Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Vtech Kidizoom Camera To Slow

Good Movies - Away we go

I do not understand because in Italy there is the barbaric practice of changing names to foreign films, sometimes with names that are missing a bat with the original title.

And so: "Lost in Translation" becomes "Love translated", " Home Alone" is "Mom Alone", " 101 Dalmatians" becomes the "101 Dalmatians", " Frankie and Johnny" changes to " Afraid to love, "" Runaway Bride " becomes " Runaway Bride ".

could continue for days, but soon is New Year and I have to go buy something red to wear.

For some reason, even if in fact some titles in English are crap, there is this habit. The crazy thing is that the titles are usually translated titles that an Italian might say without getting out of the blood from his nose. Say " The Break Up" is not so difficult, why put it into " I hate you, I'll let you ..."?

If it were only to help us poor Italians to pronounce the title would be better to have a nearly plausible reasoning, but instead ... the a nice thing is that many titles that deserve to be translated instead are left to the original: "Ocean's Eleven" which also has the possessive case is left to the original, and I heard people say "I'm going to see me Ocieans ileven" a film that seems out of eleven dolphins.

Not to mention "The Inception" , which could make "what dreams and more dreams than the spinning pinwheel" but instead they left it as it was, and in the halls people said "give me two tickets to ... er ... the one with Leonardo DiCaprio?"

However, everything I'm unbelievably, turns of phrase to say that on Christmas Day we went to the cinema to see a movie that was originally called "Away we go" but are been able to transform in, genius of the genius, American Life that is another title in English.

The paradox is that the film is directed by Sam Mendes , same director of " American Beauty", and a thinks and says, "but this fantasy for names zero? ' American biuti american now .. maddai LAIF " but no, my dear naive friend, we Italians are the balls that turn to change the names to the film will deteriorate.

Do it for " Eyes Wide Shut" no true?

Anyway, on Christmas Day I expected to find at the casino, people huddled in a row, fierce heat, the smell of popcorn and chips on the ground as if it grew directly from the carpet, and instead, to my great surprise, the theater was practically empty, we were 15 across the hall, so better (for us, not for production)

Perhaps they should have translate it into "those who travel America looking for a house ... and expecting a son ..." or I doubt for the bad taste di tanta gente che ormai da anni va solo a riempire le tasche dei soliti registi e attori da cinepanettone, snobbando pellicole semplici ma bellissime e cariche di sentimento e ironia

Fatto sta che il film è davvero BELLISSIMO!!!! L'ho già consigliato a tutto il mondo, è davvero una pellicola da non perdere.  Alla faccia di tutte le porcherie che ci propinano sotto natale, in 2 e 3 dimensioni, questo è un film davvero ben fatto, bella storia, ottimi dialoghi, fotografia della Madonna (non nel senso che l'hanno fotografata, nel senso ottima fotografia) un film that really moved me, and I have the heart harder than "Flintheart Famedoro"

Among the many spectacular things in the film is the soundtrack, almost entirely created by Alexi Murdoch, a young artist londinede.

I enclose an excerpt from the film, specifically the song that goes with the closing credits.

Ps. Obviously l'ho dovuto vedere a Cosenza, perché a reggio calabria i cinema sono gestiti con il culo e passano solo le cagate più cagate del mondo


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