Monday, June 15, 2009

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Tuscany - A regional law on immigration

La proposta di legge punta alla costruzione di un modello di convivenza tra cittadini toscani e immigratidi
Di Angela Spulcioni
Tuscany proving to be a leading region in terms of immigration. In fact, the Regional Council earlier this year approved the draft law "rules for the reception, integration and share in the protection of foreign nationals in Tuscany" in these days came in the Hall Council Toscano, and pointing the construction of a model of civil coexistence, helping immigrants to come out of hiding Particular attention is paid to all those actions to facilitate communication between citizens and foreign services in the area.

recognition of professional qualifications: skills acquired in the country of origin and can be exploited based on specific agreements. Posts
urgent social and postponed : ensuring everyone a hot meal and a roof, extending this intervention even to foreign nationals without residence permit, in particularly serious situations.
access of immigrants to irregular health service means all "persons dwelling" in the region, "although without a residence permit, may benefit from the" urgent and postponed social welfare interventions required to ensure respect for fundamental rights any person under the Constitution and international standards. "
Voting : promoting participation in the life pubblica dei cittadini stranieri residenti estendendo il diritto di voto. Previsto un più omogeneo funzionamento delle Consulte e dei Consigli degli stranieri presenti in molti Comuni.
Insegnamento della lingua italiana : aspetto che assume un rilievo essenziale proprio per permettere al cittadino straniero di integrarsi all’interno della comunità.
Attenzione particolare ai soggetti "deboli": richiedenti asilo e rifugiati, minori e donne in stato di gravidanza, vittime di tratta e sfruttamento, detenuti.
Sostegno e rafforzamento della rete regionale di sportelli informativi: loro compito è aiutare il cittadino straniero nel suo percorso di stabilizzazione semplificando i rapporti con la P.A..
Prevention of female genital mutilation. Access to the regional civil service
: expected to promote information campaigns to encourage access by young foreigners "second generation" to the social and political life of the community.
from melting pot

PS: Today, June 15, 2009, it was announced the birth of an organizing committee for the recall referendum of the Tuscan regional immigration law, passed two weeks ago. To promote the initiative, they are the Board of An-PDL-PDL and Forza Italy. While some bloggers here and there, shouting to the betrayal of the fatherland and to the Italian threat!


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