Saturday, March 12, 2011

Average Dress Size In The Us

Since I'm a patented stoned I managed to lose over the years, the tax code and health card.

The first, after putting the house upside down, I found in a drawer, but no trace of the card and then, two days prior to departure for London, I have activated the new card.

Once enough to do this to the website of the Revenue and then, through a form, request the new card. It dava la possibilità di stampare una versione sostitutiva provvisoria e la nuova veniva mandata comodamente a casa. Un servizio eccezionale che tagliava tempi e costi.

Ovviamente essendo ottimo si è pensato bene di rimuoverlo.

Adesso per richiedere la nuova tessera sanitaria bisogna per forza recarsi alla A.s.l. di competenza, fare la fila e tutto il resto.

E così, ieri mattina, mi ci sono recato da bravo cittadino, ho evitato di parcheggiare in seconda fila come la maggior parte delle persone presenti in sala d'attesa, e giunto il mio turno mi sono stepped in at the counter.

I say what I need, the lady asked me the tax code and what it does? It connects to Revenue in the first page that was open to the public, and begins to enter my data.

What could I do from the comfort of my home was doing the 'old woman from his office, with the slowness typical of those who write with one finger, and then lost twenty minutes to fill out a form that I would only be completed in three.

ends the procedure, I print my temporary copy of the card and tells me that I will home soon.

Thank you sir!

Photo: nintwhell


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