Democracies are historically and statistically, the most corrupt regimes. The parties competing for power, need the consent and not enough propaganda and control, directly or indirectly, the media (which, not coincidentally, are called, unashamedly, "the tools of consensus," senza nemmeno più rendersi conto di quanto ciò li squalifichi) se lo comprano. E per comprarselo hanno bisogno di soldi, che si procurano con le tangenti, gli affari illegali e ruberie di vario genere.
L’altra via per procacciarsi il consenso è quella del clientelismo e delle affiliazioni paramafiose in cui il cittadino si vende in cambio di protezione, vantaggi, prebende. I sostenitori della democrazia sostengono che ciò è fisiologico, è il prezzo da pagare alla libertà. Di quale libertà poi si tratta ci sarebbe molto da discutere.
L’unica libertà garantita è quella economica sulla quale, poiché è il volano del sistema, si è disposti a chiudere an eye even when it is acting in violation of the Act (see the recent speech of the Minister Scajola and old indignation when they were under investigation Prada and company because it "will damage your image in the world" and therefore its economy).
For the rest never lived in a climate that in this most illiberal in which all declare themselves liberals. Basically, with the most varied pretexts, safety, health, public decency, we can no longer do anything. You can not smoke anymore, you can not drink, you can not, with various tricks, even go to hell (street, if you call escort, which is the stuff of rich, you make the appropriate exceptions).
In Verona is forbidden to consume alcohol outside the bar, nibbling sandwiches on the streets, sleeping outside, turn torso naked, bathing in the fountains. The mayor of Vicenza has imposed a fine of 500 € for "RV and trailer parking in that turn a campfire," while that of Novara has banned night walks in the parks to more than two people (fascism merely considered "seditious assembly "a knot with more than five individuals) and Eraclea, Sicily, children can no longer build sandcastles on the beach.
One could go on and on, but I stop because it is not the illiberality democratic interests me here, but the corruption of democracy. If corruption is a physiology of democracy in Italy is a disease. Also because no longer ashamed of herself, even if it has (the former mayor of Milan, Paolo Pillitteri, while cash in bribes, mocked "those idiot who did not understand how the world"), has not even hypocrisy, as La Rochefoucauld said, "is the toll that vice pays to virtue" and in any case is always someone ready to justify and allow his players to get away as we have seen in recent decades.
In this sense, Italy, the country has always been the laboratory (here, with the Florentine merchants and Piacenza, was born the modern, you said it fascism, father of twentieth-century totalitarianism) is extremely interesting, because with his arrogant corruption, performed, unpunished, impudent and imprudent to unmask the true nature of democracies, even those that hide more skillfully.
In its essence, the representative democracy, as I wrote a bit 'in my book brutally Subjects - Manifesto against democracy is a system, clever and sophisticated, to put it in the ass to people, and especially to poor people, with his consent . Maybe
from Italy, in reaction to the abuses, the abuses, the arbitri, alla sistematica grassazione del denaro pubblico, cioè del nostro denaro, non nasca qualcosa che spazzi via, qui e altrove, una volta per tutte questa truffa legalizzata. Meditate, suorine democratiche del “Fatto”,
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