Circles Valdichiana believe that the next regional elections represent an important step for the visibility and the establishment of the PRC Communist Party saved even if battered by an attempt to splinter wound occurred with the last congress of Chianciano. The election is also an opportunity for verification of what we should call the Federation of anti-capitalist left, and the Communist antagonist. These conditions together with the attempt to determinate the polarization of the political system with the rejection of the amendment of electoral law in line with the objective of eliminating the PDL PD-wing political buoyancy general and in particular the Communists, makes it essential to find alternative and a stand-alone profile of our party. These considerations apply to the entire policy framework of the general election of 2010 has become a subtle problem with the light of the liberal impulse that our region has shown over the years in the field of outsourcing and privatization of services - more than any other Italian regions.
The PRC, came mostly during construction has made any effort to limit the damage and to give a left and progressive regional policies in this framework include:
Law on Regional 'immigration. It is one of the most advanced at the national level, and this is an element of prestige in Tuscany, even within Europe;
The provision on non-self-sufficiency. It of a fund - to assist the disabled and elderly - who turns out to be one of those where were transferred more resources than other regions;
The law on social safety nets, through which various resources have been committed to regional to give an initial response to emergencies caused by the global crisis of capitalism (actually Liguria, Piedmont, Emilia-Romagna and Lombardy have done much more than the Toscana);
single list for the surgery, by which we should not (it is good - the state - the conditional use) to assist more shame – con la cd doppia lista - di chi può, pagando, farsi operare in intramoenia molto tempo prima rispetto a chi è costretto a seguire la lista pubblica;
Abbattimento delle liste di attesa, grazie alla quale dovremmo (anche qui è bene – allo stato – usare il condizionale) accorciare i tempi biblici per molti tipi di esami, a patto che – però – ciò non si traduca in un peggioramento della qualità delle prestazioni. Purtroppo, dobbiamo registrare, però, che il bilancio sulla nostra presenza in maggioranza pende per il negativo ed il nostro apporto è modesto e spesso contraddittorio: infatti, nella percezione dei nostri referenti e dei nostri simpatizzanti, l'ingresso in maggioranza (ed il permanervi in futuro) è stato (e sarà) semplicemente incoerente e contraddittorio rispetto alla nostra tradizionale collocazione alla testa di una serie di vertenze regionali o locali (termalismo, sanità, acqua) contro le politiche liberiste. Il rischio evidente è di diventare la controparte di queste mobilitazioni locali. Di seguito si evidenziano una serie di condizioni negative determinate dalla politica regionale toscana, quali:
Acqua. Il cosiddetto Modello Toscano ha di gran lunga anticipato la privatizzazione nel campo della gestione del sistema idrico integrato appena varato dal Governo Berlusconi. E nonostante oggi PD Tuscan shows tentative signs of discomfort and regardless of the percentage of shares held by the public and private, reality and experience of these years shows us that the individual directs all at will, with joint ATO and unable to fight it and ensure fairness for the citizens and the realization of the investment promised. Our party has always fought against this model, has collected thousands of signatures in both 2005 and 2007, and the entry in most Regional has made us complicit in the PD and not in the eyes of the people;
Urbanism. Urban expansion in Tuscany is - in recent years - perfectly aligning the terrible trends in Europe, with an impressive decline for hundreds of thousands of acres of open space expansion construction: the eco-monsters have become a normality in the coast and begin to appear in territories hitherto been free, such as Florence, Siena, Val d'Orcia, etc ... The region, despite having an adequate system of rules does not intervene and the Municipalities in the face of the same structural and plans to fit the zoning local speculation. In addition, the serious legal consequences to events in and around Florence (who are not concluded) reveal the closeness of most of the apparatus of PD with the tips most advanced of the most outrageous speculation;
Infrastructure. The Tyrrhenian Highway - after our entry into the majority, in 2008 - was formally declared the region priority. Instead of strengthening the Aurelia, we build another snake of asphalt that will devastate the area and will cost hundreds of millions of euro. Projects Pharaonic High Speed \u200b\u200b/ High Capacity are bridge (eg. Stop the super fast trains underground in the area of \u200b\u200bSanta Maria Novella in Florence) oblivious already caused disasters in Mugello (where no one seems to pay the consequences). Thereby neglecting the problem ever faced Cassia seriously, despite being increasingly used in a way - no concrete plan of action to improve services and improve transport and to allow easy and continuous accessibility of wonderful places like Val d 'Orcia Amica. In a crisis like this we would need to freeze the great works and to initiate a reorganization of our country can give a shot in the arm for our economy also characterized by small and closely connected to the system and linked to local employment infrastructure projects for tourism and for the few industries that are located there and sustain the economy of these areas.
Cave. La Junta Regional - in 2008 - has adopted resolutions on a personal basis to allow municipalities to waive Tuscany with its legislation and to initiate mining activities even at the sites of the Natura 2000 network, essentially forcing the provinces to provide in PAERP;
cycle management of waste. Should be made new plants and expanding existing ones within the plans of the extraordinary waste of ATO 3, Tuscany will be the European region with the highest number of waste incineration plants, of course in relation to permanent residents and the administrative area. And 'no point in making good laws, if not then it monitors the implementation da parte degli enti che ne sarebbero preposti, cioè i propri ATO;
Tutela del Territorio. Concessioni indiscriminate per la costruzione di centrali a biomasse affidate a qualsiasi privato ne faccia richiesta, scarico di fanghi nelle zone più rappresentative del sud Toscana come la Valdichiana e come la Val d'Orcia, fra l’altro proprietà dell'UNESCO. Nessun progetto concreto per la valorizzazione della Amiata, solo foto pubblicitarie quando si deve cercare voti.
Termalismo. La grave crisi del termalismo determinata dalla soppressione del Congedo Termale ma anche dalle regionalizzazione della Sanità in cui ci sono grosse responsabilità del Centro-Sinistra ha prodotto crisi strutturali nei centri termali tradizionali quali Montecatini, Chianciano e Casciana. In questo quadro la Regione, pur essendo proprietaria degli stabilimenti insieme ai Comuni, non ha prodotto nessuna iniziativa nel campo del termalismo sanitario ed ha vanificato la stessa legge 323 del 2000 (voluta dall’allora Governo Prodi) facendola rimanere inapplicata sia nelle parti che richiedevano investimenti e sia nelle parti regolamentari quali l’art. 13 che riguarda la qualità delle stazioni termali. Solo Chianciano ed il territorio circostante negli ultimi 5 anni hanno prodotto la perdita di 2000 posti di lavoro, senza contare l’indebolimento dell’indotto artigianale. Quest’anno decine di aziende alberghiere non riapriranno e tutto peserà sulla tenuta sociale di interi territori.
Sanità: La Toscana è stata la prima regione ad aziendalizzare le USL, creando un sistema ibrido che da una parte sfugge al controllo del territorio e dall’altra rende i servizi sempre meno accessibili soprattutto per i più deboli। Per correre ai ripari si è fatto peggio istituendo la Società della Salute. La Valdichiana si è candidata subito alla sperimentazione, che senza nessuna verifica dei consigli comunali, è diventata effettiva in quasi tutta la Regione. L’esperienza Valdichiana ci parla di un carrozzone dove risiedono più soggetti ma il vero padrone è il Direttore Generale (espressione 49% of ASL) that takes decisions in regard to the Wide Area hospital system and imposes on the social choices with respect to the district. It has also created a system of institutional steps of City funds to social-SDS-ASL-Private Social insecurity that making money on the operators and does not warrant the services in terms of both quality and quantity. The municipal councils are only spectators of slides that show data and statistics which expresses a symbolic acknowledgment. Among other things, in a time when the region attempts to rationalize spending and reduce their bodies to save resources, the tens of millions of euro per year to be spent on the 34 SDS are a contradictory signal.
electoral law. Again, remember that the electoral law called "bullshit Calderoli" of 2006 has been delivered along the lines of the Tuscan tag with a mess-PD-PDL, behind even the allies of the government and the introduction of barriers and anti-democratic without restoring the sacred right to express their preferences. In view of these evaluations and the fact that Tuscany is not running the risk of a victory of the PDL, the circles of the Chiana Valley is an independent state-oriented presentation of the PRC-SE to 2010 within the Regional Federation of the Left Alternative and in competition with PdL and PD, in order to be understandable and credible with regard to social subjects that we represent (oppressed by the capitalist crisis) to which we turn our countryside. The term of the (short) experience in Tuscany Union should not be seen as a defeat, however, as a sign of weakness or lack of culture of government: the defeat can live as only those who do not want to take note of the absolute immutability of the paradigms which characterize the present stage PD. can not live it - instead - how to defeat the Communists, who have as their sole reference to the precarious workers, the unemployed, workers, and the last at large. A final consideration is the dreaded possibility of setting up a single list for the regional in which - in - would be placed next to the symbol of our Federation does not quite know what and to whom (Democratic Left? Green? Left Ecology Freedom ?): we believe this devastating situation, as we all remember well the undisguised satisfaction of them, which on one hand despaired for their lack of a quorum at the European elections, but on the other rejoiced because they had succeeded in making sweeping way we, who have also become paradoxical in the division perceived as a different strategy because it highlights the division only come una conseguenza della lotta di potere fra apparati interni del PRC.
I Circoli della Valdichiana
The PRC, came mostly during construction has made any effort to limit the damage and to give a left and progressive regional policies in this framework include:
Law on Regional 'immigration. It is one of the most advanced at the national level, and this is an element of prestige in Tuscany, even within Europe;
The provision on non-self-sufficiency. It of a fund - to assist the disabled and elderly - who turns out to be one of those where were transferred more resources than other regions;
The law on social safety nets, through which various resources have been committed to regional to give an initial response to emergencies caused by the global crisis of capitalism (actually Liguria, Piedmont, Emilia-Romagna and Lombardy have done much more than the Toscana);
single list for the surgery, by which we should not (it is good - the state - the conditional use) to assist more shame – con la cd doppia lista - di chi può, pagando, farsi operare in intramoenia molto tempo prima rispetto a chi è costretto a seguire la lista pubblica;
Abbattimento delle liste di attesa, grazie alla quale dovremmo (anche qui è bene – allo stato – usare il condizionale) accorciare i tempi biblici per molti tipi di esami, a patto che – però – ciò non si traduca in un peggioramento della qualità delle prestazioni. Purtroppo, dobbiamo registrare, però, che il bilancio sulla nostra presenza in maggioranza pende per il negativo ed il nostro apporto è modesto e spesso contraddittorio: infatti, nella percezione dei nostri referenti e dei nostri simpatizzanti, l'ingresso in maggioranza (ed il permanervi in futuro) è stato (e sarà) semplicemente incoerente e contraddittorio rispetto alla nostra tradizionale collocazione alla testa di una serie di vertenze regionali o locali (termalismo, sanità, acqua) contro le politiche liberiste. Il rischio evidente è di diventare la controparte di queste mobilitazioni locali. Di seguito si evidenziano una serie di condizioni negative determinate dalla politica regionale toscana, quali:
Acqua. Il cosiddetto Modello Toscano ha di gran lunga anticipato la privatizzazione nel campo della gestione del sistema idrico integrato appena varato dal Governo Berlusconi. E nonostante oggi PD Tuscan shows tentative signs of discomfort and regardless of the percentage of shares held by the public and private, reality and experience of these years shows us that the individual directs all at will, with joint ATO and unable to fight it and ensure fairness for the citizens and the realization of the investment promised. Our party has always fought against this model, has collected thousands of signatures in both 2005 and 2007, and the entry in most Regional has made us complicit in the PD and not in the eyes of the people;
Urbanism. Urban expansion in Tuscany is - in recent years - perfectly aligning the terrible trends in Europe, with an impressive decline for hundreds of thousands of acres of open space expansion construction: the eco-monsters have become a normality in the coast and begin to appear in territories hitherto been free, such as Florence, Siena, Val d'Orcia, etc ... The region, despite having an adequate system of rules does not intervene and the Municipalities in the face of the same structural and plans to fit the zoning local speculation. In addition, the serious legal consequences to events in and around Florence (who are not concluded) reveal the closeness of most of the apparatus of PD with the tips most advanced of the most outrageous speculation;
Infrastructure. The Tyrrhenian Highway - after our entry into the majority, in 2008 - was formally declared the region priority. Instead of strengthening the Aurelia, we build another snake of asphalt that will devastate the area and will cost hundreds of millions of euro. Projects Pharaonic High Speed \u200b\u200b/ High Capacity are bridge (eg. Stop the super fast trains underground in the area of \u200b\u200bSanta Maria Novella in Florence) oblivious already caused disasters in Mugello (where no one seems to pay the consequences). Thereby neglecting the problem ever faced Cassia seriously, despite being increasingly used in a way - no concrete plan of action to improve services and improve transport and to allow easy and continuous accessibility of wonderful places like Val d 'Orcia Amica. In a crisis like this we would need to freeze the great works and to initiate a reorganization of our country can give a shot in the arm for our economy also characterized by small and closely connected to the system and linked to local employment infrastructure projects for tourism and for the few industries that are located there and sustain the economy of these areas.
Cave. La Junta Regional - in 2008 - has adopted resolutions on a personal basis to allow municipalities to waive Tuscany with its legislation and to initiate mining activities even at the sites of the Natura 2000 network, essentially forcing the provinces to provide in PAERP;
cycle management of waste. Should be made new plants and expanding existing ones within the plans of the extraordinary waste of ATO 3, Tuscany will be the European region with the highest number of waste incineration plants, of course in relation to permanent residents and the administrative area. And 'no point in making good laws, if not then it monitors the implementation da parte degli enti che ne sarebbero preposti, cioè i propri ATO;
Tutela del Territorio. Concessioni indiscriminate per la costruzione di centrali a biomasse affidate a qualsiasi privato ne faccia richiesta, scarico di fanghi nelle zone più rappresentative del sud Toscana come la Valdichiana e come la Val d'Orcia, fra l’altro proprietà dell'UNESCO. Nessun progetto concreto per la valorizzazione della Amiata, solo foto pubblicitarie quando si deve cercare voti.
Termalismo. La grave crisi del termalismo determinata dalla soppressione del Congedo Termale ma anche dalle regionalizzazione della Sanità in cui ci sono grosse responsabilità del Centro-Sinistra ha prodotto crisi strutturali nei centri termali tradizionali quali Montecatini, Chianciano e Casciana. In questo quadro la Regione, pur essendo proprietaria degli stabilimenti insieme ai Comuni, non ha prodotto nessuna iniziativa nel campo del termalismo sanitario ed ha vanificato la stessa legge 323 del 2000 (voluta dall’allora Governo Prodi) facendola rimanere inapplicata sia nelle parti che richiedevano investimenti e sia nelle parti regolamentari quali l’art. 13 che riguarda la qualità delle stazioni termali. Solo Chianciano ed il territorio circostante negli ultimi 5 anni hanno prodotto la perdita di 2000 posti di lavoro, senza contare l’indebolimento dell’indotto artigianale. Quest’anno decine di aziende alberghiere non riapriranno e tutto peserà sulla tenuta sociale di interi territori.
Sanità: La Toscana è stata la prima regione ad aziendalizzare le USL, creando un sistema ibrido che da una parte sfugge al controllo del territorio e dall’altra rende i servizi sempre meno accessibili soprattutto per i più deboli। Per correre ai ripari si è fatto peggio istituendo la Società della Salute. La Valdichiana si è candidata subito alla sperimentazione, che senza nessuna verifica dei consigli comunali, è diventata effettiva in quasi tutta la Regione. L’esperienza Valdichiana ci parla di un carrozzone dove risiedono più soggetti ma il vero padrone è il Direttore Generale (espressione 49% of ASL) that takes decisions in regard to the Wide Area hospital system and imposes on the social choices with respect to the district. It has also created a system of institutional steps of City funds to social-SDS-ASL-Private Social insecurity that making money on the operators and does not warrant the services in terms of both quality and quantity. The municipal councils are only spectators of slides that show data and statistics which expresses a symbolic acknowledgment. Among other things, in a time when the region attempts to rationalize spending and reduce their bodies to save resources, the tens of millions of euro per year to be spent on the 34 SDS are a contradictory signal.
electoral law. Again, remember that the electoral law called "bullshit Calderoli" of 2006 has been delivered along the lines of the Tuscan tag with a mess-PD-PDL, behind even the allies of the government and the introduction of barriers and anti-democratic without restoring the sacred right to express their preferences. In view of these evaluations and the fact that Tuscany is not running the risk of a victory of the PDL, the circles of the Chiana Valley is an independent state-oriented presentation of the PRC-SE to 2010 within the Regional Federation of the Left Alternative and in competition with PdL and PD, in order to be understandable and credible with regard to social subjects that we represent (oppressed by the capitalist crisis) to which we turn our countryside. The term of the (short) experience in Tuscany Union should not be seen as a defeat, however, as a sign of weakness or lack of culture of government: the defeat can live as only those who do not want to take note of the absolute immutability of the paradigms which characterize the present stage PD. can not live it - instead - how to defeat the Communists, who have as their sole reference to the precarious workers, the unemployed, workers, and the last at large. A final consideration is the dreaded possibility of setting up a single list for the regional in which - in - would be placed next to the symbol of our Federation does not quite know what and to whom (Democratic Left? Green? Left Ecology Freedom ?): we believe this devastating situation, as we all remember well the undisguised satisfaction of them, which on one hand despaired for their lack of a quorum at the European elections, but on the other rejoiced because they had succeeded in making sweeping way we, who have also become paradoxical in the division perceived as a different strategy because it highlights the division only come una conseguenza della lotta di potere fra apparati interni del PRC.
I Circoli della Valdichiana
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