Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sympathy Quotes Loss Of Husband

13 agosto 1943 Aktion Oderberg
Riporto questo tremendo capitolo della storia dello sterminio. Lo prendo da una nota nel Kalendarium di Danuta Czech . E' una delle tante, troppe finestre sull'orrore.... ma non si può, non si deve tacere. E' una delle "Aktion" del terrificante processo di Germanizzazione....
L'hanno denominata Aktion Oderberg, è raccapricciante e spero che faccia rabbrividire chi legge.

Nel corso dell'operazione have arrested about 750 people, that are held in prison Myslowitz. Against them are not conducted criminal investigations. The children under 15 years are separated from their mothers. Women and men are interned in concentration camps of Auschwitz, Mauthausen and Ravensbrück. Children arrested during dell'Aktion Oderberg moved from August of 1943 in the camps of Lyski at Rybnik, Gorzyce, and Oderberg Żory at Rybnik. their travels for the most varied fields of Silesia lasts an entire year. In August 1944, some of these children moved to the so-called field of UWZ Potulice-Lebrechtsdorf. 61 children age between one and 15 years are so moved to August 4, 1944 from Katowice in the field of Potulice, August 11, 1944 where the other 78 will come of age between two and 15 years from field Żory at Rybnik. (See Roman Hrab, Germanizacia ten Polskich w świetle dokumentów [ The Germanization of Polish children in the light of the documents], in: Bulletin GKBZHwP, op. Cit., Vol. 5, Warsaw 1949; Roman Hrab, Osadzenie małotenich z TZW. Prowincji Górnośląskiej wobozach, wybrane dokumenty [The stay in the camps of the so-called minor dell.Alta Silesia Province], in: Bulletin GKBZHwP, op. cit., vol. 19, Warsaw 1968).
.... is terrible, and we will never know how many were the children of ell'Aktion Oderberg ....


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