Sunday, September 19, 2010

New Zealand Tattoos Silver Fern

September 19
Tuesday, September 19, 1939. Lodz
I feel impelled to return to this page The d iario Dawid Sierakowiak an unforgivable faux pas that was perhaps a little 'overlooked. The spokesman of the parliamentary group German CDU on D Human ights Erika Steinbach discourse has taken over an old argument that the Second World War would not have broken out following the invasion of Poland by German troops but because of movements of troops on the Polish German border as early as March 1939 .... This is a falsehood that sometimes comes back.
E 'standing this lie and show are the very words of the iario Dawid Sierakowiak the September 19, 1939, a few days after the outbreak of war he wrote:
"... At five o'clock I heard the speech of Hitler. After an enthusiastic greeting and a welcome spoke of fefreite Die Stadt Danzig Hitler ... he fumed, he used sophistry, it is is upset, insulted, she begged, persuaded by fair means and, above all lied, lied and lied again ... He said that Poland had started the first war, lied talking about the oppression suffered by the Germans in Poland, lied always talking about the good and peaceful intentions ...."
by The d iario Dawid Sierakowiak Five Notebooks from the Lodz ghetto edited by Alan Adelson Einaudi Editore
I wonder if the German parliament, resigned today, Erika Steinbach know The d iario Dawid Sierakowiak?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Entryphone Wiring Diagram

יום כ ופ ר
Today is September 18 Yom Kippur means "day of atonement"
E 'on the tenth day of Rosh Hashanah, the New Year's Day.

Yom Kippur is one of the ten Yamim Noraim "day of repentance "
Yom Kippur is a holy day observed by all Jews, by practitioners and lay people. This solemn day begins at sundown the day before with the recitation of Kol Nidre prayer of repentance.

Kol Nidre in Aramaic means "all the promises the" Do jew calls saying "all vows, commitments, vows ... we may have given or for which we may have been committed shall be deleted from this day of repentance ... "The
Teshuvà the" repentance "or rather" return "to its true nature through a healthy remorse and the promise of commitment to the future: this is the ritual of this holy season. The jew on the tenth day of the ten Yamim Noraim "the days of repentance" complete fasting, not eating, not drinking, not working ...
Yom Kippur ends at the entrance of the stars and ends with the sounding of the shofar.

Discharge From 3 Year Olds

was the September 16, 1941 when they experienced at Auschwitz for the second time Zyklon B to kill. To tell us about Danuta Czech in his Kalendarium :
The "evidence" was done on 900 young prisoners Russian war . In
Kalendarium Danuta Czech us back even as he wrote the commander of the camp's gas chamber on September 16:
Höß writes in his memoir:
"During the first experience of gassing which I attended, I could not fully realize what was going on, perhaps because too impressed by all the operations. But I remember more clearly the gassing, which followed, the Russians 900 in the old crematorium, since l 'use of the block 11 too many difficulties involved. While still lasted disembarking from the train, in the coverage of earth and concrete Room mortuary were apertures. The Russians were forced to undress in the anteroom, and then all went quiet in the morgue, where they had been told that they would comb. The space contained just the entire carriage. The door was blocked and the openings were made into the gas. I do not know what this life is killing, but for a time is still designed as a hum. When released, some shouted. Gas!. and took off like a roar, while the men tried to force the gates, but did not surrender. Several hours later, the doors were opened and was let in the air. Then for the first time I saw large quantities of the corpses of people gassed. [.] But I must say openly that their gassing brought me great comfort, because within a foreseeable period would begin the mass extermination of Jews, and neither Eichmann nor I yet know how well we would have done so. [.] But now we found out the gas and how to use it. "(Commander in Auschwitz, op. Cit., P. 129 ff.).

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sample Letter Of Company Anniversary

The port memory takes you to Lodz in western Poland.
Lodz the mid-nineteenth century was one of the largest textile centers in Europe, there were produced textiles exported all over the world. His small town was transformed very quickly into an industrial empire ruled by landlords. The development of Lodz was made possible through the labor of Poles and Germans who were able to live together peacefully for decades. Despite the cultural and religious differences, the inhabitants of Lodz , in fact, have always managed to live well together, Jews and Catholics lived together without discrimination.
the eve of World War II Lodz had 672,000 inhabitants, of whom 231,000 were Jews. was the largest Jewish presence after to Warsaw. Over 60,000 were German. A Lodz children spoke Polish, German and yddish. But
arrived in September 1939, came the war, the Germans arrived who profane harmony. And Lodz began discrimination .....
Immediately after the occupation of Lodz by the Nazis, on the walls of the city appeared written in German and Polish which called for a return to normal life, to return to work, to reopen the schools. The schools were reopened, people returned to work, but nothing was like before.
The Germans began to persecute the Poles, to prohibit religious ceremonies, to profane celebrations .... but the worst treatment is reserved for Jews. From now on will seize the property, robbed shops, expropriated properties ... then the Jews will be forced to take "the hallmark".
The city of Lodz was occupied by German the September 8, 1939. The surrounding area was annexed to the Reich and the city was renamed by the Germans as the Litzmannstadt . Immediately after the arrival of the army arrived in the city led by Fritz Liphardt Einsatzkommando 2.
will soon set up the Ghetto and will be a Inferno
e i bambini di Lodz patiranno l'indicibile