Saturday, March 20, 2010

Loss Of A Mother In Law


around for a few weeks in this network written by Elsa Morante.
plays it for people if it were lost:

"The head of the government spotted repeatedly during his career of crime that, in the presence of an honest people, they would have deserved condemnation, shame and deprivation of all authority of government. Why tolerated and even applauded the people committing these crimes? A party for moral insensitivity, some for cunning, one part self-interest and personal gain. The majority is of course made on behalf of his criminal activities, but he preferred to give his vote to the strong rather than the right. Unfortunately, the Italian people, if you must choose between duty and advantage, despite knowing what would be his duty, always choose the self-interest.
So a mediocre man, coarse, vulgar eloquence but easy to effect, is a perfect example of his contemporaries. In an honest people, would be at most the leader of a small party later, a character a bit 'ridicule for his manners, his attitudes, his delusions of grandeur, offensive to the common sense of people and because of his bombastic style and shameless. In Italy he became the head of government. And it's hard to find a more complete Italian example.
admirer of force, venal, corruptible and corrupt Catholic without believing in God, conceited, vain, fake good-natured, good father, but with many lovers, it serves those who despise, was surrounded by crowds of liars, the inept, of profiteering, clever mime, and should take effect on an audience vulgar, but, like any mime, without its own character, you always imagine to be the character che vuole rappresentare."

Qualunque cosa abbiate pensato, il testo, del 1945, si riferisce a ...... Mussolini...

Friday, March 5, 2010

My Dog Had Puppies And Now Is Bleeding Alot

Idee genocide antipalestinesi e il silenzio dei media

Oggi alle 21.12
di Paolo Maccioni - 04/03/2010

Dai blog d’Oltreoceano si apprende una notizia ripresa pure dai più attenti blogger nostrani e quasi per niente dai media a grande diffusione.

Martin Kramer, membro di un centro studi dell’Università di Harvard, oltre che dell’influente Winep, Institute for Near East Policy, at the Herzliya Conference in Israel has theorized measures to limit the birth of the Palestinian people.

Kramer has also called for the West to stop supplying aid that may encourage the Palestinians to reproduce and thus create a "superfluous young males' (his words).

In short: if you suffer from starvation, the Palestinian population aging and declining in number, so the problem of terrorism is solved. In other words: incitement to genocide, under international law.

Some intellectuals condemn the deplorable position Kramer, as MJ Rosenberg Richard Silverstein that have defined respectively as "genocidal" and "racist anti-Muslim", or as Stephen Walt of Harvard indolence Pilate laments respect to requests for removal or punishment.

When you ask, but how could it happen that seventy years ago when some intellectuals drew up the manifesto of the race people are not opposed and was angry enough?

Here, you can answer: You can just as today there are few indignation at this idea. Meanwhile, because few people know it. The echo data from blogs to news disconcerting contrast with the absurd, complicit silence of the mainstream media.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Mesa Boogie Rectifier Recording Preamp


Approved the College Work "

Arbitration and 'only the tip of ' iceberg

Dismantling fundamental safeguards for workers

The Law "Linked to Work" provides new protections for businesses against employees: work harder to win cases, hold unfair dismissal, to obtain just compensation. Especially guaranteed companies that use massive exploitation of precarious work.

becomes a possibility to derogate from the National Collective Bargaining Agreement, "certificate", through committees, individual contracts containing clauses pejorative: it limited the jurisdiction of the court, and encourages the use of arbitration.

Certification of contracts and arbitration : there is the possibility of hire workers with blackmail to sign an individual contract "certificate", where we guarantee the "free will" of the worker to accept less favorable exceptions to the law and collective bargaining, and where the employee waiver in advance, in case of litigation or dismissal , to go before the magistrate, (giving the full protection of the law): in this case, the judge was replaced by an arbitration panel may decide that regardless of the laws and collective bargaining; maximum discretion on the part of the arbitration, in cases of litigation for workers employed under temporary contracts and atypical (determined cocopro etc ...).

work process : the court can not enter into the merits of the choices posed by organizational and productive employer can no longer challenge the substance, the reasons more or less right to decide the company, but must confine itself to verifying whether the formal requirements of corporate actions: this limit is strengthened, especially in cases of contracts of employment "certificates", where the court can not complain that the exemptions contained in the pejorative individual agreements , abolished the requirement of conciliation proceedings before the court.

Licenziamenti : il giudice, nelle cause di licenziamento, deve “tener conto” di quanto stabilito nei contratti individuali e collettivi come motivi di licenziamento per “giusta causa” o “giustificato motivo”, deve considerare, più che il diritto, la situazione dell’azienda, la situazione del mercato del lavoro, il comportamento del lavoratore negli anni, ecc; tramite i contratti “certificati” si possono certificare e rendere legali motivi aggiuntivi (non previsti dalla legge e dai contratti collettivi) per licenziare liberamente the worker.

Appeal layoffs : invalid or ineffective to the dismissing, for fixed-term contracts, contracts and project CoCoCo for workers involved in transfers of branch 'company, for employees who contest forms of mediation of employment contracts (and administration) is introduced to all these, the time for appeal, the requirement of 60 days must follow, otherwise nullity of the appeal, the appeal or request for mediation within the next 180 days. The new procedure takes effect retroactive.

Compensation for undocumented workers out : in cases of conversion of temporary contracts, comprehensive compensation is limited between 2.5 and 12 month, the compensation may be reduced by half if there is a reference CCNL any procedure or ranking of stabilization. The rule has no retroactive effect.

Compensation for irregular employment contracts : the employer who, by 30.09.2008, has made any offer of employment to work in partnership, is required only to a limited compensation between 2.5 and 6 months.

unhealthy work : to safeguard the "public accounts" is introduced to those eligible in a final selection for admission to the retirement of workers exposed to unhealthy work ( ranking according to contributions).

Reform of social safety nets : already "paid" with the latest counter-reform social security, the time allowed the government to implement the reform, slide 24 months.

reordering social security institutions: delegation to the Government to simplify, streamline the social security institutions, strengthening the powers of the Ministries of Labor and of Health on these bodies.

reordering of the legislation on leave and work permits : a cost expected to close on the current rules governing the subject, including the premises for disabled people already in part made operational.

Mobility and redundancies of civil servants : the procedure for putting in mobility and redundancy of public servants are also extended in cases of transfer of powers from state institutions premises or in case of outsourcing of services.

Part time for civil servants : the government may revoke the grant of the transformation of employment from full time to part-time already adopted.

Apprenticeship : compulsory education can be done working, from the age of 15 years, with contracts of apprenticeship.

Sick : requirement for the electronic communication and for issuing the certificate of illness only the practitioner with the National Health Service (explicitly required by the dismissal if the absence is repeated).

Temporary work: extension of authorized acting as an agent of the workforce: associations, bilateral agencies, as well as operators of Internet sites.

contracts to provide occasional : extension of the mini CoCoCo for services "caregiverism" for 240 hours calendar year.

Penalties : Amendment of penalties for illegal employment, any failure on working time, contracts may be waived in their communities and business.

Together with the rules already approved in the Budget Act (191/2009) have reintroduced the working holiday time (staff leasing) and expanded the use of the "good work" We are facing the worst attack in the wake of workers' rights "Treu package" and Law 30: it is necessary to raise any initiative to combat and even legal rights against the dismantling of the exponential increase of precariousness.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I Have To Wax My Sideburns

Approvata modifica art.18, Pd e sindacati "Il ddl del governo è una controriforma"

It inflames the confrontation within hours of the final go-ahead by the Senate to the bill related to the financial provision that expands the use of arbitration. Minister Sacconi "bad faith of those who want to switch social tension"
Treu: "It becomes possible to bypass mandatory rules"
Angeletti (UIL): "Parliament does not do damage or react"

ROMA - L'Aula del Senato ha approvato l'articolo 31 del ddl sul lavoro, che contiene norme sull'arbitrato per risolvere le controversie di lavoro. Il Senato potrebbe approvare definitivamente la legge già stasera, facendo diventare l'articolo 18 un optional. Opposizioni e sindacati hanno rilanciato stamane l'allarme di Repubblica sull'attacco del governo all'articolo dello statuto dei lavoratori che tutela i dipendenti rispetto al licenziamento del datore di lavoro, attraverso la norma contenuta nel ddl lavoro, che allarga il ricorso all'arbitrato, da alcuni ritenuto un tentativo di aggirare, appunto, l'articolo 18.

Il senatore del Pd ed ex ministro del Lavoro, Tiziano Treu , a poche ore dal via libera definitivo del disegno di legge collegato alla Finanziara da parte dell'Aula di palazzo Madama, ha spiegato che "l'articolo 31 del ddl prevede due possiblità per ricorrere all'arbitrato in funzione della risoluzione delle controversie tra datore di lavoro e lavoratore". La prima, ha detto il senatore, "è attraverso contratti collettivi che - ha detto - è la strada più sicura. In questo modo, infatti, le parti possono stabilire i limiti in cui l'arbitrato può essere esercitato. Poi, però, resta il fatto, che se le parti falliscono nel trovare un accordo, può intervenire il ministro per decreto".

"C'è però un'altra possibilità consentita dalla norme - evidenzia ancora Treu - namely that the individual worker to accept a deal whereby his employment contract provides for arbitration to resolve disputes, including arbitration according to equity. What, the latter, which involves the ability to bypass the mandatory law and therefore rights such as Article 18 or pay or leave. Such an agreement also - remarked Treu - can be tightened in the course of employment ".

" I denounce some time. This bill makes a real counter-bases of the Italian labor law, "said Guglielmo Epifani, general secretary of the CGIL. This bill, said on the sidelines of the congress of the House Labour of Bologna, "essentially brings to a form of compulsory arbitration that would skip the traditional forms of contractual protections and freedoms of workers to refer to these choices."

"This way - said Epifani - of course it is weaker than the worker. If you do it even when it enters the work marks you for life. For this reason we are against this principle and we hope that approved. In any case - said the leader of the CGIL - we will use if there are conditions of constitutional legitimacy. "

"The controversy of the usual suspects on a bill at the fourth reading in Parliament, after two years of consideration, is yet another prova della malafede di chi vuole sempre accendere tensione sociale", ha reagito il ministro del Lavoro. Maurizio Sacconi ha precisato che con tale norma "il lavoratore avrà la possibilità in più di ricorrere all'arbitrato e il tutto sarà regolato da contratti collettivi. Non per nulla tutti, tranne la Cgil, hanno condiviso questa norma, punto".

Ma anche Cisl e Uil hanno manifestato il proprio dissenso. "Questo tema, così come i temi del mercato del lavoro, devono essere oggetto prima di confronto e discussione con i sindacati e le associazioni di impresa, che sanno trovare soluzioni più efficaci del Parlamento" e "per evitare danni", ha detto il segretario generale della Uil, Luigi Angeletti . "In recent years, there was an intention to repeal Article 18, there is now to turn in reimbursement or reinstatement of charge to employees, then the question is different," he added Angeletti, that "in case of serious injury do not stand with folded hands. "

For the secretary general of the CISL, Raffaele Bonanni , "the only thing you can do is to entrust this matter to the social partners." Asked on the sidelines of the congress of the UIL, Bonanni said that from the right and left are the initiatives, "but the policy that governs itself is already quite unruly." For Bonanni "on these matters social agree only if the parties to settle, otherwise they are balloons deflate.

March 3, 2010

How Light Affects Thinkgs


Massimo Fini
Democracies are historically and statistically, the most corrupt regimes. The parties competing for power, need the consent and not enough propaganda and control, directly or indirectly, the media (which, not coincidentally, are called, unashamedly, "the tools of consensus," senza nemmeno più rendersi conto di quanto ciò li squalifichi) se lo comprano. E per comprarselo hanno bisogno di soldi, che si procurano con le tangenti, gli affari illegali e ruberie di vario genere.

L’altra via per procacciarsi il consenso è quella del clientelismo e delle affiliazioni paramafiose in cui il cittadino si vende in cambio di protezione, vantaggi, prebende. I sostenitori della democrazia sostengono che ciò è fisiologico, è il prezzo da pagare alla libertà. Di quale libertà poi si tratta ci sarebbe molto da discutere.

L’unica libertà garantita è quella economica sulla quale, poiché è il volano del sistema, si è disposti a chiudere an eye even when it is acting in violation of the Act (see the recent speech of the Minister Scajola and old indignation when they were under investigation Prada and company because it "will damage your image in the world" and therefore its economy).

For the rest never lived in a climate that in this most illiberal in which all declare themselves liberals. Basically, with the most varied pretexts, safety, health, public decency, we can no longer do anything. You can not smoke anymore, you can not drink, you can not, with various tricks, even go to hell (street, if you call escort, which is the stuff of rich, you make the appropriate exceptions).
In Verona is forbidden to consume alcohol outside the bar, nibbling sandwiches on the streets, sleeping outside, turn torso naked, bathing in the fountains. The mayor of Vicenza has imposed a fine of 500 € for "RV and trailer parking in that turn a campfire," while that of Novara has banned night walks in the parks to more than two people (fascism merely considered "seditious assembly "a knot with more than five individuals) and Eraclea, Sicily, children can no longer build sandcastles on the beach.

One could go on and on, but I stop because it is not the illiberality democratic interests me here, but the corruption of democracy. If corruption is a physiology of democracy in Italy is a disease. Also because no longer ashamed of herself, even if it has (the former mayor of Milan, Paolo Pillitteri, while cash in bribes, mocked "those idiot who did not understand how the world"), has not even hypocrisy, as La Rochefoucauld said, "is the toll that vice pays to virtue" and in any case is always someone ready to justify and allow his players to get away as we have seen in recent decades.

In this sense, Italy, the country has always been the laboratory (here, with the Florentine merchants and Piacenza, was born the modern, you said it fascism, father of twentieth-century totalitarianism) is extremely interesting, because with his arrogant corruption, performed, unpunished, impudent and imprudent to unmask the true nature of democracies, even those that hide more skillfully.

In its essence, the representative democracy, as I wrote a bit 'in my book brutally Subjects - Manifesto against democracy is a system, clever and sophisticated, to put it in the ass to people, and especially to poor people, with his consent . Maybe
from Italy, in reaction to the abuses, the abuses, the arbitri, alla sistematica grassazione del denaro pubblico, cioè del nostro denaro, non nasca qualcosa che spazzi via, qui e altrove, una volta per tutte questa truffa legalizzata. Meditate, suorine democratiche del “Fatto”,

How Much Does It Cost To Get Rid Of A Capillary


Massimo Fini

Democracies are historically and statistically, the most corrupt regimes. The parties competing for power, need of consensus and not enough propaganda and control, directly or indirectly, the media (which, not coincidentally, are called, unashamedly, "the tools of consensus," without even realizing how much more this disqualifies them) if buy it. And they need money to buy it, who obtain the kickbacks, theft and illegal business of various kinds. The other way to procure the consent is that of patronage and affiliation paramafiose in which the citizen is sold in exchange for protection, benefits, prebend. Proponents of democracy argue that this is physiological, it is the price we pay for freedom. What kind of freedom then is there is much to discuss. The only guarantee is that economic freedom on which, as is the driving force of the system, you are willing to turn a blind eye even when it acted in violation of the law (see the recent speech of the Minister Scajola and the old indignation when they were under investigation Prada and company because it "will damage your image in the world" and therefore its economy).

For the rest never lived in a climate that in this most illiberal in which all declare themselves liberals. Basically, with the most varied pretexts, the sicurezza, della salute, della pubblica decenza, non si può più fare niente. Non si può più fumare, non si può bere, non si può, con vari escamotage, nemmeno andare a puttane (da strada, se si chiamano escort, che è roba da ricchi, si fanno le opportune eccezioni).

A Verona è vietato consumare alcool fuori dai bar, sbocconcellare panini per strada, dormire all’aperto, girare a torso nudo, bagnarsi nelle fontane. Il sindaco di Vicenza ha imposto una multa di 500 euro per "camper e roulotte che trasformano la sosta in un bivacco" mentre quello di Novara ha vietato le passeggiate notturne nei parchi a più di due persone (il fascismo si limitava a considerare "Seditious assembly" a knot with more than five individuals) and Eraclea, Sicily, children can no longer build sandcastles on the beach.

One could go on and on, but I stop because it is not the Democratic illiberality that interests me here, but the corruption of democracy. If corruption is a physiology of democracy in Italy is a disease. Also because no longer ashamed of herself, even if it has (the former mayor of Milan, Paolo Pillitteri, while cash in bribes, mocked "those idiot who did not understand how the world"), has not even hypocrisy, as La Rochefoucauld said, "is the toll that vice pays to virtue" and in any case is always someone ready to justify and allow his players to get away as we have seen in recent decades.

In this sense, Italy, the country has always been the laboratory (here, with the Florentine merchants and Piacenza, was born the modern, you said it fascism, father of twentieth-century totalitarianism) is extremely interesting, because with his arrogant corruption, performed, unpunished, impudent and imprudent to unmask the true nature of democracies, even those that hide more skillfully.

In its essence, the representative democracy, as I wrote a bit 'in my book brutally Subjects - Manifesto against democracy is a system, clever and sophisticated, to put it in the ass to people, and especially the poor people, with his consent.
Maybe from Italy, in reaction to the abuses, the abuses, the referees, the systematic robberies of public money, that's our money, something that will sweep away not born here and elsewhere, once and for all this legalized scam. Meditate, democratic nun the "Done",

from the daily