Appeals father Alex Zanotelli: "These years of commitment and awareness on water, lead me to say that we have achieved a cultural victory in Italy, which now has to become political" .
Alex Zanotelli by Nigrizia.it
"This is the year of the water, the year in which we Italians have to decide whether the water will be good or basic human right. On November 19, 2009 The Berlusconi government has voted for the law Ronchi, privatizing the faucets in Italy. It is the defeat of politics, is the victory of economic-financial potentates.
is the victory of the market, the commodification of the 'creature' most sacred we have: 'sister water'.
This decree will be paid a heavy price from the underprivileged classes of that country, which, for the fare increase, will find it increasingly difficult to pay the water bills (as we citizens of Series A and Series B!). Most importantly, the privatization of water, will be paid by the poor of the South with millions of dead of thirst. For me it is criminal to multinationals entrust the most precious asset of humanity (the 'blue gold "), well that will be increasingly scarce, both for climate change (melting of glaciers and snowfields) and for the increase population.
Water is a fundamental human right, to be managed by the municipalities in total public capital, which have always been the duty of ensuring the distribution for all at the lowest cost possible.
Unfortunately, our government, with the law Ronchi, he chose another path, that of commodification of water. But I am convinced that the victory of economic-financial potentates will turn into a boomerang. is already significant popular reaction against this immoral decision. These years of commitment and awareness on water, lead me to say that we have achieved a cultural victory in Italy, which now has to become political. is why the Italian Forum of Water Movements public lancia ora il Referendum abrogativo della Legge Ronchi, che dovrà raccogliere, fra aprile e luglio 2010, circa seicentomila firme.
Non sarà un referendum solo abrogativo, ma una vera e propria consultazione popolare su un tema molto chiaro: o la privatizzazione dell'acqua o il suo affidamento ad un soggetto di diritto pubblico. Le date del referendum verranno annunciate in una grande manifestazione nazionale a Roma il 20 marzo, alla vigilia della Giornata Mondiale dell'acqua (22marzo). Nel frattempo chiediamo a tutti di costituirsi in gruppi e comitati in difesa dell'acqua, che siano poi capaci di coordinarsi a livello provinciale e regionale.
È la difesa del bene più prezioso che abbiamo (aria and water are the two essential elements for life!).
We call on all groups and committees to put pressure on their first municipalities to convene single issue advice to state that the water is a non-economic importance. This opens the possibility to entrust the management of water to a person of public law.
We need thousands of communities to express themselves. This could be a propositional ALTR referendum. Only a great popular movement may give us cross a great victory for the common good. Waterfront
we play everything, even our democracy. We must and can win. He made Paris (home of the big multinational water companies , Veolia, Ondeo, Saur who are putting their hands on water Italian) to return to public management.
We can do it too. Mobilize! It is the year of water! "
(February 15, 2010)
Alex Zanotelli by Nigrizia.it
"This is the year of the water, the year in which we Italians have to decide whether the water will be good or basic human right. On November 19, 2009 The Berlusconi government has voted for the law Ronchi, privatizing the faucets in Italy. It is the defeat of politics, is the victory of economic-financial potentates.
is the victory of the market, the commodification of the 'creature' most sacred we have: 'sister water'.
This decree will be paid a heavy price from the underprivileged classes of that country, which, for the fare increase, will find it increasingly difficult to pay the water bills (as we citizens of Series A and Series B!). Most importantly, the privatization of water, will be paid by the poor of the South with millions of dead of thirst. For me it is criminal to multinationals entrust the most precious asset of humanity (the 'blue gold "), well that will be increasingly scarce, both for climate change (melting of glaciers and snowfields) and for the increase population.
Water is a fundamental human right, to be managed by the municipalities in total public capital, which have always been the duty of ensuring the distribution for all at the lowest cost possible.
Unfortunately, our government, with the law Ronchi, he chose another path, that of commodification of water. But I am convinced that the victory of economic-financial potentates will turn into a boomerang. is already significant popular reaction against this immoral decision. These years of commitment and awareness on water, lead me to say that we have achieved a cultural victory in Italy, which now has to become political. is why the Italian Forum of Water Movements public lancia ora il Referendum abrogativo della Legge Ronchi, che dovrà raccogliere, fra aprile e luglio 2010, circa seicentomila firme.
Non sarà un referendum solo abrogativo, ma una vera e propria consultazione popolare su un tema molto chiaro: o la privatizzazione dell'acqua o il suo affidamento ad un soggetto di diritto pubblico. Le date del referendum verranno annunciate in una grande manifestazione nazionale a Roma il 20 marzo, alla vigilia della Giornata Mondiale dell'acqua (22marzo). Nel frattempo chiediamo a tutti di costituirsi in gruppi e comitati in difesa dell'acqua, che siano poi capaci di coordinarsi a livello provinciale e regionale.
È la difesa del bene più prezioso che abbiamo (aria and water are the two essential elements for life!).
We call on all groups and committees to put pressure on their first municipalities to convene single issue advice to state that the water is a non-economic importance. This opens the possibility to entrust the management of water to a person of public law.
We need thousands of communities to express themselves. This could be a propositional ALTR referendum. Only a great popular movement may give us cross a great victory for the common good. Waterfront
we play everything, even our democracy. We must and can win. He made Paris (home of the big multinational water companies , Veolia, Ondeo, Saur who are putting their hands on water Italian) to return to public management.
We can do it too. Mobilize! It is the year of water! "
(February 15, 2010)
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