Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Pain On Both Sides Of The Stomach

Dedicated to the children of Terezin

..... I direct a choir, a virtual choir. A choir of 15,000 voices ! are voices, children's voices, the voices of adolescents. Our choir has a drama background, we are in the ghetto of Terezin. Of those 15,000 will only 100. Maybe a natural disaster, an evil malicious infection, a flood took them away with him? No, not a reason involuntary and unpredictable, not a biblical cataclysm, not the bubonic plague, but hatred, racial persecution, extermination planned and brought to the table avanti per anni senza pietà, nè rimorsi.
14.900 bambini di Terezin uccisi da uomini e donne senza cuore, senza d-o, uccisi solo perchè ebrei.
Ma i nazisti non avevano fatto i conti con il futuro, non potevano prevedere che dopo più di mezzo secolo ci sarebbero state persone capaci di riesumare i resti, di accorpare i brandelli di ricordi per consegnarli alla memoria.
Accolgo l'invito del cantore, getto le mie dita stanche sull'arpa e canto, canto la storia di quattordicimilanovecento bambini massacrati.
Vado accoppiando scarpe, rovisto in una montagna di scarpe buttate alla rinfusa; prendo riccioli d'oro e neri da quel cumulo gigantesco di capelli, raccolgo giocattoli and small memories, I compile my list that lasts a lifetime.
14,900 children killed, dwarfing the creator, keeps the sleeping man, it hurts the soul, destroys the balance, subverts the order of things! But the sun came back to spring, the seasons are alternated, life has resumed flowing ... but the executioner did not deal with us. We feel given the responsibility of the witnesses, we are so into the problem that it is as if we had been there, hell, we can not remain silent, because we feel we were born for this, called in to perform this painful but sacred mandato.Noi cast our fingers on the harp and sing the song of 14,900 children Terezin massacred

Way Is My Vtech Kidizoom To Slow

advertising on TomTom

For those who have the famous navigator, but also for those who did not have but want a laugh, here is the dubbing of the Tom Tom did the Prince of Darkness Dark Vader

until today I had the Ranzani di Cantù , but I am ready to change:)
Absolutely amazing:)

Here the video

Ps. My "friend" Sheldon will felcissimo

Monday, November 29, 2010

Is 7 Week Hiv Antibody Test Conclusive?


While a great fighter is how Monicelli life and leaves, I wonder how in Italy there may be people like this here.

Apart from the fact that Berlusconi has given to five thousand euro for a knock, despite the fact that afterward he told the whole world by replacing the term " puttanazza "to the more pronounceable of "Escort" and planning to appear, however, a professional who knows what.

To hear her speak I want to do the insane act, as the master Mario above.

But you can be stoned to do so picked up by one at a traffic light and then end up € 5,000 to do work and chores to an old age of 80?
To hear her speak I doubt if it's true or not, the goose and the interview!

Maybe it's just me ... well, look for yourself

Friday, November 26, 2010

Philllips Saa 7130 Drivers

Batelco - Infinity

Un video eccezionale, un sogno ad occhi aperti reso realtà da questi maghi della Computer Grafica.

Molto molto bello :)
Buona visione
Ps. Io sarei stato quello in skate, on alternativa king kong ;)

Where Can I Find 12chan

November 26
a glimpse of the horror.
Here's what happened at Auschwitz-Birkenau on 26 November 1944 . It 'an anonymous who leaves us this incredible testimony. To confirm the face of history that happened in hell of the concentration camp of Birkenau extermination:
On 26 November 1944, the SS commander Heinrich Himmler orders from Berlin that the Birkenau crematoria should be dismantled ... and the destruction of the crematoria should also be erased all traces that bear witness to the incredible mass destruction. Even men are part of the Sonderkommando, the teams involved in the crematorium, they must disappear from the face of the earth. This
the order from Berlin, but ....

Among the 200 prisoners in the Sonderkommando serving the crematoria of Birkenau, a selection is conducted, during which 30 detainees have chosen to work in the crematorium V. To the other 170 detainees have said
instead be taken to the bathroom in the so-called Sauna
An unknown author, a member of the Sonderkommando, writes in his notebook: "Now we go to the Area. The 170 remaining. We are sure you will kill us. They have chosen 30 that remain in the crematorium V. Today is November 26, 1944. "

Likely, the 170 inmates Sonderkommando, 70 sono trattenuti nel lager e assegnati al cosiddetto Abbruchkommando, impiegato nello smontaggio dei crematori e nella cancellazione delle tracce dei crimini. Questi due gruppi, vale a dire i 30 detenuti che servono il Crematorio V e i 70 dell'Abbruchkommando, lasceranno il lager il 18 gennaio 1945 insieme ai detenuti evacuati da Birkenau. Questi detenuti arrivano al campo di concentramento di Mauthausen (alcuni per strada fuggono), dove non rivelano la loro attività nel crematorio, salvando così la vita.
Gli altri 100 detenuti selezionati il 26 novembre sono probabilmente fucilati a Birkenau, in una delle fosse per l'incenerimento dei cadaveri, dove anche i loro corpi vengono bruciati. Questa ipotesi è avanzata in base alle few sentences of the manuscript or Lejb Lajb Langfuß (Lejb, Handschrift [manuscript], in H v A, loc. cit., No. 14, 1973, p. 69)

Text taken from Kalendarium of Danuta Czech available on page 106
© ANED - http / / www.deportati.it

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Muslim Men Pubic Hair

Precari, arriva il Collegato Lavoro

Precarious, comes the Linked Work. Now it is almost impossible to sue companies

Law 183 introduces a series of posts and legal loopholes that r ender the lives of workers atypical hard. It will be almost impossible to challenge in court his contract of employment

Those who have had poor experiences professional knows that having good relations with key is crucial. I will renew the contract? I will extend it? I will take an indefinite period? First, then or ever? Are some questions that plague the daily atypical worker. But now, who is in limbo between the time a contract expired and one that perhaps will - co.co.pro, collaboration, or temporary - is at a crossroads. Entered into force today the law 183 of 2010, better known as "Connected work."

was. The old law guaranteed years to those who wished to sue his former employer (the classical case, for the precarious, is where you will be used as "employees" even if si fa un lavoro da dipendenti a tutti gli effetti). Con il Collegato lavoro, l’arco di tempo entro il quale si può fare causa al proprio datore di lavoro diventa di 60 giorni : o ci si muove per tempo, o dopo non si può più rivendicare nessun diritto (era una disposizione già prevista per i contratti a tempo determinato ora allargate anche agli altri contratti).

CHI PUO’ FARE CAUSA. Per tutti i rapporti di lavoro terminati prima del novembre 2010 (oggi), quindi, si potrà fare causa entro il 23 gennaio. Per i contratti che scadranno in futuro, si avranno sempre e comunque solo 60 giorni di tempo, e poco importa se, magari, si aspetta un nuovo contratto proprio dal datore work that is to be brought to court.

BLACKMAIL CERTIFICATE. "Law 183 closes the vicious circle that had opened in 1997 with our package Treu." It is believed Massimo Laratro , one of the avocation of the work of the pool of legal San Precarious , the collective for over 10 years dealing with rights and insecurity. "Treu had introduced the first forms of flexible working and agency in 1997, Marco Biagi, Law 30 of 2003 had codified the instability with a series of atypical contracts and today, with the related work, the legislature is to hit the precarious even at a procedural level. Blackmail which the employee was subjected atypical first was implication, is certified today. "

According to lawyers in San Precarious, the new law makes it almost impossible for workers to sue companies when contract terms are believed to be incorrect. It 'a real rosary - the loopholes, exceptions, scheduling, imbalance of forces in the field - the shelling to receive recognition of their rights.

PERIODS OF NOT WORKING. "Today I was in court for two cases of work and, in the light of new legislation, have both been postponed," said Matthew Paulli , one of the lawyers in the pool. "It takes months, even years, to know whether a employment contract is actionable. " It explains: "The collaboration between a temporary and one can have periods not exceeding two months, a job well - continues Paulli - An employer may tell his employee to renew his contract, letting the famous 60 61st day and not renewing it to him. At that point the precarious is over, is cuckolded and dealer. "

multiple contracts. Not only that, there is also a trap for contractors "multiple": "If an employee has been with the same company a large number of collaborations, such as five contracts last year, may contest always known that 60 days have elapsed. It 'so obvious that may contest only the last o. It will have much less chance of winning, "said Massimo Laratro. So this is the word of the employee against that of the chief. "Given that during the hearing, the employer must demonstrate the 'temporary' employment, if the case concerns a contract for only two months instead of five or six employees, has smoothed the way."

DANGERS BEFORE SIGNING. The perils do not end here. The other two new very unpalatable to the lawyers of San Precario are "certification report work "and" arbitration clause "in case of an appeal. At the rooms of the work will be set up "committees certificates" that will be responsible for affixing their seal on the validity of a particular employment relationship. "I will assume a contract with a project, I turn to the committee that the contract stamping as legitimate and you can never do more against me because - says Laratro - This will not only certify the report, but also the willingness an employee who is clearly not in a position to refuse because maybe he is seeking employment for months. "

ARBITRATION . The arbitration instead gives the opportunity to the employer to include a clause that says that if a problem occurs the employee will pay a commission to arbitration rather than courts. "With this rule is to clear the court's intervention," the lawyers say.

ALLOWANCE 'FORMER . Finally there is the issue of compensation. Before Law 183, if an employee wins the case against his employer, he was obliged to "recognize loss of earnings", ie to pay all salaries up where he left home. Now, if the company loses in court will be required only to pay a former employee who will be a minimum of 2.5 to a maximum of 12 months. "And if the process goes on for three years and the employee throughout the period of staying at home?" They are asking the lawyers of San precarious.

DISMISSAL HEARING. And yet, the last Gabola. There's dismissal "oral". By law the dismissal must be communicated in writing, if communicated orally, is invalid. But now the end of 60 days will also apply to the "oral redundancies." If an employer will argue that the dismissal there was before the date specified by the employee (and well before the sixty days to do), just to find witnesses complacent to stop the process.

LA CGIL: SUPPORT 'EXTRAORDINARY . The CGIL is turned all the way against the related work. Not only is committed to weeks to distribute literature, has launched an appeal to major media organizations. Also ensures that "all legal departments of confederaizone, all doors immigrants, all the facilities of the House category of work will be undertaken over the next sixty days of extraordinary advice and protection initiative." A commitment to stop militants San Precarious judge late. "The measure in Parliament for two years. Where was the CGIL in all this time? "Asks Massimo Laratro.

NO RIGHT . the final blow to the precarious and their dignity is now launched. We speak from years of "flexicurity " to ensure and support the welfare state even temporary workers. In the end, however, ended the open-loop by Treu: courts can not guarantee the rights of workers violated atypical

Dongle Emulator Sentinel

Cosmic Love

La sto amando da tanto tempo,  scandisce le mie giornate, between too much work, the little gym, train in the rain, taxis Roman and Buddhist activities.

unfortunately do not have much time these days to write a post worthy of note, even if the glass is "always half full" but : )

Ve I can hear, in fact, I make them listen to Fri, the Florence + The Machine, perhaps triggered for you cosmic love

Sunday, November 21, 2010

All The Prices Suitcases Vip




Bruxelles, 28.10.2010



del 28.10.2010

sulla deroga richiesta dall'Italia ai sensi della direttiva 98/83/CE del Consiglio concernente la qualità delle acque destinate al consumo umano


of 28.10.2010

on the derogation requested by Italy under Council Directive 98/83/EC on the quality of water intended for human consumption

(Only the Italian text is authentic)


regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Directive 98/83/EC Council of 3 November 1998 concerning the quality of water intended for human consumption 1 , in particolare l'articolo 9, paragrafo 2,

considerando quanto segue:

  1. Con lettera del 2 febbraio 2010 l'Italia ha chiesto una terza deroga per alcune forniture di acqua nelle regioni Campania, Lazio, Lombardia, Toscana, Trentino-Alto Adige e Umbria. La richiesta di deroga riguarda il parametro dell'arsenico per valori di 20, 30, 40 e 50 μg/l, il parametro del borio per valori di 2 e 3 mg/l e il parametro del fluoruro per valori di 2,5 mg/l.
  2. Nella richiesta l'Italia fa riferimento al fatto che i valori superiori della fonte della fornitura di acqua sono di origine geogenica e che la fornitura di acqua non può essere garantita con mezzi alternativi. La richiesta è stata suffragata da dati relativi ai pertinenti risultati del monitoraggio, sulla popolazione e sui volumi di acqua potabile interessati. Inoltre, la richiesta specifica la durata auspicata della deroga per ogni zona di fornitura di acqua, i previsti regimi di monitoraggio e le misure correttive, di cui alcune sono attualmente in fase di elaborazione e altre in fase di attuazione. La richiesta conferma che non sono interessate importanti imprese alimentari.
  3. I valori limite di 10 μg/l per l'arsenico, di 1 mg/l per il boro e di 1,5 mg/l per il fluoruro fissati nella parte B dell'allegato I della direttiva 98/83/CE mirano ad assicurare che le acque destinate al consumo umano possano essere consumate in condizioni di sicurezza nell'intero arco della vita. Tuttavia, prove scientifiche, in particolare gli orientamenti dell'Organizzazione mondiale della sanità sulla qualità delle acque potabili 2 e il parere del comitato scientifico dei rischi sanitari e ambientali 3 , dimostrano che taluni valori più elevati sono accettabili per un periodo di tempo limitato without risk to human health. Since this does not apply to water intended for consumption by infants and children under 3 years of age, you should take specific measures for their protection.
  4. As for boron and fluoride, the scientific evidence to allow temporary exemptions to the required values \u200b\u200brespectively of 2-3 mg / L for boron and 2.5 mg / l for fluoride.
  5. Regarding arsenic, the scientific evidence in the documents mentioned in reference to the guidelines of the World Health Organization and the Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental allow temporary exemptions to at 20 g / l, while values \u200b\u200bof 30, 40 and 50 g / l lead to higher health risks, particularly certain forms of cancer. Therefore, exceptions should be allowed only for values \u200b\u200bof arsenic up to 20 g / l.
  6. Italy needs to fulfill its obligations under Directive 98/83/EC. To ensure that the values \u200b\u200bof the parameters laid down in Directive 98/83/EC and to protect public health, there should be some specific conditions.
  7. The duration of the exceptions is defined separately for each area of \u200b\u200bsupply of water, based on the complexity of the corrective measures and their progress,


Article 1

  1. As for the parameter values \u200b\u200bin the areas of water supply in Annex I, the exemptions requested by 'Italy are awarded up to date and the maximum values \u200b\u200bspecified in Annex I.
  2. As for the parameter values \u200b\u200bin the areas of water supply in Annex II, Italy claims the exemptions are not granted.

Article 2

subject to the requirements laid down in Directive 98/83/EC, the exceptions listed in Article 1, paragraph 1, subject to the following additional conditions:

1) for the consumption of drinking water by infants and children until the age of 3 years, Italy ensures that the supply of water with the values \u200b\u200bof the parameters of Directive 98/83/EC;

2) Italy informs users on how to reduce risks to 'drinking water for which the exemption was granted, and in particular to inform users about the risks associated with the consumption of water waived by infants and children up to age 3 years;

3) Italy carries out regular monitoring of the parameters involved in the framework of the monitoring regime set out in Annex III;

4) Italy implements corrective action plans set out in Annex III;

5) Italy presents an annual report on progress made in the remedies set out in Annex III within two months after the end of each calendar year from 2011.

The report referred to in the first paragraph of Section 5 contains a summary of the monitoring parameters of a derogation, an overview of the advice provided to users and information on the volume of bottled water supplied to users.

Article 3

the Italian Republic to which this decision.

Done at Brussels, 28.10.2010

For the Commission

Karl Falkenberg


1 OJ L 330, 5.12.1998, p.. 32.

2 World Health Organization Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality, 3rd edition, which includes the 1st and 2nd appendix, Geneva (2008).

3 Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks of 16 April 2010, http://ec.europa.eu/health/scientific_committees/environmental_risks/ opinions / index_en.htm

Region: Tuscany

Monterotondo Marittimo



30 g / l of arsenic




30 g / l of arsenic

Campiglia Marittima



50 g / l of arsenic

Campo nell'Elba



50 g / l of arsenic




50 g / l of arsenic




50 g / l of arsenic

Marciana Marina



50 g / l of arsenic




50 g / l of arsenic

Porto Azzurro



50 g / l of arsenic




50 g / l of arsenic

Rio Marina



50 g / l of arsenic

Rio nell'Elba



50 g / l of arsenic




50 g / l of arsenic




50 g / l of arsenic

Castelnuovo Val di Cecina



50 μg/l di arsenico




50 μg/l di arsenico

Castel Giorgio



30 μg/l di arsenico

Castel Viscardo



30 μg/l di arsenico




30 μg/l di arsenico

Regione: Toscana

Foiano della Chiana




20 g / l of arsenic

Marciano della Chiana




20 g / l of arsenic





3 mg / L Borio





3 mg / L Borio

Monterotondo Marittimo




2 mg / L Borio





3 mg / L Borio

Campiglia Marittima




3 mg / L Borio

Field in 'Elba




3 mg / L Borio





3 mg / L Borio





3 mg / L Borio

Marciana Marina




3 mg / L Borio





3 mg / L Borio

Area water supply

expiry of the derogation


Users affected residents

maximum value of the parameter

Region: Tuscany

Porto Azzurro




3 mg/l di borio

Porto Ferraio




3 mg/l di borio

Rio Marina




3 mg / L Borio

Rio nell'Elba




3 mg / L Borio





3 mg / L Borio

San Vincenzo




3 mg / L Borio

Montecatini Val di Cecina




3 mg/l di borio

Seriennummer Spellforce The Order Of Dawn


Anni di deroghe..... la privatizzazione del servizio non ha portato niente altro che aumenti delle bollette, ma la qualità dell'acqua è sempre la stessa visto che si pensa sempre e solo a fare utili (in nome dell'efficienza della gestione privata).

E adesso dove andranno a finire le analisi dell'acqua, nella nuova società d'ingegneria in corso di aggregazione.... sempre più lontano dai cittadini e da tutti controlli.

Scandalo all’arsenico in Toscana

La decisione è del 28 ottobre 2010, quando la Commissione europea ha respinto la richiesta di deroga ai limiti di legge inoltrata dall’Italia per la concentrazione di arsenico presente nell’acqua destinata ad uso potabile. Ma a tutt’oggi il governo italiano fa finta di niente. E oltre un milione e half of people are still drinking contaminated water beyond the limits of the law. The decision of the European Commission covers 91 municipalities in the provinces of Lazio of Rome and Viterbo, Latina, 8 towns in Lombardy, Trentino-Alto Adige in 10 and 19 in Tuscany. The water that comes from the taps of these 128 municipalities contain arsenic above the threshold of 10 micrograms per liter. It is a substance which according to the World Health Organization and the Scientific Council can pose serious health risks, "including some forms of cancer."

Two weeks have passed since Europe has signed the document. But Italy was not yet raised the alarm. The institutions say they do not know anything. Yet the arsenic in water is an open secret.

TUSCANY record Arsenic Boron, arsenic, trihalomethanes and chlorite. They are the black beasts that make Tuscany one of the most problematic regions of Italy. Outlawed in 2009, 41 municipalities. In asking for exemptions from the Ministry of Health and the European Commission, the Region has submitted a plan of action that provides for the regularization of 10 municipalities by the end of 2010. For others, affected by the presence of boron and arsenic, "given the complexity of the interventions to be implemented, requires a further request for exemption for the next three years," it is stated in the report sent by the Directorate General Environmental Policy. Thus, 33 sites - mostly on the coast - are not in accordance, with values \u200b\u200bin excess of 2 to 5 times, in the worst cases, the limits set by law and are, in the latter case, dangerously close to amount considered off-limits, beyond which, ie, there are risks to human health. Here is the list of municipalities. For chlorine: Figline and Incisa, Reggello (Fi), Chiusi (Si). For Boron Montevarchi Bucine (Ar), Cecina, Piombino Rio and San Vincenzo (Li), Montecatini (PT). For trihalomethanes: Cortona, Marciano and Foiano Chiana (Ar). For arsenic: Foiano della Chiana Marciano della Chiana and (Ar), Castelnuovo Val di Cecina e Pomarance (Pi). Per boro e arsenico: Monterotondo Marittimo (Gr), Campiglia Marittima, Campo Elba, Capoliveri, Marciana, Marciana Marittima, Piombino, Porto Azzurro, Porto Ferraio, Rio Elba, Rio Marina e Suvereto (Li), Castelnuovo Val di Cecina (Pi), Radicondoli (Si).