Anni di deroghe..... la privatizzazione del servizio non ha portato niente altro che aumenti delle bollette, ma la qualità dell'acqua è sempre la stessa visto che si pensa sempre e solo a fare utili (in nome dell'efficienza della gestione privata).
E adesso dove andranno a finire le analisi dell'acqua, nella nuova società d'ingegneria in corso di aggregazione.... sempre più lontano dai cittadini e da tutti controlli.
Scandalo all’arsenico in Toscana
La decisione è del 28 ottobre 2010, quando la Commissione europea ha respinto la richiesta di deroga ai limiti di legge inoltrata dall’Italia per la concentrazione di arsenico presente nell’acqua destinata ad uso potabile. Ma a tutt’oggi il governo italiano fa finta di niente. E oltre un milione e half of people are still drinking contaminated water beyond the limits of the law. The decision of the European Commission covers 91 municipalities in the provinces of Lazio of Rome and Viterbo, Latina, 8 towns in Lombardy, Trentino-Alto Adige in 10 and 19 in Tuscany. The water that comes from the taps of these 128 municipalities contain arsenic above the threshold of 10 micrograms per liter. It is a substance which according to the World Health Organization and the Scientific Council can pose serious health risks, "including some forms of cancer."
Two weeks have passed since Europe has signed the document. But Italy was not yet raised the alarm. The institutions say they do not know anything. Yet the arsenic in water is an open secret.
TUSCANY record Arsenic Boron, arsenic, trihalomethanes and chlorite. They are the black beasts that make Tuscany one of the most problematic regions of Italy. Outlawed in 2009, 41 municipalities. In asking for exemptions from the Ministry of Health and the European Commission, the Region has submitted a plan of action that provides for the regularization of 10 municipalities by the end of 2010. For others, affected by the presence of boron and arsenic, "given the complexity of the interventions to be implemented, requires a further request for exemption for the next three years," it is stated in the report sent by the Directorate General Environmental Policy. Thus, 33 sites - mostly on the coast - are not in accordance, with values \u200b\u200bin excess of 2 to 5 times, in the worst cases, the limits set by law and are, in the latter case, dangerously close to amount considered off-limits, beyond which, ie, there are risks to human health. Here is the list of municipalities. For chlorine: Figline and Incisa, Reggello (Fi), Chiusi (Si). For Boron Montevarchi Bucine (Ar), Cecina, Piombino Rio and San Vincenzo (Li), Montecatini (PT). For trihalomethanes: Cortona, Marciano and Foiano Chiana (Ar). For arsenic: Foiano della Chiana Marciano della Chiana and (Ar), Castelnuovo Val di Cecina e Pomarance (Pi). Per boro e arsenico: Monterotondo Marittimo (Gr), Campiglia Marittima, Campo Elba, Capoliveri, Marciana, Marciana Marittima, Piombino, Porto Azzurro, Porto Ferraio, Rio Elba, Rio Marina e Suvereto (Li), Castelnuovo Val di Cecina (Pi), Radicondoli (Si).
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