Monday, January 31, 2011

Shaved Genitals Tybes

Saturday, January 27, 1945 by Kalendarium of Danuta Czech

enter the 15 camps Auschwitz and Birkenau, the first troops of reconnaissance the Red Army, who are cheer on the freed prisoners. After demining of the area, the soldiers of the 60th Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front, under the supreme command of General corps Pawel Kuroczkin make their entry into the camp and bring freedom to the surviving internees.

At the time of the Red Army, Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps are well-Monowitz 7,000 inmates, sick and exhausted.

The dr. Otto Wolken still in the field and as a doctor is one of the organizers of the relief measures for the detainees. Together, however, he secures the various documents of the field, testifying to the crimes committed by the SS in KL Auschwitz-Birkenau.
He points to the following numbers of prisoners remaining:

Auschwitz 1200 sick detainees
Birkenau 5800 sentences referred 4,000 women
Monowitz 600 sick prisoners

Friday, January 21, 2011

Dell Mini 9no Supported Webcam Driver Detected

January 1945 to Auschwitz-Birkenau

are the days that will be called the "death marches" . The SS leave the camps in Poland, the prisoners lined up with unprecedented brutality that stand up, end up without mercy those who can not walk, try to kill and destroy all traces of their crimes unforgivable ... the Kalendarium of Danuta Czech collect pieces of memory as a chronicle of what happened in those days ...

January 17, 1945
fact is the appeal of these prisoners at Auschwitz I and Birkenau.
In total, the male prisoners and women were as follows: 31894
The camp commandant gave orders to liquidate the SS during the evacuation of prisoners who tried to escape or be left behind ...
The angel of death, the executioner Mengele liquid his unit for experiments in BIIf door and rescued the "material" derived from his experiments on twins, and many other people who have had the misfortune to be subject to its criminal trials ...

o'clock at night the prisoners are made leave the barracks waiting for the order to march.
................ Meanwhile
front of Block 11 to Auschwitz1 is pursuing the destruction of the records of massacres contained in the archive of the camp.

Towards morning in columns are the inmates of the Birkenau women's camp will be in columns with the inmates of Auschwitz ....

will really Hell

incredible perseverance of the phobia of registration of the manic precision of the executioner: the Russians are within walking distance and the Nazi is still breathtaking to tattoo another man, and will be the last in the terrible history of Auschwitz-Birkenau. It 'a prisoner who comes from Concentration camp at Mauthausen, a German architect, born in Bleiberg August 30, 1918, his name is Engelbert Marketsch . His number is tattooed 202,499
E 'tattooed on the last of the camps of Auschwitz a

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Masterbate With Banana?

Gmail: Mail priority

Da qualche tempo su gmail è possibile filtrare le mail che arrivano per "priorità".  

Gmail posta prioritaria   è  un servizio relativamente nuovo che permette di scartare subito le cose meno interessanti e concentrarsi sulla posta seria, quella che conta,ovvero lo spam porno :) 

Now, among the many good things guugol ago but there is one that makes me shoot the ball or control the content of my mail.

For every email you send I find myself on the right of gmail, a box of advertising. Usually the ads are related to the content of the message I'm reading at the time.

So if I write about animals come out sites that sell products for dogs and cats, if I talk about work, there will be ads for the design, graphics and programming, if I talk about will come berlusconi banner against pedophilia, against Satan and shit!

Another indication that gmail is given by I Spy " Filter Anti gaffe"

The filter gaffe came about because of the staf gmail noticed that I drink, I do late and on weekends I tend to become irresponsible and annoying

Here is part of the description Service:

" Mail you send late night on weekends may also be useful, but it is likely that the next morning you will regret having sent."

bastards see it is true that I spy??

"Test your lucidity solving some simple math before you proceed."

Ecco un'altra prova, il fatto che io in matematica non sono mai stato un genio prova che mi spiano da quando andavo alle elementari... 

"Altrimenti fatti una bella dormita e riprova la mattina dopo, a mente fresca."

Ma fattela tu la dormita, io la mail la mando adesso!!!

Fine della discussione.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Red Bumps After Using Veet

When it's time to change brush Roomba

If your Roomba is combined of these as my photos, it's time for you to change the brushes of your vacuum nano.

Specifically, the dust is no longer being pulled up from the brush but ends up directly in membrane cleaner, clogged.

've been away for almost a week during the Epiphany, on my return home I did go Roomba in the bedroom (I state that had a cleaning cycle even before my departure) and the result is photos.

The good thing is that the Roomba spare parts are on ebay cheap. I also found them to Eldo, but strangely not MediaWorld or Trony (and yes there is no comparison ... but it sucks for that offer).

I also noticed that the plastic membrane is beginning to injury, never mind, that, too, with a few tens of euro will change (I wonder if the models of competition have the same chance of availability of parts)

However, if you're thinking that your home is not such a dirt it could certainly bring up, well, my dear funny guys, think again. Even in the house cleaner Roomba is able to find dust, hair, dead rats and more ...

... and if you want to come to the demonstration after the passing of Elf ok??

Friday, January 14, 2011

Annabel Chong Gangbang

Earthquake in Rome

This morning I read this and now the site , you never know, maybe for May 11 will give you a walk away from the capital.

for the series is not true but I believe

On 11 May 2011 a strong earthquake hit Rome? Man of the earthquakes has never wrong

He predicted the earthquake in Friuli, in the Marche, Abruzzo and now one in the next, extremely devastating, should be in Rome on 11 May. Raffaele Bendandi, also known as the man earthquakes, born in Faenza, October 17, 1893 and died in 1979, said he had discovered how to produce earthquakes and told him to know how to predict.

His theory has its origins in a walk along the beach, while serving on guard during World War II: in 1919 he senses that the earth's crust, as well as the tides, is subject to the effects of gravitational pull of the moon. His theory for the prediction of earthquakes (never recognized by the scientific community) was in fact based on the fact that the moon and other planets (along with the Sun) are the cause of the movements of the crust, which actually swollen, deformed and evokes the Earth's crust, with timing and rhythm-dependent position of celestial bodies.

went on with his studies also using a mini laboratory moved into a deep cave of the Tuscan-Romagna. One of his first forecast the involuntarily made for the earthquake of Marsica January 13, 1915, when he realized that 27 October of the previous year had left a note in this regard.

Until then very few people believe his theories, November 23, 1923 before the notary of Faenza decided to write his own prediction: January 2, 1924 an earthquake will occur in the Marche. The earthquake actually occurred, but two days later. However, the Corriere della Sera devoted the front page, calling "He which provides for the earthquakes. "
His fame grew so also internationally. In his studies, was also in charge of astronomy, geophysics, magnetic, cosmic and atmospheric studies, and atmospheric radioactivity in relation to atomic purposes. In addition to its personal, its main activity was a carpenter, built with this task and managed to sell some of its models of seismographs, even in America. He succeeded in his small to acquire even a small scientific library.

An earthquake in Friuli in 1976 was provided by his theory , he unsuccessfully tried to notify the competent authorities, which treated him as a charlatan. Before he died he left his predictions Bendandi a notary. Through its predicted a devastating earthquake in the city of Rome and surrounding areas for the day May 11, 2011, and another size for even more apocalyptic, 5-6 April 2012, when several earthquakes hit patchy throughout the land. What can I say? Only time will further confirm his theories.

Silvio Ah, you go to get a trip to the Coliseum that day, give us pleasure by

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Prom Dresses Catalogue

Universe dressing room - dressing room universe

The ten things I do while I wait for my girl out of the dressing rooms
10 Things that I do waiting for my girlfriend out of the dressing room

  1. Cerco una wi-fi aperta (quello in realtà appena entro in negozio)  e se la trovo controllo posta, aggiorno feed rss, twitter, aggiorno il meteo; 
  2. Mando sms e intanto nell'attesa di risposte leggo i feed dell'ultimo aggiornamento; 
  3. Pulisco la rubrica del cellulare dai numeri di sconosciuti o dai doppi contatti; 
  4. Idem per gli sms/e-mail
  5. In most shops, blowing away the dust of sheaves piled stationed at the corners of the dressing rooms (there are never noticed?) And I imagine that if I had my third Roomba shop around morning and evening ... sheaves more than three ounces of poor
  6. Fixed the other people waiting like me with eyes in the style of dying on a raft;
  7. If you have small children do grimaces;
  8. I play CrayonPhisics :
  9. playing Solitaire;
  10. Lately, if I have headphones, watch clips from " Romanzo Criminale, la serie " ;

10 Things that I do waiting for my girlfriend out of the dressing room
  1. I search a open wifi (actually when I enter in the store) if I find it, check the mail, feed Rss, twitter then the weather 
  2. I send sms, and in the meantime, read the last updated feeds 
  3. Delete double and old people from my contact list on the phone
  4. Idem for the sms/mail 
  5. Inside almost all store, I blow away the dust piled in corners and I think if the store was mine, I would use three roombas night and day... no more sheaves of dust 
  6. I stare at the other people in my same condition in style "dying man on a raft"
  7. If there are children I make them a grimace;
  8. Play to CrayonPhisics ; 
  9. Play to Solitaire 
  10. Recently, if I have headphones, I watch pieces of " Romanzo Criminale " tv series; 

 Tnk's to letizia for the review :)

Friday, January 7, 2011

How To Cancel Xbox Live Recurring Account

Alice's birthday

Often my niece is lost in the land around his home, living in the country is easy and extremely dangerous.

One day my niece was not anywhere, my sister was on one side of the house and my mother on the other side called to turn:

"Alice, Alice Where Art Thou ?
"I'm here"
"Here where? Mom I'm on your side "
" No Al, I'm by your side '

dint of calling my mother and my sister is a cross-over garden in enclosure of the dogs. And there, in the den of Raky, there was my nephew. He slipped on the mat for, he said, keep the dog company. And to prove to my sister that the dog was awake to raise her eyes visibly exposing the eye off to sleep: "Look mummy, you vegglio"

antibodies have my niece controcoglioni this point:)

Wednesday made the birthday, we were three years ago with her, and I have two and a half years struggling to get her a kiss. Yesterday I get home to cut cake armed with high hopes, a big smile and an ace in the hole, the natural weapon to rip off the young minds of children, or a gift.

A very nice complement purchased by Z. .. consigliatomi and the always reliable Celeste. get home with this package for three thousandths of a second I can get the attention of my grandson, but is a moment of illusion that vanishes in an instant, replaced by games with the cousins.

eat the cake and I find that little Alice all day did VIP, already in the morning puffing nervously for phone cards, so I figured if you could expand with a gesture of affection spontaneous.

Maybe I should get into the house of a galloping pony and firing gunshots into the air to get her little attention.

Among the many gifts received between Christmas and birthday was a particularly pleasant (not my sister though). Una borraccia della "Carica dei 101" che con Fede abbiamo acquistato al Disney Store della capitale. Quindi qualche giorno prima di Natale sono andato a fare le veci di Babbo Natale e a consegnare anche questo dono.

Mia nipote gradisce (ma non mi da neanche un bacio di ringraziamento) e comincia da subito a bere dalla cannuccia telescopica, mentre mia sorella, che per mesi si è ammazzata per abituarla a non farsi la pipi a letto, di lato a dirle "Alice smettila di bere che bagni il letto" . Ovviamente contro un bambino è una lotta impari che vede gli adulti perdenti su tutti i fronti, e quindi per tutta la cena la borraccia di lato e mia nipote attaccata a bere.

The morning after:
"Alice got up, it's eight o'clock, we go pee"
"But I've already made Mom" \u200b\u200b
"But porc ... putt ..."

three times even better gift uncle Dome: D
And happy birthday little Alice

Alice in the picture my shot this summer