WHAT DOES "otto per mille"?
Until two decades ago the Italian state salary paid directly to the Catholic clergy, with the mechanism of fair. Dated considering it as part of negotiations for the "new" concordat, it was decided a new funding mechanism to the Catholic Church, only seems more democratic and transparent as it expanded to other religions: the State decided to donate the entire revenue from personal income tax 8 per thousand to the Catholic Church (for religious or charitable purposes) or other beliefs and the state itself (for social or charitable purposes), according to opinions expressed by contributors to the statement income.
The eight per thousand is regulated by Law 222/85 .
Every citizen has a tax return can choose the target of 8 per thousand of the revenue from personal income tax from seven options: Member, Catholic Church, Union Church 7th day Adventist, Assemblies of God in Italy, the Union of Waldensian and Methodist Churches, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Italy, the Union of Italian Jewish Communities.
In fact no one devotes his revenue: the mechanism is more like a giant opinion poll, after which they "count" the choices, we calculate the percentages obtained from each subject and, on the basis of these percentages are then allocated funds.
What's more, the failure to formulate an option is not taken into consideration the entire revenue is distributed based solely on expressed choices.
Some denominations, more consistently, leaving no allowances allocated to the State, merely to draw only those relating to any explicit options for them: that is NOT what the Catholic Church, obtaining a loan almost three times the explicit consent obtained in his favor.
If the taxpayer is not required the submission of the declaration, however, can also make the choice of destination 8 per thousand delivering the CUD in a sealed envelope at a post office.
The Ministry of Finance, already reluctant to provide statistics on (communicating only to religions, which give news with extreme reluctance), it is also very slow to release the data. The latest official communications and incredibly definitive refer to the statements of income in 2004 (income 2003). This distribution
89.81% | Catholic Church |
7.74% | State |
1.43% | Waldenses |
0.37% | Jewish Communities |
0,26% | Luterani |
0,20% | Avventisti del settimo giorno |
0,19% | Assemblee di Dio in Italia |
Si noti che, in tale occasione, su oltre trenta milioni di contribuenti solamente il 39,52% ha espresso un’opzione: solo il 35,24% della popolazione, quindi, ha espresso una scelta a favore della Chiesa cattolica. Per dare un’idea dell’enormità della cifra corrisposta grazie a questo meccanismo, la Conferenza Episcopale ha disposto nel 2007 di contributi per 991 milioni di euro.
Born as a mechanism to ensure the livelihood of the clergy, this item has become, proportionately, less and less significant (35.7% of total). It seems indeed that the Catholic Church prefers to allocate the funds received from the State to so-called "needs of worship" (43.7%) loans to catechesis, the ecclesiastical courts, and the construction of new churches, the maintenance of their properties and management of its heritage. Obviously we'll never see commercials on these issues: the much-vaunted aid to the third world, which is devoted almost all the publicity the Catholic is - coincidentally - only 8, 6% of the revenue. More information is available at www.8xmille.it in which, after clicking on the sections of "accountability" and "choices for the Catholic church", you access a page listing the percentages of choice of imaginary taxpayers without specifying whether whether all or only those actually signed to allocate eight per thousand. - STATE
The State is the only competitor for the eight thousand who refuses to get publicity. The Government devotes to the management of state funds attributable a section of its website . -
Waldensian Church refuses to allocate the funds obtained the needs of worship and the maintenance of the clergy. For more information, visit www.chiesavaldese.org . - LUTHERANS
Part of the funds is used for the livelihood of pastoralists. For more information, visit www.elki-celi.org . - JEWISH COMMUNITIES
The funds are used to "... social solidarity, cultural, historical restoration, support for youth activities, hospitals for citizenship, culture of memory, to fight racism and prejudice '. For more information, visit www.ucei.it . - Adventist Church
also refuse to allocate the funds obtained to the needs of worship and the maintenance of the clergy. For more information, visit www.avventisti.it . - Assemblies of God
The funds are only allocated to missions and charities. For more information, visit www.adi-it.org .
by repealing the mechanism?
- because the mechanism was to be based on voluntary, but the distribution of choices violates unexpressed, in fact, this principle;
- because it is a loan repayable in favor of religious beliefs that should be self-financing. Especially in the case of the Catholic Church, most of these contributions has no social utility;
- because it is a rigged game: a difference of religions, the Italian government does not do any publicity for himself and not destined to understand how these funds. When in 1996 the Turkish Minister Livia proposed to allocate the funds under state jurisdiction disadvantaged childhood, the "cashier" of the Italian Episcopal Conference Nicora reacted harshly, saying that "the State should not make unfair competition against the Church" ;
- because it is a game where not everyone can play: they are only allowed Confessions of subscribers to an agreement with the State. That is why the Church, through Catholic lawmakers, blocks the agreement (already signed) with the Jehovah's Witnesses and prevents the initiation of negotiations with the Islamic followers of these religions, well disciplined, thanks to the mechanism of the choices would bring untold their hierarchies, a contribution well beyond their actual percentage, with damage estimated at hundreds of millions of euros for the Catholic Church.
- because a mechanism is not clear, it deceives not only the ordinary citizen but also the educated person. One journalist has even had to apologize Rai live for his lack of knowledge of the mechanism;
- perché lo Stato, erogando questi finanziamenti, è costretto a cercarsi altre entrate con nuove forme di tassazione della popolazione.
L’Associazione per lo Sbattezzo ha lanciato anni fa un’iniziativa per l’obiezione fiscale.
L’UAAR ha anch’essa più volte criticato e chiesto modifiche alla normativa: resta il fatto che un cambiamento è fattibile solo attraverso una modifica della legge. L'UAAR ha proposto di adottare il meccanismo tedesco, per il quale solo i fedeli che desiderano esplicitamente appartenere a una confessione religiosa sono tassati per grant.
Under the Decree related to the Fiscal 2006 Budget Law, the Parliament introduced the exemption ICI (municipal property tax) for property used for commercial purposes for the Church (further extended to non-profit associations ). The Catholic Church's real estate is huge (something like 20-25% of the entire national territory), and is invaluable because of this heritage is actually used for spiritual purposes, but for commercial purposes and for commercial purposes as 'hidden' behind the spiritual goals.
According to estimates of ANCI, the measure would lead to lower revenues for the municipalities in the order of 700 million euros. The dl 223, 4 July 2006 and subsequently removed that exemption. Its formulation ( "purely commercial activities" ), however, actually undermines the measure and maintain this privilege, it is sufficient that in the building designed for business remains a small structure for religious activities.
In August 2007 the European Commission has asked the Italian Government further information on these tax advantages. It appears that neither the Prodi government, nor the Berlusconi government that took over in 2008 have never responded.
Among commercial properties, according to press reports, qualify for this exemption, we find the Brigidine Sisters house hotel in the prestigious Piazza Farnese in Rome, and spirituality and conference center better world, a structure desired by the Institute for the sustenance of the diocesan clergy.
- always with the tax return, you can deduct payments from their income to churches up to the amount of two million lire, about one thousand € and in this regard, we note that the number of offers for the sustenance of priests and, in recent years, steadily decreased;
- payment of pensions to the clergy: a special fund from the deficit in the red forever. Fortunately, with the 2000 Budget has taken place at least on these measures, raising the retirement age to 68 years and increasing the contributions of priests;
- total tax exemption, including inheritance and donations, for parishes and Church bodies ;
- payments of salaries to teachers of religion, appointed by the bishops account for more than one trillion (old lire) on the state budget, funding
- Catholic schools;
- part of the burden of urbanization, provision of Commons should be addressed to "places of worship." Not only that. Recently, arrangements have been agreed ad hoc between different splicing and regional bishops' conferences have also focused on the cultural and ecclesiastical, religious tourism and the remuneration of church personnel in hospitals. To raise awareness on this issue the UAAR has recently launched its "campaign charges .
- contributions to the speakers: granted by different regions, in May 2001 were presented two bills (identical) by some Members of the UDC. In July 2003, these texts, after some changes, became law . Against the measure have expressed very few MPs, among those opposed Tiziana Valpiana, whose vote against declaration of the House of Representatives contains important statements on the need for effective equality between believers and nonbelievers.
the UAAR In April 2007, noting the widespread lack of knowledge of the mechanism between the population and the complete disregard by the institutions to remedy the situation, he started a campaign of Information: "Eight per thousand informed, "since 2009" Occhiopermille .
With the 2006 tax return, the government introduced a new possibility: the target of the so-called "Five per thousand" of the revenue from personal income tax (completely independent from eight per thousand).
Originally conceived for funding scientific research and has now been unexpectedly extended for other purposes.
In short, the operation is this:
- if the city does not choose, five thousand of his personal income tax remains in the state budget;
- if the city will instead "earmark" its five per thousand, can choose from one of the following categories:
- support of NGO (non-profit organizations of social utility) of Article. Legislative Decree 10 of December 4, 1997, No. 460, as amended, and the social promotion associations registered with the national, regional and provincial programs, as provided. 7, paragraphs 1 2 3 and 4 of the Law of 7 December 2000, n. 383, and recognized groups operating in the fields of Art. 10, paragraph 1, letter a) of Legislative Decree 460 of 1997;
- funding of scientific research institutions and universities;
- funding health research institutions.
- the citizen also has the ability to indicate a specific beneficiary. In this case you should write the tax code of the recipient.
From 2008 tax return, you can allocate for its Five thousand AU. To do this, simply:
- affix his signature in the "Supporting the voluntary sector, non-profit social associations, associations of social promotion, of the recognized associations operating in the fields of Art. 10, c.1, letters a), of Legislative Decree no. 460 of 1997 ";
- bring the tax code dell’UAAR (92051440284) nello spazio collocato subito sotto la firma.
Se non si è tenuti a presentare la dichiarazione dei redditi è possibile firmare comunque, consegnando la scelta effettuata in qualcunque ufficio postale.
Qualora insorgano problemi per l'effettuazione della scelta si può contattare l'UAAR, o telefonando in sede al numero 06-5757511, oppure inviando una e-mail a info@uaar.it .
Maggiori informazioni, tra cui l’elenco completo dei possibili beneficiari, sono disponibili su una pagina del sito dell’ Agenzia delle Entrate .
- Campagna Occhiopermille .
- Passaparola UAAR sull’Otto per Mille , aggiornato 2008: video informativo ; presentazione Powerpoint (330 Kb); presentazione in PDF (170 Kb); animazione Flash (150 Kb).
- Volantino UAAR sull’Otto per Mille (PDF, 53 Kb).
- Informazione pubblicitaria UAAR (2008, immagine JPG, 250 Kb).
- 8x100 . Video del 2010 realizzato dai Paguri / Don Zauker.
- Brevi annotazioni sull’otto per mille di Alessandro Capriccioli, 2006.
- Esigenze di laicità della società italiana , di Sergio Lariccia, in Manifesto Laico (Laterza 1999)
- Gli impieghi dell’Otto per Mille di Alessandro Capriccioli, 2006.
- Interrogazione parlamentare sull’argomento dell’On. Stelio De Carolis del 13 dicembre 2000.
- I mercanti del Vaticano , di Mario Guarino (Kaos Edizioni 1998, seconda edizione 2009). Un testo fondamentale per capire i meccanismi di finanziamento (legali e non) della Chiesa.
- I mercanti nel tempio , di Mario Staderini, in Raffaele Carcano (ed.), The voices of the secular (Edup, 2006).
- Eight per thousand: a watch that signature , Raffaele Carcano, from the atheist No 2 / 2001.
- Eight thousand of the state - include figures who speak ... Annapaola Laldi, dell'Aduc from the site.
- Eight per thousand, or that the State deprives every year 1 billion euro Italians to give to the Catholic Church , Mario Staderini.
- Eight per thousand, because the state supports churches . Report video meeting with Mario Staderini held April 29, 2010 at the headquarters UAAR of Rome.
- economic and fiscal privileges of the Catholic Church , Silvio Manzati, 2006.
- How much state funding of the Catholic church , Marcello Vigli, 2000.
- begging , Curzio Maltese (Feltrinelli 2008).
- tax of 8 per thousand Patuzzo Mario, from the magazine The Atheist No 0 / 1996.
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