Con l’iniziativa che questa sera, organizzata da si vuole affrontare la situazione relativa ai servizi sanitari e sociali della Valdichiana, che ormai, è inutile dirlo, ha assunto a nostro avviso livelli likely to tap the dramatic and the management is inconsiderate to the cuts that are putting in place the senior management and the Region of Tuscany.
We take care of the problem HEALTH Communists' We came naturally. There is natural to deal with problems affecting especially the most vulnerable citizens.
Today, we all know that the management of the "health issue" is exclusive of the Regional and General Managers of Local Health Units which, needless to say, operate undisturbed Health personalistic so how can any factory. And 'what they really!
But let's get to the actual topic:
last period some local newspapers came out with titles to say the least worrisome of the type "Nottola CLOSE", "CLOSE THE LABORATORY ANALYSIS ... ... or, referring to specific denials by the company management and not just" NOT Nottola CLOSE BUT WILL 'POWER ".
Well, we wanted to get some light and what came out of it, frankly, we do not like at all.
start with the most obvious and hardships that citizens face daily: waiting lists;
until a few months ago the waiting time seems too long compared to the time indicated by the USL 7, however, in 30 or 40 days, the benefits were paid. But today the situation has changed radically:
For a colonoscopy waiting times of up to mid-March, for an MRI over 4 months for an ultrasound about 3 months for an echocardiogram over 4 months for ultrasound times are 3 / 4 months, 4 months and over again for visiting physiatric; ... ... ... ... ... ..
But wanting those benefits can be obtained in a timely way, in times ranging from one to three days if you pay. Yes
pay waiting time decrease, but increase costs for citizens. Who has the money does not care.
In un momento di crisi come questo, aumento della disoccupazione, la maggior parte delle pensioni vanno dai 400 ai 700 €. al mese, la scelta per molti Cittadini è: o ti curi o mangi.
Possiamo facilmente affermare che la sanità è roba per ricchi!
Avere dei problemi di salute e pretendere di essere curati, oggi, è un lusso che molti non si possono permettere.
Forse la struttura non avranno il coraggio di chiuderla, ma certo è che verrà posta in essere un’opera di “razionalizzazione” (parola ugly used to make cuts to services without angering the people) that will remove all the excellent services.
This is not a figment of our imagination, but what we say we have noted from the minutes of the Society of Health July 27, 2010 at 11, which was held at the Auditorium of the United Hospitals in Val di Chiana Montepulciano present Mayors and / their delegates, the Director General, Dr. Laura Frank, director of the SdS Dr. Gian Guido Pintus and Dr. Silvia Bruno - Delegate Amm.ne from the Province of Siena;
Then the auditors knew at least since July that the health Chianina suffered a drastic fall!
In that assembly the Director-General informed those present (Mayors and Councillors) on the new organization of the Services of the Chiana Valley and asked the Mayor to work together to save the company, which is at a critical moment, I repeat, to save the company, which is at a critical moment.
The General Manager informed the auditors would have to departmentalization of hospitals and that this would bring benefits as the head of each department would have had a unique vision of the whole and would manage the resources where needed.
I would note that heads of departments will be all the sheets, then you can imagine how many resources will arrive in the Chiana Valley.
all right, too bad that Montepulciano is about 65/70 km from sheets and municipalities as a seamstress, Chiusi, Cetona, San Casciano dei Bagni, are much, much further south-
enough here. The reasoning of the future organization will include a wide area and this ".... To create synergies to optimize the existing structures. ..." They say. Translated and put into practice: in case of admission to Nottola, in the absence of beds, the bed will be searched free at hospitals in the provinces of Siena, Arezzo and Grosseto!
Le difficoltà per gli utenti saranno enormi.
La prima integrazione con l’Azienda Ospedaliera Le Scotte, sempre secondo il Direttore generale dell’azienda USL, riguarderà la salute mentale, a seguire, l’oncologia, la radiologia e il laboratorio analisi, come possiamo vedere l’ipotesi che “IL LABORATORIO ANALISI CHIUDERA’ ”, non è poi priva di fondamento.
Le analisi per gli utenti esterni verranno fatti a Siena (al laboratorio delle Scotte) e le analisi per gli utenti interni verranno eseguite dal personale infermieristico e medico avvalendosi di un apparecchiatura di reparto e poco affidabile! Questa apparecchiatura è già stata purchased ... ... ... they want to say that the laboratory analysis will not close !!!!!!!!!!!! Are already 'Close CLOSE AS OTHER SERVICES.
What will be the operation of other services, medicine, surgery, cardiology, etc ... without a laboratory analysis?
tests decommissioning in place were identified by the forced retirement of many letters in place, blocking of the selection procedures, including those that were already in place, and the block of new hires.
If an employee has reached retirement age or the maximum length of contribution is just che vada in pensione; ma se il posto non viene ricoperto si avranno gravi ripercussioni per servizi socio-sanitari.
Ci saranno dei servizi al Cittadino che, con il pensionamento dell’unico operatore che li tiene in vita, spariranno comple-tamente così come sparirà il SERVIZIO INFERMIERISTI-CO.
Questo vale sia per i servizi sanitari quanto per i servizi terri-toriali e di prevenzione. Igiene e sanità pubblica, veterinaria, la prevenzione degli infortuni ecc….
Tanto per fare un esempio:
In questo periodo si parla di smaltimento di fanghi, ovvero di scarti di non meglio precisate lavorazioni, che avvengono nelle nostre zone. Tali fanghi, from various parts of Italy, (which would be used if they were not dangerous pro-precisely in those areas of origin) are not absolute mind-controlled, not checked the impact they may have on soil and groundwater, not checked the impact it can have on public health. Why? Why all the ARPAT because of Hygiene and Public Health Services of our USL does not have enough staff.
We are facing a veritable "BUTCHER OF SOCIAL AND HEALTH SERVICES", of this we are convinced, and that we have outside.
The denials by the regional to the Right Daniela health Scaramuccia not reassure us, indeed, there cupano concerns over further.
The commissioner says that "there will be downsizing and closure of the hospital Nottola, but one that is proceden-do in a reorganization to improve services, which are scheduled for Nottola management improvements as the organization intensive care and integration with the sheets. But this is the departmental mentioned by the Di-rector General USL 7 ... ....
Skirmish has denied rumors circulating on the closure of oncology and pediatrics and has indeed set out to open a hospice, with four mini-apartments, di un ospedale di comunità, con 9 camere doppie, e di 6 posti in più dedicati in particolar modo alla riabilitazione neurologica.
Ma questo non è un potenziamento dell’attività ospedaliera di Nottola. L’Hospice è un’attività territoriale prevista peraltro da una recente LEGGE del 15 marzo 2010, n.38 e che riguarda disposizioni per garantire l'accesso alle cure palliative e alla terapia del dolore.
L’assessore o non è preparata o ci racconta delle sonore bugie.
E’ naturale che siamo più preoccupati di prima, da una parte si smentiscono le voci sul ridimensionamento di alcuni servizi e dall’altra si speaks of the need to reorganize to cope with cuts in government and at the entrance of the sheets in the business system of the USL Senese.
Here is the point!! Money! The money is there;
• The money missing due to the implementation of government cuts,
- the money you are missing because the Fondazione Monte dei Paschi di Siena will not ensure the financing of technological equipment ;
- The money, or debts incurred by the University of Siena, which runs the hospital of Scott - who, incidentally, do not even know how much;
• debts incurred by the company. USL 7 di Siena, which apparently amounted to tens of millions.
But how can the Local Health Unit 7 has contracted so many debts?
We also set ourselves an answer: because of some managerial 'senior management of the beggar, but mainly due to the failure of health policy of the former Councillor Henry Smith, now President of the Region Tuscany.
Today we are full of debts and only a few months ago, the Director-General of the time USL 7, Massimo Scura, re-ceveva quality award from the hands of a minister peche Berlusconi government spending public money well and received praise for the former Deputy Mayor Rossi "audited". According lorsignori there were holes in the budget!
USL Yesterday everything was fine and the company was collecting stamps (Accreditation structures, CERMET Analysis Laboratory, Certification of Financial Statements, EFQM, EMAS in hospitals, HPH, BVI - Department of Prevention, Quality Award 2008, Award 2009 Challenges ), even an elected local congratulated the Director General, I went through the hands of Mr Ceccuzzi the letter that started ... ... "Dear Massimo we are proud of audited financial statements" ... ... Not how it was handled, USL, - there was little to be proud of - but of audited financial statements ------- and now we are full of debts.
And then save the current director of the health of people outside the conventions size (which is why waiting lists are long and the benefits must be paid), with staff size, cut services, but the organizational structure and managerial remains the same.
We have two accounts of what it costs us this management structure for this company USL: the 75 recognized leaders and senior officials from the printout of the company published for the operation of transparency Brunetta, including salary table, and salary incentives to produce results (ie incentives on cuts) by adding a telephone, car and drivers available, roughly, on average, cost the community approximately € 200,000.00. year, thus reaching a total of 15 million euros and, this, only 7 in the USL.
such a framework highlights the failure of health policy-ment is of central governments that have followed, both the Government Tuscan region.
This failure has led, in the 'Company' USL 7, tens of millions in debt and disruption to citizens.
The corporatization of Health and the beloved have rewarded managerial the leadership and the citizens are penalized.
The substantial increase in the dues paid by the municipalities and the dreaded cut social services confirms our concerns expressed in 2004 on the Company's Health, another huge failure of health policy Tuscan former commissioner Rossi.
The Society of Health has proved a failure, unfortunately, that's why they counteract its constitution.
now managing real health as well as other areas totally escapes the control of institutions and citizens.
We believe that the Chiana Valley has paid more other areas the changes and experiments of the Tuscany Region;
six health facilities were closed to build a single hospital, which has cost us all 200 billion lire, all with the promise of a center of excellence that would solve the local problem and the citizens who emigrated to other health facilities (Siena, Arezzo, Perugia, Florence, etc. ..). In reality, the continuing cuts to services and beds have reduced and will reduce this small Ospedalicchio structure with few services and inadequate responses!
Today more than ever necessary that all citizens, all political forces (health or disease have political color), institutions vigilant and mobilized to prevent the dismembering of the services of United Hospitals of the Chiana Valley.
Mauro Paolucci
Con l’iniziativa che questa sera, organizzata da si vuole affrontare la situazione relativa ai servizi sanitari e sociali della Valdichiana, che ormai, è inutile dirlo, ha assunto a nostro avviso livelli likely to tap the dramatic and the management is inconsiderate to the cuts that are putting in place the senior management and the Region of Tuscany.
We take care of the problem HEALTH Communists' We came naturally. There is natural to deal with problems affecting especially the most vulnerable citizens.
Today, we all know that the management of the "health issue" is exclusive of the Regional and General Managers of Local Health Units which, needless to say, operate undisturbed Health personalistic so how can any factory. And 'what they really!
But let's get to the actual topic:
last period some local newspapers came out with titles to say the least worrisome of the type "Nottola CLOSE", "CLOSE THE LABORATORY ANALYSIS ... ... or, referring to specific denials by the company management and not just" NOT Nottola CLOSE BUT WILL 'POWER ".
Well, we wanted to get some light and what came out of it, frankly, we do not like at all.
start with the most obvious and hardships that citizens face daily: waiting lists;
until a few months ago the waiting time seems too long compared to the time indicated by the USL 7, however, in 30 or 40 days, the benefits were paid. But today the situation has changed radically:
For a colonoscopy waiting times of up to mid-March, for an MRI over 4 months for an ultrasound about 3 months for an echocardiogram over 4 months for ultrasound times are 3 / 4 months, 4 months and over again for visiting physiatric; ... ... ... ... ... ..
But wanting those benefits can be obtained in a timely way, in times ranging from one to three days if you pay. Yes
pay waiting time decrease, but increase costs for citizens. Who has the money does not care.
In un momento di crisi come questo, aumento della disoccupazione, la maggior parte delle pensioni vanno dai 400 ai 700 €. al mese, la scelta per molti Cittadini è: o ti curi o mangi.
Possiamo facilmente affermare che la sanità è roba per ricchi!
Avere dei problemi di salute e pretendere di essere curati, oggi, è un lusso che molti non si possono permettere.
Forse la struttura non avranno il coraggio di chiuderla, ma certo è che verrà posta in essere un’opera di “razionalizzazione” (parola ugly used to make cuts to services without angering the people) that will remove all the excellent services.
This is not a figment of our imagination, but what we say we have noted from the minutes of the Society of Health July 27, 2010 at 11, which was held at the Auditorium of the United Hospitals in Val di Chiana Montepulciano present Mayors and / their delegates, the Director General, Dr. Laura Frank, director of the SdS Dr. Gian Guido Pintus and Dr. Silvia Bruno - Delegate Amm.ne from the Province of Siena;
Then the auditors knew at least since July that the health Chianina suffered a drastic fall!
In that assembly the Director-General informed those present (Mayors and Councillors) on the new organization of the Services of the Chiana Valley and asked the Mayor to work together to save the company, which is at a critical moment, I repeat, to save the company, which is at a critical moment.
The General Manager informed the auditors would have to departmentalization of hospitals and that this would bring benefits as the head of each department would have had a unique vision of the whole and would manage the resources where needed.
I would note that heads of departments will be all the sheets, then you can imagine how many resources will arrive in the Chiana Valley.
all right, too bad that Montepulciano is about 65/70 km from sheets and municipalities as a seamstress, Chiusi, Cetona, San Casciano dei Bagni, are much, much further south-
enough here. The reasoning of the future organization will include a wide area and this ".... To create synergies to optimize the existing structures. ..." They say. Translated and put into practice: in case of admission to Nottola, in the absence of beds, the bed will be searched free at hospitals in the provinces of Siena, Arezzo and Grosseto!
Le difficoltà per gli utenti saranno enormi.
La prima integrazione con l’Azienda Ospedaliera Le Scotte, sempre secondo il Direttore generale dell’azienda USL, riguarderà la salute mentale, a seguire, l’oncologia, la radiologia e il laboratorio analisi, come possiamo vedere l’ipotesi che “IL LABORATORIO ANALISI CHIUDERA’ ”, non è poi priva di fondamento.
Le analisi per gli utenti esterni verranno fatti a Siena (al laboratorio delle Scotte) e le analisi per gli utenti interni verranno eseguite dal personale infermieristico e medico avvalendosi di un apparecchiatura di reparto e poco affidabile! Questa apparecchiatura è già stata purchased ... ... ... they want to say that the laboratory analysis will not close !!!!!!!!!!!! Are already 'Close CLOSE AS OTHER SERVICES.
What will be the operation of other services, medicine, surgery, cardiology, etc ... without a laboratory analysis?
tests decommissioning in place were identified by the forced retirement of many letters in place, blocking of the selection procedures, including those that were already in place, and the block of new hires.
If an employee has reached retirement age or the maximum length of contribution is just che vada in pensione; ma se il posto non viene ricoperto si avranno gravi ripercussioni per servizi socio-sanitari.
Ci saranno dei servizi al Cittadino che, con il pensionamento dell’unico operatore che li tiene in vita, spariranno comple-tamente così come sparirà il SERVIZIO INFERMIERISTI-CO.
Questo vale sia per i servizi sanitari quanto per i servizi terri-toriali e di prevenzione. Igiene e sanità pubblica, veterinaria, la prevenzione degli infortuni ecc….
Tanto per fare un esempio:
In questo periodo si parla di smaltimento di fanghi, ovvero di scarti di non meglio precisate lavorazioni, che avvengono nelle nostre zone. Tali fanghi, from various parts of Italy, (which would be used if they were not dangerous pro-precisely in those areas of origin) are not absolute mind-controlled, not checked the impact they may have on soil and groundwater, not checked the impact it can have on public health. Why? Why all the ARPAT because of Hygiene and Public Health Services of our USL does not have enough staff.
We are facing a veritable "BUTCHER OF SOCIAL AND HEALTH SERVICES", of this we are convinced, and that we have outside.
The denials by the regional to the Right Daniela health Scaramuccia not reassure us, indeed, there cupano concerns over further.
The commissioner says that "there will be downsizing and closure of the hospital Nottola, but one that is proceden-do in a reorganization to improve services, which are scheduled for Nottola management improvements as the organization intensive care and integration with the sheets. But this is the departmental mentioned by the Di-rector General USL 7 ... ....
Skirmish has denied rumors circulating on the closure of oncology and pediatrics and has indeed set out to open a hospice, with four mini-apartments, di un ospedale di comunità, con 9 camere doppie, e di 6 posti in più dedicati in particolar modo alla riabilitazione neurologica.
Ma questo non è un potenziamento dell’attività ospedaliera di Nottola. L’Hospice è un’attività territoriale prevista peraltro da una recente LEGGE del 15 marzo 2010, n.38 e che riguarda disposizioni per garantire l'accesso alle cure palliative e alla terapia del dolore.
L’assessore o non è preparata o ci racconta delle sonore bugie.
E’ naturale che siamo più preoccupati di prima, da una parte si smentiscono le voci sul ridimensionamento di alcuni servizi e dall’altra si speaks of the need to reorganize to cope with cuts in government and at the entrance of the sheets in the business system of the USL Senese.
Here is the point!! Money! The money is there;
• The money missing due to the implementation of government cuts,
- the money you are missing because the Fondazione Monte dei Paschi di Siena will not ensure the financing of technological equipment ;
- The money, or debts incurred by the University of Siena, which runs the hospital of Scott - who, incidentally, do not even know how much;
• debts incurred by the company. USL 7 di Siena, which apparently amounted to tens of millions.
But how can the Local Health Unit 7 has contracted so many debts?
We also set ourselves an answer: because of some managerial 'senior management of the beggar, but mainly due to the failure of health policy of the former Councillor Henry Smith, now President of the Region Tuscany.
Today we are full of debts and only a few months ago, the Director-General of the time USL 7, Massimo Scura, re-ceveva quality award from the hands of a minister peche Berlusconi government spending public money well and received praise for the former Deputy Mayor Rossi "audited". According lorsignori there were holes in the budget!
USL Yesterday everything was fine and the company was collecting stamps (Accreditation structures, CERMET Analysis Laboratory, Certification of Financial Statements, EFQM, EMAS in hospitals, HPH, BVI - Department of Prevention, Quality Award 2008, Award 2009 Challenges ), even an elected local congratulated the Director General, I went through the hands of Mr Ceccuzzi the letter that started ... ... "Dear Massimo we are proud of audited financial statements" ... ... Not how it was handled, USL, - there was little to be proud of - but of audited financial statements ------- and now we are full of debts.
And then save the current director of the health of people outside the conventions size (which is why waiting lists are long and the benefits must be paid), with staff size, cut services, but the organizational structure and managerial remains the same.
We have two accounts of what it costs us this management structure for this company USL: the 75 recognized leaders and senior officials from the printout of the company published for the operation of transparency Brunetta, including salary table, and salary incentives to produce results (ie incentives on cuts) by adding a telephone, car and drivers available, roughly, on average, cost the community approximately € 200,000.00. year, thus reaching a total of 15 million euros and, this, only 7 in the USL.
such a framework highlights the failure of health policy-ment is of central governments that have followed, both the Government Tuscan region.
This failure has led, in the 'Company' USL 7, tens of millions in debt and disruption to citizens.
The corporatization of Health and the beloved have rewarded managerial the leadership and the citizens are penalized.
The substantial increase in the dues paid by the municipalities and the dreaded cut social services confirms our concerns expressed in 2004 on the Company's Health, another huge failure of health policy Tuscan former commissioner Rossi.
The Society of Health has proved a failure, unfortunately, that's why they counteract its constitution.
now managing real health as well as other areas totally escapes the control of institutions and citizens.
We believe that the Chiana Valley has paid more other areas the changes and experiments of the Tuscany Region;
six health facilities were closed to build a single hospital, which has cost us all 200 billion lire, all with the promise of a center of excellence that would solve the local problem and the citizens who emigrated to other health facilities (Siena, Arezzo, Perugia, Florence, etc. ..). In reality, the continuing cuts to services and beds have reduced and will reduce this small Ospedalicchio structure with few services and inadequate responses!
Today more than ever necessary that all citizens, all political forces (health or disease have political color), institutions vigilant and mobilized to prevent the dismembering of the services of United Hospitals of the Chiana Valley.
Mauro Paolucci
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