After four years of more or less, distinguished career, today I said goodbye to my job.
In about two weeks I'll write my bullshit from a comfortable (hopefully) chair in the center of London.
Today I cleaned my pc I made up all the work and raised my personal folders (For more porn sites, of course). I brought a bottle of champagne to greet my colleagues and, recently, I turned off the light coming out of that room for the last time.
The decision to go to London was part of a dream a few years old, this year I said
"but you know what? For others and you do not ? what can stop you from leaving everything and leave? "
and saw that I was just told that I nothing stopping me but myself , which could decide if I wanted to leave and try to get lucky, no, create me my fortune in that London.
And so, armed with determination, along with Faith we decided on a deadline, end of February.
The next day I went to buy a bidet to pack (the first thing to bear, it seems logical is not it?) And some books in English to try to not talk like Toto and Peppino in Malafemmina " Savu indiriss volevan us ... the "
And now we, today was my last day at work.
But I do not consider myself a "brain drain" , and because my brain is what it is, is because I, in fact, I'm not running away from anything.
Unlike the vast majority of people who give up, I had a job here with a permanent contract, to own a house (full of mice, but they are also owned by them, and now have the pedigree) and more.
So my was not a decision dictated by the paucity of what I had , but by the desire to live in a city like London, a city full of opportunities and things to do, a city where the Design and art are the highest expression and where meritocracy and value count really.
And then a nation that has not berlusconi not attract a bit 'all?
Four years of work I have changed, believe in something "much better than" when I came into the agency.
extraordinary gentlemen I've had (of course they know that I say this only because they could read and therefore better to speak well: D), I enjoyed every day spent in there, sharing moments of all kinds, with colleagues and with whom, in turn, has revolved around the agency (except rare, rare cases of people that it was better if he was elsewhere).
An agency with three different heads but united, and unique in their great humanity. The only
" leaders, met in ten years of work in the area, with whom I drank grappa and bitterness of the head end of the day, or with whom I could talk about my problems knowing that they are heard.
In the end, I left a job , no, I left a family with whom I shared a lot and that, in one way or another, I'll bring in my trip.
Thursday the boys brought me out to dinner, offering, among other things, a delicious cake (pictured). I thank them all from my heart, because if these four years I must have been special, especially , each of them.
Thanks :-)
Ps. In order not to end up in doing good is what I miss:
- The report cards at end of day and quality
- The conditioner also closed in the summer and closed in winter
- I do not miss the paranoia of someone, and the flurry of phone calls to someone else
- The time dancer, and being late for useless bullshit
- And most of all I miss the programmer of the agency, a goat incompetent, pig shit!
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