Saturday, February 27, 2010


Qualche Comune si muove

Quarrata (PT), 23/02/2010

E 'approved In yesterday's session of the City Council, the integration of Municipal Regulations, "Water common good of public interest and without economic significance." The motion, tabled by the Group Board "City Perte", "Left and Freedom" and "Democratic Party" recognizes water as a source of life and good for mankind, indispensable, and for this must be publicly owned.
"The water service must be managed by a public body - said the Deputy Mayor and Deputy Mayor for Public Works, Marco Mazzanti - because the water is a collectively owned and therefore must not be privatized. As we Administration Quarrata is satisfied that one of the first municipalities to include in its statute the fundamental right of its citizens. "
"With this decision the Council has proved far-sighted, saying that as a sacrosanct principle that water can not be just a commodity, but it is a human right - said the President of the Council Commission Institutional, Alessandra Migliorini.

How To Protect Wooden Front Door

Chianciano e le Terme

release of Antonio Falcone

We are now at the ridiculous, after the failure of all initiatives aimed at revitalization of Chianciano, the newly elected (do not know by whom) Committee Chianciano passes good for the further sale Terme di Chianciano by the municipality.
am really distant times in which they occupied the tracks at the station closed to return to the spa community Local or where the only entry FISES with a 5% stake, made the whole scandal in the spa town. Even
to finish the work of the pool (now mirage in the desert) the municipality has less than 10% of shares in real estate of the Baths. The 2 million euro allocated by the Region of Tuscany are just further subscription by a single owner (the Region) of the capital, among other things resolved long ago. The Committee in Chianciano parade Thursday, February 25 raises the center of excellence in liver diseases has been promised in 2002 as a research center in 2004 reaffirmed the commitment of the province and region in two months and now called first Diagnostic Center (from the regional presidential candidate) and now Excellence (what?) by the new Committee for Chianciano.
Not to mention the infinity of the convention center theater moved from half a mile to Valley Road up to the Ribussolaie, with the result that much money was spent on public projects, geological surveys, feasibility studies and other convention center and even the ' shadow.
For our part, we believe that Chianciano not need big ads and pledges (the citizens are fed up), you must work hard and exploit the potential for spa tourism and innovative recipes not only welcome but also management . Would already a great thing to have roads without potholes and some 'efficiency in public services. Meanwhile, the 2010 season is coming and how enthusiastically open, knows that only banks.

Easy Grabber,vista 64 Driver

Il crocifisso e l’assalto clericale alla Costituzione

in Michele Martelli
What does it matter who was crucified by the Italian Constitution? Nothing. By the time, the Composition of the revision of 1984, signed, his goodness, by the Church / State of the Vatican, was revised Article 7 of compromise and contradictory, and deleted the formula, dating from 1929 Concordat of Catholicism "sole religion of State '. Since then, as decided by the Constitutional Court Judgement No 203 of 12 April 1989, the Italian government is expected to be in effect, a secular state, and non-denominational, let alone Catholic: "The principle of secularism, which is clear from Articles. 2, 3, 7, 8, 19 and 20 of the Constitution, implies not indifference to religion but the State before a State guarantee for the protection of freedom of religion, under the confessional and cultural pluralism. "

If Italy is to respect the constitutional legality, if secularism, pluralism, spirit, style and rules of constitutional democracy had become common sense, who would argue over crucifixes in the courts, schools, classrooms Board and public places? But yes. We discuss it. Because we live in a country that is still the backyard of the Vatican. That at least is designed not only by Roman Curia, but also by the ruling center-right, spineless, prone and always ready to fulfill the sacred desired Cei and the Vatican (the strengthening of private schools in bioassays). And since in Italy, from the time when Bertha was spinning, who's in charge makes the good and the bad weather, such is the indifference of most people qualunquistica ("Fuck", "this and that to me are equal" ), it's no wonder that it should be multiplied by a radial episodes and regressive phenomena, from the medieval old Christianitas being restored.

And they are already too many. We can cite the statements of the former pagan Celtic cross-Lega and Deputy Castelli ("We will propose to place the cross in the flag") and those of his party colleague Minister Maroni (satisfied no minarets in Switzerland, did not think that that would not caused, in retaliation, the threat of jihadist Gaddafi against Switzerland?). Or we can remember loving the transport of Berlusconi for the Church ("Against the Church in Italy does not rule": better to govern "with" fact "below, submitted to the Church?") And his anxiety to get lost, his "birbanterie" with the escort, by Cardinal Bertone, Secretary di Stato vaticano, alla Festa aquilana della Perdonanza, sotto i riflettori di stampa e tivvù (Palazzo Chigi varrà pure un baciamani!). O il ricorso del governo di Sua Maestà di Arcore contro la sentenza della Corte europea dei Diritti Umani di Strasburgo sulla rimozione del crocifisso dalle aule delle scuole pubbliche italiane (“Quei giudici devono morire”, è stato il commento del ministro La Russa; intendeva: magari con un incursione della X Mas, se ci fosse?).

L’Italia filo clericale, invaticanata, contro l’Europa laica e secolarizzata.

Alla Corte di Strasburgo ha dichiarato Luigi Tosti of wanting to appeal, "the court anti-crucified" (declined between 2005 and 2006 to conduct hearings in the courtroom of Dressing topped with a crucifix), recently expelled from the CSM, although it was already acquitted by the Court of Cassation. So a judge of a secular republic should be forced to issue rulings with the crucifix hanging behind him? Tosti is no coincidence that defined the process of the CSM "worthy of the best Holy Inquisition of the Catholic Church." Camerino in the province of Macerata. Do you know what resolved the right-wing majority of the provincial council? The permanent exhibition of the crucifix in the council chamber. "Chronicles of Macerata" ha avviato un sondaggio. I risultati? Al 22 gennaio 2010: su 70 votanti, 57/% sì, 47% no. A San Severino Marche (Macerata) in consiglio comunale è stato votata una “mozione sul crocifisso” che ne obbliga l‘ostensione in tutti gli uffici pubblici. Un’altra spia di un’Italia poco laica e molto clericale. Se così è, i laici hanno davvero molto da lavorare.

Ancora più eclatante la notizia che arriva da Pescara, dove è stata vietata l’affissione di un manifesto dell’Uaar, ispirato alla citata sentenza della Corte di Strasburgo. Vale forse la pena di riportarne per intero il brevissimo testo: "Crucifix in school? No, thanks. The classrooms are not asked, the chairs are not altars. Human rights are always respected, beyond the religious or political beliefs. " In a civilized country in Europe would be obvious. It is not right for the Mayor of Pescara, Albore Luigi Mascia, that 'as an administrator and as a Christian, "feels a duty to protect" the credibility of a historic landmark shared by Christianity "(Note supporting the December 23, 2009 and signed by the males). Not content to refer to a configuration fantagiuridica crime of contempt of religion, calls art. 19 of the Constitution, which states all the 'right to profess freely their religion 'and' practice in private and in public worship. "

What has art. 19 with the prohibition of posting? And then, if there is religious freedom, there is also freedom for those who are not religious? And why a mayor would confuse its role as public with their private religious beliefs? And why treat as second-class citizens non-believers? If the mayor Mascia hypothesis was not a Catholic and a believer, but an atheist or agnostic, for this would be allowed to discriminate against believers? No, the Constitution does not allow him: atheists, agnostics or believers of any faith, all have an equal right to freedom of expression.
why the crosses are symbols of the party if exposed in public places. What is all the public is not a party, not even the majority.

This is secularism. The rest is clericalism. And moreover, unconstitutional.

(February 26, 2010)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Funny Indian Wedding Wordings

Public Water: towards the referendum.

Appeals father Alex Zanotelli: "These years of commitment and awareness on water, lead me to say that we have achieved a cultural victory in Italy, which now has to become political" .
Alex Zanotelli by

"This is the year of the water, the year in which we Italians have to decide whether the water will be good or basic human right. On November 19, 2009 The Berlusconi government has voted for the law Ronchi, privatizing the faucets in Italy. It is the defeat of politics, is the victory of economic-financial potentates.

is the victory of the market, the commodification of the 'creature' most sacred we have: 'sister water'.

This decree will be paid a heavy price from the underprivileged classes of that country, which, for the fare increase, will find it increasingly difficult to pay the water bills (as we citizens of Series A and Series B!). Most importantly, the privatization of water, will be paid by the poor of the South with millions of dead of thirst.
For me it is criminal to multinationals entrust the most precious asset of humanity (the 'blue gold "), well that will be increasingly scarce, both for climate change (melting of glaciers and snowfields) and for the increase population.
Water is a fundamental human right, to be managed by the municipalities in total public capital, which have always been the duty of ensuring the distribution for all at the lowest cost possible.

Unfortunately, our government, with the law Ronchi, he chose another path, that of commodification of water. But I am convinced that the victory of economic-financial potentates will turn into a boomerang. is already significant popular reaction against this immoral decision. These years of commitment and awareness on water, lead me to say that we have achieved a cultural victory in Italy, which now has to become political. is why the Italian Forum of Water Movements public lancia ora il Referendum abrogativo della Legge Ronchi, che dovrà raccogliere, fra aprile e luglio 2010, circa seicentomila firme.
Non sarà un referendum solo abrogativo, ma una vera e propria consultazione popolare su un tema molto chiaro: o la privatizzazione dell'acqua o il suo affidamento ad un soggetto di diritto pubblico.
Le date del referendum verranno annunciate in una grande manifestazione nazionale a Roma il 20 marzo, alla vigilia della Giornata Mondiale dell'acqua (22marzo). Nel frattempo chiediamo a tutti di costituirsi in gruppi e comitati in difesa dell'acqua, che siano poi capaci di coordinarsi a livello provinciale e regionale.
È la difesa del bene più prezioso che abbiamo (aria and water are the two essential elements for life!).
We call on all groups and committees to put pressure on their first municipalities to convene single issue advice to state that the water is a non-economic importance. This opens the possibility to entrust the management of water to a person of public law.
We need thousands of communities to express themselves. This could be a propositional ALTR referendum.
Only a great popular movement may give us cross a great victory for the common good. Waterfront
we play everything, even our democracy. We must and can win. He made Paris (home of the big multinational water companies , Veolia, Ondeo, Saur who are putting their hands on water Italian) to return to public management.
We can do it too. Mobilize! It is the year of water! "

(February 15, 2010)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Comments To Write On A 21st Card

The "champion" of Bersani is right and anti

from the pages of PMLI ...........
Emma Bonino, "I hope to convince the electorate the right to votarmi"

"She's a woman outside the stereotypes. It is a champion. This is how I feel. "With these words the secretary of the PD and renounced communism, Pierluigi Bersani, who christened the Apply for the "center-left" to the presidency of the Lazio region of the old horse of the right and "left" of the neo-fascist regime, Emma Bonino. A candidate supported not only by the radicals and the PD but also dall'Idv Di Pietro, by Verdi, from "Left, ecology, freedom" Vendola and the Federation of the Left (PRC, PdCI, Socialism 2000). It seems, moreover, is coming into port also negotiating with the Alliance for Italy Rutelli.

A life devoted to feminism and the petty bourgeois liberalism
Emma Bonino was born in Bra (Cuneo) in 1948. It has always been one of the leading figures of the so-called "radicalismo liberale" sia a livello nazionale che internazionale. Secondogenita di una famiglia borghese e cattolica (il padre era proprietario di una fattoria prima di diventare un commerciante di legname, la madre era una cattolica praticante), la Bonino raggiunge la maturità classica al liceo "Gandino" di Bra nel 1967 per poi conseguire 5 anni dopo, nel 1972, la laurea in Lingue e letterature moderne alla prestigiosa Università privata della "Bocconi" con una tesi sulla figura di Malcom X. È in questi anni che entra in politica sposando le tesi del femminismo piccolo-borghese fondando il "Centro d'Informazione sulla Sterilizzazione e sull'Aborto" venendo arrestata più volte dopo essersi autoconsegnata alle "forze dell'ordine" per procured abortion. In 1976, having joined the Radical Party, is presented for the first time the general election, the House leaders in many districts being elected to the age of 28, along with 3 other radicals (Marco Pannella, Mauro Mellini Adele and I). Lockheed scandal broke in 1978 that will force the then President of the Republic, the DC right Giovanni Leone, to resign under the pressure of widespread protest in Italy on its relations with the U.S. and sold in secret military weapons. Although the Radical Party at the time the firm had participated in the battle against Leone, several years later, November 3, 1998, under the auspices of the then President of the Republic and the future Scalfaro Vittorio Emanuele III Giorgio Napolitano (as a mediator), Marco Pannella and Emma Bonino wanted to shake hands with the now nonagenarian former president and a curved back, apologized publicly for the first two decades of attacks. The same morning, the newspapers had anticipated the contents of a letter of reconciliation of the two radicals, with which, in addition to pay tribute to Leone, they acknowledged that they were twenty years ago in the wrong apologizing publicly.

Dall''anticlericalismo militant 'to reconciliation with the Vatican hierarchy
The elusive ballyhooed anti-clericalism and secularism for all the behind-the-'70s battles over divorce and abortion are reduced to become the face with the new commitment of the small scout presidential candidate of the Lazio region. In fact, after becoming the European Parliament in 1979, promotes Bonino in 1981 an appeal against hunger by helping to found the Association of Food and Disarmament International ", which soon to become secretary. And here is a "surprising" reconciliation with the Vatican and the church hierarchy: the official and friendly meeting in 1986 with the black pope John Paul II, with whom he discussed the proposals to combat hunger in the world, with results that are under the eyes of all. The fruits of that meeting were anything but on their way to world hunger and that is, not surprisingly, a year later, in 1987, Bonino manifests itself in the forefront in favor of Solidarity against Jaruzelski and his Communist dictatorship, "in full harmony with the wire -papal Lech Walesa.

Un'anticomunista visceral and false non-violent
Bonino waged a fierce struggle with any country that may seem too far from socialist or communist, attacking at all times and when it the opportunity presents the historic international communist movement from Marx to Mao, without distinction of any kind. We find it to attack, with an unparalleled hatred, historical experience of socialism when in early 2000, presents a book, funded by the U.S., this Michael Breen against North Korea, so that in the preface, worse than a sexton, lists the millions of deaths caused by communism, fully exposing his visceral anti-communism . In an interview with "The Messenger" (April 17, 2004) so \u200b\u200bhe spoke to a journalist in the definition of terrorism: "I think , contrary to what many people continue to argue that terrorism is a threat as they were the Nazism or Stalinism. And so it is not, despite some common places to the left, the product of poverty or U.S. unilateralism ... I believe that the terror groups are dangerous organizations and very smart. They want to govern, by the Taliban regime, a part of the Arab world and against another part: that of the Arab moderates and the democratic West. The terrorists know, for example, that the main 'weakness' of the West is public opinion. In the Arab world are sources of information, completely unknown to us, which support the idea that we need external pressure to spread democracy. For example, communism, without the pressure of European policy and Reagan, would still be standing. And apartheid in South Africa is perhaps fallen by yourself? . "Here there are no campaigns against China initiated by her guilty of having attacked and isolated Tibet on the Dalai Lama, since the days of Mao, is carved into the eyes of its anti-hate campaign against Serbia and the "communist" Milosevic, who will be the premise of the attack against the former Yugoslavia in 1999.
In fact, the anti-drunk moves to the right to marry so completely, so that imperialist policies Jan. 26, 1995, forty-eight hours after taking office as European Commissioner, with the support of neoduce Berlusconi's first government, he left for the former Yugoslavia and moved to Sarajevo and Mostar. At the end of this journey Bonino wrote in the Corriere della Sera: " may seem paradoxical, certainly if bitter 'to be convinced that nonviolent have always been 'I find myself sharing, or even to invoke the use of force by the international community to put an end to crimes against humanity that are perpetrated with impunity in a corner of Europe called Bosnia. Let me be clear: I am not a pacifist, are not for peace at any cost, especially when the cost is to pay someone else and at this price. They are, instead, for the rule of law at any cost, and is bitter having to give evidence that there are historical circumstances in which the defense of legality can not be left, even temporarily, that the use of arms ". Here in summary of the thesis interventionist Bonino, who undresses the role of non-violent, battles against the "arrogance and the arrogance of the Yankees" and the '70s-style militarism to accept passively and strongly supported the rotten soul of capitalism, namely imperialism, which is embodied in a few years later interventionist policy Use of the Governments of Italy and Clinton and the renegade D'Alema.

The nominations for President of the Republic and the rise of the department of international trade
The ascent to the upper floors of the bourgeois political power continues without interruption, so that after holding the role as a European Commissioner from 1995 to 1999, Bonino is one of the "papabili" to cover the bench for the President of the Republic after having achieved a good result at the 1999 European elections, but eventually has to give up because he still has not placed too far right for the taste of neoduce Arcore and his cronies and despite the neo-fascist campaign millionaire which led to the coffers of the already devastated radical party into bankruptcy. In the meantime, do not abandon the battle so that the arrest of Comrade anti-Pol Pot is a strong support of the campaign Bonino for strengthening the International Criminal Court, despite the failure that a few years earlier had made its proposal for the former Yugoslavia had collected around the world, only the support of 25 thousand people. Remember also for the promotional campaign of the Radical Party through the massive use of emails and unwanted SMS so that, in February 2001, a declaration of the Privacy Authority clarified that the practice promoted by Bonino and compare with which they were collected and used e-mail addresses, was illegal.
In 2004 he was re-elected to Parliament and he joined the liberal group Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, occupying the position of Head of Delegation of the EU election observer mission for the parliamentary and provincial elections of bourgeois 'Afghanistan which will see the victory of pro-US Karzai. On April 27, 2006 comes with a list mista socialisti-radicali (la Rosa nel Pugno) in Parlamento e da questo momento comincia la rapida scalata ai "salotti buoni" dei potentati borghesi: diventa ministro per gli Affari Europei del governo antipopolare del DC Prodi dopo un lungo scontro di occupazione della poltrona di ministero della Difesa con il DC Mastella. Successivamente (17 maggio 2006) occupa il dicastero delle Politiche Europee, sempre con Prodi Presidente del Consiglio, cui si aggiunge un'altra qualificazione con l'istituzione ad hoc del ministero del Commercio internazionale.
Dopo la caduta del governo di "centro-sinistra" è stata eletta senatrice del PD nel 2008 e ricopre attualmente la carica di vicepresidente del Senato.

A right neo-fascist regime of doc
Upon completion of his career in the politics of bourgeois neo-fascist regime, Emma Bonino has been made of individualism and petty-bourgeois megalomania horses to face the battle new "bet" to become president of the Lazio region. Since the beginning of the new millennium, Bonino has established a list of its own, "La Lista Emma Bonino", which focuses entirely on the candidate and his unpopular figure, and "blessed", as well as Bersani, Veltroni also already in Previously he had wanted the coalition that supported him as a candidate to neopodestà of Rome, as leaders Rose in the Fist.
Emma Bonino sonati is presented by the PD as the true "novelty" and "surprise" of the upcoming elections: in fact this is a new bourgeois politician-old horse put some time in right field from the neo-fascist regime with a function of stimulus and conditioning of both the right and the "left" regime that for the early completion of the design as faithful as possible presidential and piduista of the Second Republic. Bonino, who hopes to draw, as he told Sky TG 24 , including the right of the voters, has literally robbed the watchwords of the neo-fascist right starting with the presidential system e dall'interventismo, per non parlare dell'ultraliberismo e del federalismo creando, nel tempo, non poca concorrenza ai partiti che fin qui ne erano i principali depositari come An e la Lega.
La Bonino è una fan sfegatata del "sistema americano" sia in campo economico, che sociale e politico. È a favore del presidenzialismo e del bipartitismo. Nel corso degli anni, lei e il suo partito sono stati promotori di referendum ultraliberisti, non a caso sponsorizzati dalla Confindustria, finalizzati alla piena liberalizzazione del "mercato del lavoro", alla soppressione dei diritti economici, sindacali e normativi dei lavoratori e delle privatizzazioni, come l'abolizione dell'articolo 18 dello "Statuto dei lavoratori", l'abolizione dei patronati e del sistema di iscrizione ai sindacati, la liberalizzazione del lavoro a domicilio e dei contratti a termine. È giunta a minacciare le dimissioni dal governo Prodi in assenza di una drastica controriforma pensionistica. È solo di qualche mese fa la proposta di legge dei radicali per modificare l'art. 1 della Costituzione togliendo il riferimento al "lavoro". Per via referendaria avrebbero voluto anche abolire il Servizio sanitario nazionale per giungere alla piena privatizzazione della sanità. E porta la firma della Bonino il disegno di legge sulle "Misure per la liberalizzazione del mercato dell'energia, per la razionalizzazione dell'approvvigionamento, per il risparmio energetico", ossia di quelle norme che hanno dato il via ai rigassificatori. La lista potrebbe continuare a lungo, ma merita infine menzionare la sua posizione sulla cosiddetta "giustizia giusta" di craxiana memoria che prevede l'abolizione dell'obbligatorietà dell'azione penale, l'inasprimento delle norme sulla responsabilità civile dei giudici e la netta separazione delle carriere dei magistrati. Quando era ministro del governo Prodi votò contro il disegno di legge di "riforma" della giustizia varato da quel governo perché non contemplava questa netta separazione delle carriere.
Alla tipica cultura politica della destra la Bonino deve il suo populismo, il suo femminismo piccolo-borghese, in realtà femminismo mussoliniano, il suo trasversalismo, la sua antipartitocrazia. A campaign initiated by a waste of time and with incredible resources, as well as the time of his candidature for the presidency. It is therefore for the popular masses and to the left of the electorate virtually every proposal inadmissible fruit of his thought and political action and anti-bourgeois, and it is for these reasons that should be punished by the turnout at the next regional elections.

February 10, 2010
The candidate of the "center-left" to the governor of the Lazio. Left are queued, ecology, freedom and the Federation of the left

Alicia Rhodesi Like It Black


is he, what he says that public employees are all lazy, who wants to send women retire at 65 years, who wants to whisk the children away from home at age 18, students or temporary workers who are not is his business . He he he, is retiring from "university" with 38 years of contributions from the teacher. Most of the Italian humanist even if they work in a factory shifts are beaten and strenuous work, retire with 40 years of contributions, and the unfortunate Dini reform, their pension is calculated with the contribution that we lose 30, 40, 50 % of salary.

He did not. He does not even set foot in 15 years in universities (and this is only good for students) has made contributions figurative, that is false, or without paying anything but the whole thing to the State having the current minister, held positions Institutional (European Parliament from 1999 to 2008 and then Minister). marco_nesci_2010

This gentleman who goes around doing the moral and accounts in other people's pockets, he graduated in 73, up to 78 served as assistant to the exercises, when he became professor and earns 81 ' ability to associate professor. Among the other without a competition, but only through a large indemnity (at the time was the henchman De Michelis).

Genoa thousands of workers are at the mercy of the absurd and illegitimate "attention" INAIL for alleged fraud by asbestos. INAIL has felt compelled, without any sentence, but as a precautionary measure to suspend payment of pensions (starvation) or did not recognize that the same INAIL had acknowledged in the past, these workers, throwing thousands of despair families. These workers have been victims of asbestos and the law that sent them on board to facilitate corporate restructuring. They have faults, often forcibly, filed a request that the INAIL accepted. Today, with the endorsement Berlusconi's government, are required to pay. Absurd and barbaric. As Brunetta retired, who among other things continue to receive both the fee of parliamentary minister and the mayor of Venice, where the Venetians are so fools to elect him.

Mark Nesci

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Good Halloween Rhyming Invitations

agreements in Tuscany

Circles Valdichiana believe that the next regional elections represent an important step for the visibility and the establishment of the PRC Communist Party saved even if battered by an attempt to splinter wound occurred with the last congress of Chianciano. The election is also an opportunity for verification of what we should call the Federation of anti-capitalist left, and the Communist antagonist. These conditions together with the attempt to determinate the polarization of the political system with the rejection of the amendment of electoral law in line with the objective of eliminating the PDL PD-wing political buoyancy general and in particular the Communists, makes it essential to find alternative and a stand-alone profile of our party. These considerations apply to the entire policy framework of the general election of 2010 has become a subtle problem with the light of the liberal impulse that our region has shown over the years in the field of outsourcing and privatization of services - more than any other Italian regions.
The PRC, came mostly during construction has made any effort to limit the damage and to give a left and progressive regional policies in this framework include:
Law on Regional 'immigration. It is one of the most advanced at the national level, and this is an element of prestige in Tuscany, even within Europe;
The provision on non-self-sufficiency. It of a fund - to assist the disabled and elderly - who turns out to be one of those where were transferred more resources than other regions;
The law on social safety nets, through which various resources have been committed to regional to give an initial response to emergencies caused by the global crisis of capitalism (actually Liguria, Piedmont, Emilia-Romagna and Lombardy have done much more than the Toscana);
single list for the surgery,
by which we should not (it is good - the state - the conditional use) to assist more shame – con la cd doppia lista - di chi può, pagando, farsi operare in intramoenia molto tempo prima rispetto a chi è costretto a seguire la lista pubblica;
Abbattimento delle liste di attesa, grazie alla quale dovremmo (anche qui è bene – allo stato – usare il condizionale) accorciare i tempi biblici per molti tipi di esami, a patto che – però – ciò non si traduca in un peggioramento della qualità delle prestazioni. Purtroppo, dobbiamo registrare, però, che il bilancio sulla nostra presenza in maggioranza pende per il negativo ed il nostro apporto è modesto e spesso contraddittorio: infatti, nella percezione dei nostri referenti e dei nostri simpatizzanti, l'ingresso in maggioranza (ed il permanervi in futuro) è stato (e sarà) semplicemente incoerente e contraddittorio rispetto alla nostra tradizionale collocazione alla testa di una serie di vertenze regionali o locali (termalismo, sanità, acqua) contro le politiche liberiste. Il rischio evidente è di diventare la controparte di queste mobilitazioni locali. Di seguito si evidenziano una serie di condizioni negative determinate dalla politica regionale toscana, quali:
Il cosiddetto Modello Toscano ha di gran lunga anticipato la privatizzazione nel campo della gestione del sistema idrico integrato appena varato dal Governo Berlusconi. E nonostante oggi PD Tuscan shows tentative signs of discomfort and regardless of the percentage of shares held by the public and private, reality and experience of these years shows us that the individual directs all at will, with joint ATO and unable to fight it and ensure fairness for the citizens and the realization of the investment promised. Our party has always fought against this model, has collected thousands of signatures in both 2005 and 2007, and the entry in most Regional has made us complicit in the PD and not in the eyes of the people;
Urbanism. Urban expansion in Tuscany is - in recent years - perfectly aligning the terrible trends in Europe, with an impressive decline for hundreds of thousands of acres of open space expansion construction: the eco-monsters have become a normality in the coast and begin to appear in territories hitherto been free, such as Florence, Siena, Val d'Orcia, etc ... The region, despite having an adequate system of rules does not intervene and the Municipalities in the face of the same structural and plans to fit the zoning local speculation. In addition, the serious legal consequences to events in and around Florence (who are not concluded) reveal the closeness of most of the apparatus of PD with the tips most advanced of the most outrageous speculation;
Infrastructure. The Tyrrhenian Highway - after our entry into the majority, in 2008 - was formally declared the region priority. Instead of strengthening the Aurelia, we build another snake of asphalt that will devastate the area and will cost hundreds of millions of euro. Projects Pharaonic High Speed \u200b\u200b/ High Capacity are bridge (eg. Stop the super fast trains underground in the area of \u200b\u200bSanta Maria Novella in Florence) oblivious already caused disasters in Mugello (where no one seems to pay the consequences). Thereby neglecting the problem ever faced Cassia seriously, despite being increasingly used in a way - no concrete plan of action to improve services and improve transport and to allow easy and continuous accessibility of wonderful places like Val d 'Orcia Amica. In a crisis like this we would need to freeze the great works and to initiate a reorganization of our country can give a shot in the arm for our economy also characterized by small and closely connected to the system and linked to local employment infrastructure projects for tourism and for the few industries that are located there and sustain the economy of these areas.
La Junta Regional - in 2008 - has adopted resolutions on a personal basis to allow municipalities to waive Tuscany with its legislation and to initiate mining activities even at the sites of the Natura 2000 network, essentially forcing the provinces to provide in PAERP;
cycle management of waste. Should be made new plants and expanding existing ones within the plans of the extraordinary waste of ATO 3, Tuscany will be the European region with the highest number of waste incineration plants, of course in relation to permanent residents and the administrative area. And 'no point in making good laws, if not then it monitors the implementation da parte degli enti che ne sarebbero preposti, cioè i propri ATO;
Tutela del Territorio.
Concessioni indiscriminate per la costruzione di centrali a biomasse affidate a qualsiasi privato ne faccia richiesta, scarico di fanghi nelle zone più rappresentative del sud Toscana come la Valdichiana e come la Val d'Orcia, fra l’altro proprietà dell'UNESCO. Nessun progetto concreto per la valorizzazione della Amiata, solo foto pubblicitarie quando si deve cercare voti.
Termalismo. La grave crisi del termalismo determinata dalla soppressione del Congedo Termale ma anche dalle regionalizzazione della Sanità in cui ci sono grosse responsabilità del Centro-Sinistra ha prodotto crisi strutturali nei centri termali tradizionali quali Montecatini, Chianciano e Casciana. In questo quadro la Regione, pur essendo proprietaria degli stabilimenti insieme ai Comuni, non ha prodotto nessuna iniziativa nel campo del termalismo sanitario ed ha vanificato la stessa legge 323 del 2000 (voluta dall’allora Governo Prodi) facendola rimanere inapplicata sia nelle parti che richiedevano investimenti e sia nelle parti regolamentari quali l’art. 13 che riguarda la qualità delle stazioni termali. Solo Chianciano ed il territorio circostante negli ultimi 5 anni hanno prodotto la perdita di 2000 posti di lavoro, senza contare l’indebolimento dell’indotto artigianale. Quest’anno decine di aziende alberghiere non riapriranno e tutto peserà sulla tenuta sociale di interi territori.
La Toscana è stata la prima regione ad aziendalizzare le USL, creando un sistema ibrido che da una parte sfugge al controllo del territorio e dall’altra rende i servizi sempre meno accessibili soprattutto per i più deboli। Per correre ai ripari si è fatto peggio istituendo la Società della Salute. La Valdichiana si è candidata subito alla sperimentazione, che senza nessuna verifica dei consigli comunali, è diventata effettiva in quasi tutta la Regione. L’esperienza Valdichiana ci parla di un carrozzone dove risiedono più soggetti ma il vero padrone è il Direttore Generale (espressione 49% of ASL) that takes decisions in regard to the Wide Area hospital system and imposes on the social choices with respect to the district. It has also created a system of institutional steps of City funds to social-SDS-ASL-Private Social insecurity that making money on the operators and does not warrant the services in terms of both quality and quantity. The municipal councils are only spectators of slides that show data and statistics which expresses a symbolic acknowledgment. Among other things, in a time when the region attempts to rationalize spending and reduce their bodies to save resources, the tens of millions of euro per year to be spent on the 34 SDS are a contradictory signal.
electoral law. Again, remember that the electoral law called "bullshit Calderoli" of 2006 has been delivered along the lines of the Tuscan tag with a mess-PD-PDL, behind even the allies of the government and the introduction of barriers and anti-democratic without restoring the sacred right to express their preferences. In view of these evaluations and the fact that Tuscany is not running the risk of a victory of the PDL, the circles of the Chiana Valley is an independent state-oriented presentation of the PRC-SE to 2010 within the Regional Federation of the Left Alternative and in competition with PdL and PD, in order to be understandable and credible with regard to social subjects that we represent (oppressed by the capitalist crisis) to which we turn our countryside. The term of the (short) experience in Tuscany Union should not be seen as a defeat, however, as a sign of weakness or lack of culture of government: the defeat can live as only those who do not want to take note of the absolute immutability of the paradigms which characterize the present stage PD. can not live it - instead - how to defeat the Communists, who have as their sole reference to the precarious workers, the unemployed, workers, and the last at large. A final consideration is the dreaded possibility of setting up a single list for the regional in which - in - would be placed next to the symbol of our Federation does not quite know what and to whom (Democratic Left? Green? Left Ecology Freedom ?): we believe this devastating situation, as we all remember well the undisguised satisfaction of them, which on one hand despaired for their lack of a quorum at the European elections, but on the other rejoiced because they had succeeded in making sweeping way we, who have also become paradoxical in the division perceived as a different strategy because it highlights the division only come una conseguenza della lotta di potere fra apparati interni del PRC.
I Circoli della Valdichiana

Tamil Invitation Words For Marriage

The Foibe

Alessandra Kersevan, ex insegnante ed oggi paziente ricercatrice di storia e cultura della sua regione, il Friuli, da anni lavora al recupero della memoria storica in merito agli avvenimenti del confine orientale.

A Trieste la storia non comincia il 1° maggio 1945…

Sì, Sembra un'osservazione banale, eppure di fronte a tante cose che sono state scritte in questi anni sulle vicende del confine orientale occorre chiarire e ricordare che il fascismo in questa regione è stato più violento che in qualsiasi altra parte d'Italia: sloveni e croati, oltre cinquecentomila persone che abitavano le terre annesse dallo stato italiano dopo la prima guerra mondiale furono oggetto di persecuzioni razziali e ogni tipo di angherie: divieto di usare la loro lingua, chiusura delle scuole, delle associazioni ed enti economici sloveni e croati, arresto degli oppositori, esecuzioni di condanne a morte decise dal Tribunale Speciale. Con l'aggressione nazifascista alla Jugoslavia, nel 1941, la nostra regione divenne avamposto della guerra e le persecuzioni contro sloveni e croati, anche cittadini italiani, divennero ancora più gravi: interi paesi furono deportati nei campi di concentramento come Arbe/Rab, Today in Croatia, but then annexed to Italy after the attack on Yugoslavia, Gonars in the province of Udine, Renicci of Anghiari in the province of Arezzo, Chiesanuova of Padua, Treviso Monigo, Fraschette Alatri in the province of Frosinone, Colfiorito in Umbria , Cairo Montenotte in the province of Savona and dozens and dozens of others in virtually all regions of Italy. Between 7 and 11 thousand people, women, men, children, entire families perished in these camps, hunger and disease. In Trieste was established in 1942 for the Suppression of the partisan resistance to the Special Police Inspectorate for Venezia Giulia, which is stained with heinous crimes against the anti-fascists in general, but especially against Croats and Slovenes.

Who was inaugurated the use of sinkholes?

authoritative There is evidence (eg police inspector De Giorgi, who was in charge of postwar recoveries and sinkholes) that his men were special Inspectorate, particularly those of team policy, the so-called band Collotti , to blow in the "Karst caves" of the detainees who died under torture. However, going even further back in time, even during the First World War that was fought mainly in these lands, the sinkholes were used as a burial place "quickly" after the bloody battles, and after the war the fascists published texts of songs in which they threatened to throw in foibe who insisted on not to mention "the speech of Dante."

What function did the Banda Colotti?

Collotti The gang was the policy of the Inspectorate team special guided precisely by Commissioner Gary Collotti. With his team beat the Carso to suppress the resistance that had begun as early as '42 in these areas. It blots of heinous crimes, torturing and killing hundreds of people. How Resistenzastorica we are publishing with the publishing house Kappa Vu on the search for Claudia Cernigoi Collotti band. During several years of research Cernigoi managed to find a substantial amount of documentation. Yet in this no war, not even the historical institutes of Trieste and Udine, had published nothing on the subject.

define the sinkholes. Who is over there? Women? Children? How many in all? Why is there so much attention on these executions, while in other areas there were many more?
In foibe not over women and children, the profiles of those who are nearly all adults are infoibati compromise with fascism, with regard to the Istrian foibe of '43, and the German occupation as regards' 45. The cases of some women infoibate are tied to particular facts, personal vendettas, which can not be attributed to the movement of liberation. This becomes evident when you go to analyze the documents, which unfortunately most of the "historic" in these years did not, content to return to issues and arguments of the neo-fascist propaganda. It must be said that the numbers are not absolutely those of the propaganda of recent years: it is well established that in Istria in '43 people were killed during the uprising after September 8 are between 250 and 500, most of the killed time of the reoccupation of the territory by the fascists, in '45 missing persons, are less than five hundred thousand less in Trieste and Gorizia, some shot but most died of disease in a concentration camp in Yugoslavia. I use the term "Disappeared", but unfortunately there has existed infoibati define the use of all deaths at the hands partisan. In fact in '45 people "infoibate" were several dozen, and these deaths there were in the months following the processes and sentences, which showed that it was in kind of personal vendettas against spies or retained as such. Then there is the episode of foiba Pluto, which were extracted 18 bodies, in which the "infoibatori" were members of the Decima Mas infiltrators and criminals among the partisans, and were arrested and tried by the Yugoslavs themselves. So if you go to analyze existing documentation shows that it is a series that may not match varies on a project of "ethnic cleansing" by the Yugoslavs as we have said often in recent years.
The great attention to these facts is functional to the criminalization of the Yugoslav resistance, which was the largest European resistance. On reflection we criminalize all resistance, and opened the gate to criminalize even the Italian one, as is proving Pansa hours with his books.

Scholars foibe. Who am I?

are of various kinds. What we call a little 'ironically' foibologi "are all extreme right-wingers, some, like Luigi Papo have even part of the Fascist militia in Istria, which means those who collaborated with the Nazis in the suppression of resistance. Other, younger, like Mark Pirina were members of neo-fascist organizations in the years of the strategy of tension (for example, he is involved in the coup Borghese). Then there is the tendency of historians referring to the CLN Trieste (organization not connected with the CLNAI) who was the greatest organizer of the 'operation foibe "in Trieste after the war. While it may be easy enough to understand the manipulations of "historiography" fascist, it is much harder to defend against intrusion of historiography ciellenista, because they have an aura of anti-fascism that is good to take all the things they write. Actually reading loro libri ti accorgi che sono citazioni di citazioni da altri libri (spesso memorie di fascisti) non sottoposte a verifica. Il problema è che su tutta questa questione delle foibe ha pesato nel dopoguerra il clima della guerra fredda: voglio ricordare che un importantissimo documento di fonte alleata agli inizi del '46 diceva: sospendiamo, non avendo trovato nulla di interessante, le ricerche nel pozzo della miniera di Basovizza, ma perché gli Jugoslavi non possano dire che è stata tutta propaganda contro di loro, diremo che lo abbiamo fatto per mancanza di mezzi tecnici adeguati. Ha pesato e pesa inoltre molto la questione dei confini, e il sentimento delle "terre ingiustamente perdute", che anche se con toni un po' diversi, coinvolge anche gli storici che fanno riferimento politicamente al centro sinistra. Ci sono però anche tantissimi storici seri. Per "seri" intendo quelli che non si accontentano di quello che è già stato scritto, ma che cercano nuova documentazione, la analizzano, la confrontano con quanto è già stato pubblicato e inseriscono gli avvenimenti nel contesto in cui sono avvenuti. Questo è il metodo storiografico che tutti dovrebbero usare, ma, sembrerà incredibile, nella questione della foibe e dell'esodo anche storici accademici e "blasonati" si sono lasciati andare a metodi da propagandisti più che da storici, preferendo le citazioni di citazioni di citazioni, piuttosto che la fatica della ricerca.

La foiba di Basovizza. There is a plaque commemorating the victims, but the story looks very different ...

documentation, documentation rather substantial, says that in mine there were Basovizza infoibamenti. By the summer of '45, and then very shortly after the alleged infoibamenti, the Allies proceeded for months in a survey of the pit of the mine (in fact it is not a foiba in a geological sense), in response to complaints from Trieste, who said that the CLN infoibati must have been a few hundred agents of the police headquarters in Trieste. Since there was nothing found "interesting" in early '46, the research was suspended, as I explained before. All this results from a large number of source documents ally in the archives of Washington and London. Then in the "foiba" there are "500 cubic meters" of infoibati that are written in stone, and even the two thousand infoibati cited in books. After Claudia Cernigoi reported these documents in his book "Operation foibe in Trieste" it should be obvious to everyone involved in the argument. But he pretends not to notice. The town of Trieste has now restored the monument on foiba and soon will be the chairman of the Senate Marini to inaugurate it. The lie has been living its own life, and you can not stop it.

Legends on foibe .

I have already explained that the biographies of most of those killed are involved in various capacities in the Fascist regime before and then Nazi occupation. Well as highlighting Claudia Cernigoi in his book, in a city such as Trieste interested in collaborating on many categories of people, and many of those who are called "civilians" were in reality and collaborators, informers by profession, who denounced the neighborhood snoops Jews. For example, the raids on the Karst with the band also participated Collotti people who were not officially members of the police station. As a group of Resistenzastorica we have conducted research on the issue of Udovisi Graziano, known as "the only one left alive from foiba and presented as a victim "just because Italian." This research has shown, in addition to the absolute falsity of his story, from '43 to '45 he was a lieutenant in the Territorial Defense Militia, a significant group by the name of "iron rod", specifically responsible for repression of the guerrillas, and in '46 he was convicted of war crimes in two years and 11 months imprisonment. Yet in 2005 Udovisi Graziano has become "Man of the Year," won the Oscar for his interview with Rai Minoli, presenting it as one that was "infoibato" only because Italian. As I said: historians, journalists and all those who write about these things in these years of Days of Remembrance, dovrebbero sapere che intorno a queste vicende c'è tanta propaganda, e che quindi bisogna informarsi bene prima di scrivere.

L'atteggiamento della destra e della sinistra.

Non si vede una grande differenza. La destra fascista ha trovato in questo argomento la possibilità di ribaltare il discorso delle responsabilità nella seconda guerra mondiale, passando da carnefici a vittime, con la possibile riabilitazione dei repubblichini di Salò ecc. La sinistra ha trovato l'occasione per prendere le distanze dal proprio passato partigiano, con tutta una serie di distinguo e di "ammissioni" in cui le foibe erano funzionali in quanto venivano attribuite a partigiani, sì, ma "slavi" (And you know that racism is widespread antislavo), and then he could stay out of the Italian resistance. The shortsightedness of such a position we see it today, in an operation such as Giampaolo Pansa, which directly attacks the Italian resistance.

It must be said also that the 'operation foibe "is functional to the Italian foreign policy, traditionally" expansion "to the Balkan Peninsula. In this sense, the center-right and center are no different. Resistenzastorica We have an impressive collection of statements by members of the center-left in neoirredentista sense, that is stretched to the claim of "lost lands" theme as well as being always tipico della destra, sembrerebbe oggi anche antistorico, nel momento dell'allargamento dell'UE. Eppure le dichiarazioni ci sono, anche di personaggi come Fassino.

Che cosa significa oggi commemorare i morti delle foibe?

Come ho spiegato, commemorare i morti nelle foibe significa sostanzialmente commemorare rastrellatori fascisti e collaborazionisti del nazismo. Per gli altri morti, quelli vittime di rese dei conti o vendette personali, c'è il 2 di novembre.

Che cosa andrebbe fatto per restituire dignità alla memoria storica del paese?

Per quanto riguarda la dignità del paese, credo che l'unica cosa da fare sia smettere the national conviction that the Italians have always been "good people", that wherever they went they brought civilization, even when burned villages in Croatia, Libya or the rebels hanged. Italians must realize that the Italian Republic has never really come to terms with the responsibilities of fascism. Behind the discourse of the sinkholes is precisely the interest of continuing to hide these responsibilities. In fact, the Italian proposal for tripartite meeting between the presidents of Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, on the memorial sites, and entering the Rice Mill of San Sabba, the concentration camp Gonars (or that of Rab) and Abyss Basovizza, is nothing an attempt to pull the wool over eyes, to forget the crimes Italian war in those territories by equating the Cave of the Basovizza Rice Mill, the only Nazi concentration camp crematorium, which killed over 3000 people, mostly Italian partisans, Slovenes and Croats, or the concentration camps which killed at least seven thousand Slovenes, Croats, Serbs, Montenegrins. The President of the Republic should go on its own initiative in Rab in Croatia, or Gonars to honor the victims of fascism, and to apologize to former Yugoslavia. This should be the first thing to do. Then the results should be published in the Slovene-Italian historical commission, the Italian Government had pledged to publish but never did. Then the government center sinistra potrebbe obbligare la RAi a trasmettere in prima serata il documentario "Fascist legacy / L'eredità fascista", sui crimini di guerra italiani in Etiopia, Libia e Jugoslavia. Questo documentario della BBC fu acquistato nell'89 dalla RAI, ma mai trasmesso.