Massimo Fini
Democracies are historically and statistically, the most corrupt regimes. The parties competing for power, need of consensus and not enough propaganda and control, directly or indirectly, the media (which, not coincidentally, are called, unashamedly, "the tools of consensus," without even realizing how much more this disqualifies them) if buy it. And they need money to buy it, who obtain the kickbacks, theft and illegal business of various kinds. The other way to procure the consent is that of patronage and affiliation paramafiose in which the citizen is sold in exchange for protection, benefits, prebend. Proponents of democracy argue that this is physiological, it is the price we pay for freedom. What kind of freedom then is there is much to discuss. The only guarantee is that economic freedom on which, as is the driving force of the system, you are willing to turn a blind eye even when it acted in violation of the law (see the recent speech of the Minister Scajola and the old indignation when they were under investigation Prada and company because it "will damage your image in the world" and therefore its economy).
For the rest never lived in a climate that in this most illiberal in which all declare themselves liberals. Basically, with the most varied pretexts, the sicurezza, della salute, della pubblica decenza, non si può più fare niente. Non si può più fumare, non si può bere, non si può, con vari escamotage, nemmeno andare a puttane (da strada, se si chiamano escort, che è roba da ricchi, si fanno le opportune eccezioni).
A Verona è vietato consumare alcool fuori dai bar, sbocconcellare panini per strada, dormire all’aperto, girare a torso nudo, bagnarsi nelle fontane. Il sindaco di Vicenza ha imposto una multa di 500 euro per "camper e roulotte che trasformano la sosta in un bivacco" mentre quello di Novara ha vietato le passeggiate notturne nei parchi a più di due persone (il fascismo si limitava a considerare "Seditious assembly" a knot with more than five individuals) and Eraclea, Sicily, children can no longer build sandcastles on the beach.
One could go on and on, but I stop because it is not the Democratic illiberality that interests me here, but the corruption of democracy. If corruption is a physiology of democracy in Italy is a disease. Also because no longer ashamed of herself, even if it has (the former mayor of Milan, Paolo Pillitteri, while cash in bribes, mocked "those idiot who did not understand how the world"), has not even hypocrisy, as La Rochefoucauld said, "is the toll that vice pays to virtue" and in any case is always someone ready to justify and allow his players to get away as we have seen in recent decades.
In this sense, Italy, the country has always been the laboratory (here, with the Florentine merchants and Piacenza, was born the modern, you said it fascism, father of twentieth-century totalitarianism) is extremely interesting, because with his arrogant corruption, performed, unpunished, impudent and imprudent to unmask the true nature of democracies, even those that hide more skillfully.
In its essence, the representative democracy, as I wrote a bit 'in my book brutally Subjects - Manifesto against democracy is a system, clever and sophisticated, to put it in the ass to people, and especially the poor people, with his consent.
Maybe from Italy, in reaction to the abuses, the abuses, the referees, the systematic robberies of public money, that's our money, something that will sweep away not born here and elsewhere, once and for all this legalized scam. Meditate, democratic nun the "Done",
from the daily
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