Alice's birthday
Often my niece is lost in the land around his home, living in the country is easy and extremely dangerous.
One day my niece was not anywhere, my sister was on one side of the house and my mother on the other side called to turn:
"Alice, Alice Where Art Thou ?
"I'm here"
"Here where? Mom I'm on your side "
" No Al, I'm by your side '
dint of calling my mother and my sister is a cross-over garden in enclosure of the dogs. And there, in the den of Raky, there was my nephew. He slipped on the mat for, he said, keep the dog company. And to prove to my sister that the dog was awake to raise her eyes visibly exposing the eye off to sleep: "Look mummy, you vegglio"
antibodies have my niece controcoglioni this point:)
Wednesday made the birthday, we were three years ago with her, and I have two and a half years struggling to get her a kiss. Yesterday I get home to cut cake armed with high hopes, a big smile and an ace in the hole, the natural weapon to rip off the young minds of children, or a gift.
A very nice complement purchased by Z. .. consigliatomi and the always reliable Celeste. get home with this package for three thousandths of a second I can get the attention of my grandson, but is a moment of illusion that vanishes in an instant, replaced by games with the cousins.
eat the cake and I find that little Alice all day did VIP, already in the morning puffing nervously for phone cards, so I figured if you could expand with a gesture of affection spontaneous.
Maybe I should get into the house of a galloping pony and firing gunshots into the air to get her little attention.
Among the many gifts received between Christmas and birthday was a particularly pleasant (not my sister though). Una borraccia della "Carica dei 101" che con Fede abbiamo acquistato al Disney Store della capitale. Quindi qualche giorno prima di Natale sono andato a fare le veci di Babbo Natale e a consegnare anche questo dono.
Mia nipote gradisce (ma non mi da neanche un bacio di ringraziamento) e comincia da subito a bere dalla cannuccia telescopica, mentre mia sorella, che per mesi si è ammazzata per abituarla a non farsi la pipi a letto, di lato a dirle "Alice smettila di bere che bagni il letto" . Ovviamente contro un bambino è una lotta impari che vede gli adulti perdenti su tutti i fronti, e quindi per tutta la cena la borraccia di lato e mia nipote attaccata a bere.
The morning after:
"Alice got up, it's eight o'clock, we go pee"
"But I've already made Mom" \u200b\u200b
"But porc ... putt ..."
three times even better gift uncle Dome: D
And happy birthday little Alice
Alice in the picture my shot this summer
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