La settimana passata ho fatto il pieno alla mia macchinina (evento rarissimo) subito dopo ho scoperto che, guidando sotto i 120km all'ora potevo, secondo il computer di bordo, percorrere circa 650 chilometri , e quindi, per vedere se effettivamente la cosa era reale sono partito per la capitare, che da Reggio Calabria sono ad occhio e croce 600km
Before leaving, I loaded the car (Hyundai Getz 2005 vintage of 1,400 cc) and got a satellite navigator.
Unfortunately, I tend to screw some things, and in this case I would have to pay more attention to two small details of the navigator, the first is the updating of maps, subject to when he was President Pertini Republic (Ah good times and great president, not Napolitano) and the second detail is the cup that supports the Ambaradan almost every 50 km taken down from the navigator me finishing on the dashboard with windshield a dry crash.
after only ten minutes I found myself standing on the bridge Bagnara in line behind a column of cars and trucks. After another ten minutes I was with the engine off to read my e-reader , one eye on the line of cars and one "Blood Brothers" Gratteri / Nicaso. After almost 40 minutes of waiting I started the march, again on a column, up to before Rosarno.
I managed to keep the average of 120 kilometers and actually missing the display of the navigator were always less than marked on the board computer.
Non voglio approfondire il discorso sulle autostrade italiane, perché parlare male della Salerno-Reggio Calabria sarebbe come sparare contro la Croce Rossa, ma c'è da notare che adesso hanno deciso di mandare l'Esercito a presidiare alcuni cantieri visto che:
Dal 2005 ad oggi, sui cantieri dell’autostrada A3 si sono verificati numerosi atti criminosi (attentati, intimidazioni, minacce, incendi dolosi di mezzi, furti, ecc.). che hanno indotto alcune imprese appaltatrici a dichiararsi costrette ad abbandonare i lavori.E menomale che se ne sono accorti subito eh! Wake up, wake up your compliments, only after years and years of total crap, we're in good hands. And just imagine what would happen during construction of bridge that shit, there have been more than eighty percent of the contracts in hand the Mafia / Ndrangheta, Build it yeah, I just want to see, dickheads!
Viewed why I did not want to talk?
My trip was interrupted by stops to recharge pisciatine and red bull in the ever-present Autogrill (which I found to be the dealer for Italy of the chain Starbuck's, and is also why we only this chain has never caught on ... unfortunately)
arrived near the highway to three lanes I cried at the miracle undaunted and continued my advanced to the conquest of the capital, dodging SUVs and Golf at 180 to 200 per hour, regardless of Tutor for the speed control, and the microclimate in my car was starting to look like an illegal dump, like the one unearthed in the hills of Gallina, not far from my office.
Just before I do not know which junction, the navigator started flashing, disappearing completely directions to my destination. It must have been taken too many blows because of the suction cup of the above, the fact is that I would have to worry about the first warning of instability, when in the vicinity of the pollen, I marked in the air in the middle of plowed fields, while I was in single-lane queue (as usual).
However, as it is not the navigator to 800 meters from my release still has not recovered, then began to slow down and switch it on again like a madman, he comes off, I drop his dashboard, I take it the go-around a good deal of saliva (sputazzata I would say) and miracle of miracles lights working, the Stash my exit and save, even on the right path.
The trip lasted about eight hours and a half minutes less than minutes, I spent 45 € for a full tank of gas plus 17 € for the exit. We add various drinks and cagatine for the trip, let's say that I was about 70 euro, just to the left. The return was similar in cost, perhaps a bit 'more cagatine to eat, because the return there were two.
The good thing of the trip was the weather, beautiful all weekend.
I did not kill animals in my way, music is always been excellent and I have never, ever, cross a patrol forces Odin.
And tonight we leave
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