Friday, August 20, 2010
How To Remove Flem From My Baby
Auschwitz-Birkenau 19 agosto 1944
Dal Kalendarium di Danuta Czech , un profilo raccapricciante dell'angelo della morte, il dr. Mengele
L'SS-Standortarzt Wirths esprime un giudizio nei confronti del medico SS del campo di Birkenau, SS-Hauptsturmführer Mengele . Scrive tra l'altro che il dr. Mengele during his period of service in the concentration camp of Auschwitz, has its theoretical and practical knowledge to the fight against serious epidemic. All the tasks have been entrusted to them assiduously discharged and energy, showing up to every situation and fully satisfying, despite the difficult circumstances, the expectations of his superiors. He also used every free moment from service commitments to continue his studies in anthropology, in which the field has achieved extraordinary results, using the scientific material at his disposal thanks to its extended position. Scrupulously fulfilling his duty as a doctor to combat epidemics, has fallen ill he typhus. For his excellent work was rewarded with the cross second-class military honor with swords. In addition to medical knowledge, has a special training in the field of anthropology, resulting therefore suitable for any task, even higher.
From the perspective of the witnesses instead writes dr. Miklós Nyiszli , detained in the concentration camp of Auschwitz No A-8450 and that the SS- Lagerarzt Mengele conducted autopsies on the bodies of twins: "Immediately after the arrival of a transport, an SS man walking down the line that is forming of have appeared and chooses twins and dwarves. The twins and dwarves selected are put on the right side. The guards lead the group in a special hut, where there is good food and comfortable beds, acceptable hygienic conditions and detainees are treated well. And Block 14 of lager BIIf. Hence, the detainees are brought under cover in the block for experiments,
where they are subjected to all tests that can be made to a living person: blood tests, lumbar punctures, blood transfusion between twins and many more. All painful and exhausting. Similarly we proceed with the dwarves. These experiments in vivo, that is, facts about living people, passed off for medical examinations, are far from exhausting the problem of twins scientific point of view. Are relative and say little. Thus follows the next stage of testing, analysis on the basis of dissections: a comparison of normal organs with pathological or diseased ones. To do this you need corpses and as the dissection and analysis of individual organs must take place simultaneously, must also be a simultaneous death of twins, that is, simultaneously dying for experiments in the block of KL Auschwitz.
and Dr. Mengele to kill them. This is the most dangerous type of criminal, what's more with a huge force.
Send to death millions of people because, according to the German theory of race, are not men, but specimens of a specie inferiore che hanno un influsso deleterio sull'umanità».
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Sympathy Quotes Loss Of Husband
13 agosto 1943 Aktion Oderberg
Riporto questo tremendo capitolo della storia dello sterminio. Lo prendo da una nota nel Kalendarium di Danuta Czech . E' una delle tante, troppe finestre sull'orrore.... ma non si può, non si deve tacere. E' una delle "Aktion" del terrificante processo di Germanizzazione....
L'hanno denominata Aktion Oderberg, è raccapricciante e spero che faccia rabbrividire chi legge.
Nel corso dell'operazione have arrested about 750 people, that are held in prison Myslowitz. Against them are not conducted criminal investigations. The children under 15 years are separated from their mothers. Women and men are interned in concentration camps of Auschwitz, Mauthausen and Ravensbrück. Children arrested during dell'Aktion Oderberg moved from August of 1943 in the camps of Lyski at Rybnik, Gorzyce, and Oderberg Żory at Rybnik. their travels for the most varied fields of Silesia lasts an entire year. In August 1944, some of these children moved to the so-called field of UWZ Potulice-Lebrechtsdorf. 61 children age between one and 15 years are so moved to August 4, 1944 from Katowice in the field of Potulice, August 11, 1944 where the other 78 will come of age between two and 15 years from field Żory at Rybnik. (See Roman Hrab, Germanizacia ten Polskich w świetle dokumentów [ The Germanization of Polish children in the light of the documents], in: Bulletin GKBZHwP, op. Cit., Vol. 5, Warsaw 1949; Roman Hrab, Osadzenie małotenich z TZW. Prowincji Górnośląskiej wobozach, wybrane dokumenty [The stay in the camps of the so-called minor dell.Alta Silesia Province], in: Bulletin GKBZHwP, op. cit., vol. 19, Warsaw 1968).
.... is terrible, and we will never know how many were the children of ell'Aktion Oderberg ....
Riporto questo tremendo capitolo della storia dello sterminio. Lo prendo da una nota nel Kalendarium di Danuta Czech . E' una delle tante, troppe finestre sull'orrore.... ma non si può, non si deve tacere. E' una delle "Aktion" del terrificante processo di Germanizzazione....
L'hanno denominata Aktion Oderberg, è raccapricciante e spero che faccia rabbrividire chi legge.
Nel corso dell'operazione have arrested about 750 people, that are held in prison Myslowitz. Against them are not conducted criminal investigations. The children under 15 years are separated from their mothers. Women and men are interned in concentration camps of Auschwitz, Mauthausen and Ravensbrück. Children arrested during dell'Aktion Oderberg moved from August of 1943 in the camps of Lyski at Rybnik, Gorzyce, and Oderberg Żory at Rybnik. their travels for the most varied fields of Silesia lasts an entire year. In August 1944, some of these children moved to the so-called field of UWZ Potulice-Lebrechtsdorf. 61 children age between one and 15 years are so moved to August 4, 1944 from Katowice in the field of Potulice, August 11, 1944 where the other 78 will come of age between two and 15 years from field Żory at Rybnik. (See Roman Hrab, Germanizacia ten Polskich w świetle dokumentów [ The Germanization of Polish children in the light of the documents], in: Bulletin GKBZHwP, op. Cit., Vol. 5, Warsaw 1949; Roman Hrab, Osadzenie małotenich z TZW. Prowincji Górnośląskiej wobozach, wybrane dokumenty [The stay in the camps of the so-called minor dell.Alta Silesia Province], in: Bulletin GKBZHwP, op. cit., vol. 19, Warsaw 1968).
.... is terrible, and we will never know how many were the children of ell'Aktion Oderberg ....

Sunday, August 8, 2010
Nadine Jansen Miosotis
August 8
A song today in memory of those who will open the door ...... Portuguese synagogue of Amsterdam
Friday, August 6, 2010
Mlena Velba Big Boobs
Hiroshima , August 6, 1945
The door of the memory remember back to Hiroshima.
65 years have passed, but the lament of Toge Sankichi not find consolation
Give me back my father
give me back my mother
Give me back my children
Give me back myself
Toge Sankichi

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