, although it is not denounced as "illegal." It 'happened last night in a town near Bari. She was a caregiver Ukraine without a valid residence permit, but a few days, or so said the employer had begun to care for an elderly lady. Ylenia (as he called himself) is bled to death as a result of internal bleeding, probably caused by a miscarriage. Tomorrow would have been 40 years. With your passport and if he had only 30 €, no other evidence or contact. Police are trying to contact her friends who used to attend, perhaps they too irregular. Ylenia was devoted to an interior space in some newspapers, without much fanfare. No one will pay for a death so absurd, and that unfortunately is not and will not be the only one.
A quick survey among the news stories reveals other cases like this. Cases of people terrified and alone, that slaves of blackmail "legal" pay with their lives.
On April 10, at the expense of Bolivia was a boy of 21 years, suffering from appendicitis. For fear of the complaint had decided to heal itself with anti-inflammatories, but after ten days appendicitis was aggravated flowing in peritonitis. She underwent five operations in a row and fell into a coma.
On 13 March, a 24 year old Nigerian girl who was a prostitute for a living, but died in Bari in advanced pulmonary tuberculosis. A simple medical examination and an X-ray could save her. But she, like many others, was not allowed to stay.
There 's been far better (or worse), depending on your point of view, a young Senegalese who, on April 9, after having gone to the emergency room because of a strong toothache was found in a pocket beautiful sheet away without having had time to take advantage of ospealiere care.
Already in February the CGIL had raised the alarm. Medical examinations for immigrants had declined by 20%, before the entry into force of the law, for the simple "fear effect". That rule, now is not explicitly addressed in the bill, but, as outlined today by the CSM, the crime of illegal immigration has effectively thwarted the passage, clearly a violation of fundamental rights ...
The tragic consequences are already before our eyes.