Good Movies - Away we go
I do not understand because in Italy there is the barbaric practice of changing names to foreign films, sometimes with names that are missing a bat with the original title.
And so: "Lost in Translation" becomes "Love translated", " Home Alone" is "Mom Alone", " 101 Dalmatians" becomes the "101 Dalmatians", " Frankie and Johnny" changes to " Afraid to love, "" Runaway Bride " becomes " Runaway Bride ".
could continue for days, but soon is New Year and I have to go buy something red to wear.
For some reason, even if in fact some titles in English are crap, there is this habit. The crazy thing is that the titles are usually translated titles that an Italian might say without getting out of the blood from his nose. Say " The Break Up" is not so difficult, why put it into " I hate you, I'll let you ..."?
If it were only to help us poor Italians to pronounce the title would be better to have a nearly plausible reasoning, but instead ... the a nice thing is that many titles that deserve to be translated instead are left to the original: "Ocean's Eleven" which also has the possessive case is left to the original, and I heard people say "I'm going to see me Ocieans ileven" a film that seems out of eleven dolphins.
Not to mention "The Inception" , which could make "what dreams and more dreams than the spinning pinwheel" but instead they left it as it was, and in the halls people said "give me two tickets to ... er ... the one with Leonardo DiCaprio?"
However, everything I'm unbelievably, turns of phrase to say that on Christmas Day we went to the cinema to see a movie that was originally called "Away we go" but are been able to transform in, genius of the genius, American Life that is another title in English.
The paradox is that the film is directed by Sam Mendes , same director of " American Beauty", and a thinks and says, "but this fantasy for names zero? ' American biuti american now .. maddai LAIF " but no, my dear naive friend, we Italians are the balls that turn to change the names to the film will deteriorate.
Do it for " Eyes Wide Shut" no true?
Anyway, on Christmas Day I expected to find at the casino, people huddled in a row, fierce heat, the smell of popcorn and chips on the ground as if it grew directly from the carpet, and instead, to my great surprise, the theater was practically empty, we were 15 across the hall, so better (for us, not for production)
Perhaps they should have translate it into "those who travel America looking for a house ... and expecting a son ..." or I doubt for the bad taste di tanta gente che ormai da anni va solo a riempire le tasche dei soliti registi e attori da cinepanettone, snobbando pellicole semplici ma bellissime e cariche di sentimento e ironia
Fatto sta che il film è davvero BELLISSIMO!!!! L'ho già consigliato a tutto il mondo, è davvero una pellicola da non perdere. Alla faccia di tutte le porcherie che ci propinano sotto natale, in 2 e 3 dimensioni, questo è un film davvero ben fatto, bella storia, ottimi dialoghi, fotografia della Madonna (non nel senso che l'hanno fotografata, nel senso ottima fotografia) un film that really moved me, and I have the heart harder than "Flintheart Famedoro"
Among the many spectacular things in the film is the soundtrack, almost entirely created by Alexi Murdoch, a young artist londinede.
I enclose an excerpt from the film, specifically the song that goes with the closing credits.
Ps. Obviously l'ho dovuto vedere a Cosenza, perché a reggio calabria i cinema sono gestiti con il culo e passano solo le cagate più cagate del mondo
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010 Free Viedos
The MACRO - Contemporary Art Part II
Fede mi ha portato a visitare il Macro di Roma , il Museo di Arte Contemporanea della capitale (near the Porta Pia to speak) .
Among the many you can see those on the butterfly room. 'S award-winning installation Enel Contemporanea 2010 "Are you really sure That Can Also be a floor to ceiling?" the Dutch duo Bik Van der Pol
If you find yourself wandering around in the capital, do not miss a visit to the museum.
Among other things, has a wonderful bookshop:)
Fede mi ha portato a visitare il Macro di Roma , il Museo di Arte Contemporanea della capitale (near the Porta Pia to speak) .
Among the many you can see those on the butterfly room. 'S award-winning installation Enel Contemporanea 2010 "Are you really sure That Can Also be a floor to ceiling?" the Dutch duo Bik Van der Pol
If you find yourself wandering around in the capital, do not miss a visit to the museum.
Among other things, has a wonderful bookshop:)
Other exhibits
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Give Me A Account In Pokemondeluge
December, it's time to gifts, I like the toy shops, I like the rides and chubby dolls, toy trains, wooden home-made cakes ... I like things than once because they are things of my time.
I dedicate everything to the children for a few years I'm passionate about the study of gender ...
I magnetized for people who do not like to appear that they realize that I am there!
I love the little things, the precious thoughts, thought the gift!
What a surprise the "bookmark" I arrived with a note from dear friend Gio! As I fantasized about this delightful little item, I thought out of the hands of a child who has done for me, for me being with children from long years ... Today I discover that the stylized Star of David is a country of magic cha know, comes from Monghidoro, the right setting for a tale!
To friends dellaportadellamemoria monster this precious gift and I wish so many beautiful things!

Monday, December 20, 2010
What's The Best Thing To Put On After Brazilian
The ox and the 'donkey
Ultimamente, ve ne sarete accorti, fa freddino.
Se fuori ci sono 6 gradi (e per un reggino è praticamente come vivere al polo nord) dentro casa mia ce ne sono 4°. Una triangolazione strana fa diventare casa mia freddissima, tanto che lascio il frigo aperto per riscaldare la cucina.
Non ho termosifoni. La casa è "anziana" e i miei, quando ci vivevano, avevano la stufa a legna che, al primo trasloco, li ha seguiti fino alla casa attuale, lasciando in questa un vuoto enorme, e non lo dico tanto per dire, ma intendo proprio un buco gigante nella parete, li dove la canna fumaria passava da una stanza all'altra su su fino al tetto.
Senza termosifoni e orfano di stufa ho optato per la stufa a gas .
Ma i problemi con una stufa a gas sono tre:
Especially because the timer would be useful, especially in the morning. One evening held on while the "live" the house and all is well, the atmosphere heats up, then a quick nap and does not feel the cold.
The drama comes when you wake up, when the frost is out of bed, when I see the dancing penguins of Happy Feet (too cold for them, not for music) and the desire to get up and equal to zero. Now, seeing the Christmas period I had come to the temptation to buy a good ox and a donkey to take me in a room with style Jesus Christ Superstar, but then the smell would be made to feel (mine of course) run by the poor beasts, and then I gave up
In an attempt to solve this problem then I became Mac Gyver (boxcutter including Switzerland) and found this solution: I taken with a pinch adjustable timer and set it at six in the morning, I connected to a halogen heater and I started to sleep.
Unfortunately I forgot a peculiarity of halogen heaters, the light produced. Fucking These stoves produce heat rather than emitting light, half of the electricity is wasted on unnecessary light and then at six in the morning, the heater on has created a "dawn effect" in the bedroom that woke me up like I was on the beach in August.
In addition, the heat was minimal, and so in the end I just wasted energy with zero effect the temperature of the room.
But yesterday I changed my stove, I used a sand (such as those but with oil in the sand of course) at least two centuries old and this morning I woke up at seven because of the heat, an event not seen in winter in this house.
I finally found the solution to global freezing, now only remains for me to rob a bank to pay the bill Enel for the next two months and you're done.
fact to think of it maybe I save money if I burn them directly into a I bowl and heated with the coal that remains ... and if desired, roast for all:)
Ultimamente, ve ne sarete accorti, fa freddino.
Se fuori ci sono 6 gradi (e per un reggino è praticamente come vivere al polo nord) dentro casa mia ce ne sono 4°. Una triangolazione strana fa diventare casa mia freddissima, tanto che lascio il frigo aperto per riscaldare la cucina.
Non ho termosifoni. La casa è "anziana" e i miei, quando ci vivevano, avevano la stufa a legna che, al primo trasloco, li ha seguiti fino alla casa attuale, lasciando in questa un vuoto enorme, e non lo dico tanto per dire, ma intendo proprio un buco gigante nella parete, li dove la canna fumaria passava da una stanza all'altra su su fino al tetto.
Senza termosifoni e orfano di stufa ho optato per la stufa a gas .
Ma i problemi con una stufa a gas sono tre:
- Non ha un time r e quindi non la si può programmare per l'accensione or the automatic shutdown
- The gas ends when he decides without notice, leaving you shit
- If you take too much on and maybe one falls asleep, you die
Especially because the timer would be useful, especially in the morning. One evening held on while the "live" the house and all is well, the atmosphere heats up, then a quick nap and does not feel the cold.
The drama comes when you wake up, when the frost is out of bed, when I see the dancing penguins of Happy Feet (too cold for them, not for music) and the desire to get up and equal to zero. Now, seeing the Christmas period I had come to the temptation to buy a good ox and a donkey to take me in a room with style Jesus Christ Superstar, but then the smell would be made to feel (mine of course) run by the poor beasts, and then I gave up
In an attempt to solve this problem then I became Mac Gyver (boxcutter including Switzerland) and found this solution: I taken with a pinch adjustable timer and set it at six in the morning, I connected to a halogen heater and I started to sleep.
Unfortunately I forgot a peculiarity of halogen heaters, the light produced. Fucking These stoves produce heat rather than emitting light, half of the electricity is wasted on unnecessary light and then at six in the morning, the heater on has created a "dawn effect" in the bedroom that woke me up like I was on the beach in August.
In addition, the heat was minimal, and so in the end I just wasted energy with zero effect the temperature of the room.
But yesterday I changed my stove, I used a sand (such as those but with oil in the sand of course) at least two centuries old and this morning I woke up at seven because of the heat, an event not seen in winter in this house.
I finally found the solution to global freezing, now only remains for me to rob a bank to pay the bill Enel for the next two months and you're done.
fact to think of it maybe I save money if I burn them directly into a I bowl and heated with the coal that remains ... and if desired, roast for all:)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
What Shoes Does Slash Wear

Communist Refoundation
To build a joint program
with the participation of all citizens
propose a public meeting on the theme:
Thursday, Dec. 16 - 21:00
(At Saletta del Teatro Comunale di Chiusi City)
will present the companion
Gianluigi Pegolo
(Member of the National Secretariat)
The need to repeat strongly
role of local
to give voice to the needs, rights and
participation of citizens in
building at all levels, needs
a large and vital participation
moments of comparison.
Getting Rid Of Pressure Spots On Lcd
Christmas gifts
The home is on my balls.
You eat too much, drink too much, do too much line for anything, you're forced to try to be happy and all they ask you what will you do in the fucking New Year's Day.
But the worst thing is to try to do the right gift. A concussion exaggerated
I do not want ricevere regalie e non voglio farne, se volete farmi un dono fatelo un giorno qualsiasi di un mese qualsiasi. Con una bottiglia di Amaro del Capo andate sul sicuro.
Comunque, visto che mi sono rotto le scatole io quest'anno regalerò a tutti lo stesso dono, questo:
Ps. Se mi farete un regalo in cambio riceverete questo... vi avverto!
The home is on my balls.
You eat too much, drink too much, do too much line for anything, you're forced to try to be happy and all they ask you what will you do in the fucking New Year's Day.
But the worst thing is to try to do the right gift. A concussion exaggerated
I do not want ricevere regalie e non voglio farne, se volete farmi un dono fatelo un giorno qualsiasi di un mese qualsiasi. Con una bottiglia di Amaro del Capo andate sul sicuro.
Comunque, visto che mi sono rotto le scatole io quest'anno regalerò a tutti lo stesso dono, questo:
Ps. Se mi farete un regalo in cambio riceverete questo... vi avverto!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Philips Saa7130 Driver 2010
The Reggio Calabria Scopelliti
Visto che ci lavoro live and report what I read and wrote in an article in the daily act. For all those who supported the current president of the Calabria region.
Lele Mora, Scopelliti and a city bend
bad policy, Freemasonry, boss and spending spree: it fails to model Reggio Calabria, you start to vote in local elections of next spring
"chistu is im'incrisciu pais u and me 'and everything ndi futtu esti fissaria" . Translation: "This is the land del mi annoio e me ne frego e ogni cosa è fesseria” . Nicola Giunta , artista e poeta, amava tanto la sua città, poco i suoi concittadini che prendeva a nerbate con versi spietati. Dicembre a Reggio Calabria, città accarezzata da un sole che fa impazzire il calendario, dove ogni cosa è “fissaria”. I soldati per strada come a Baghdad, il Museo con i Bronzi ancora transennato, off-limits per i turisti. È “fissaria” la vita ad “Arghillà”. “Luogo di capre scosceso e scomodo”, il ghetto. Sono secoli che i camion dell’azienda municipale d’igiene non si arrampicano tra i viali spogli di queste case popolari. Carcasse d’auto, montagne di rifiuti accatastati ai bordi di palazzoni anonimi e sgarrupati. “Noi qui siamo il tacco di Dio e tutto ci è vietato”, racconta Katia Colica, giovane architetto e giornalista reggina, che su Arghillà ha scritto un bel libro. Qui il “modello Reggio” non è mai arrivato. La città metropolitana, la perla dello Stretto con le luci e le fanfare, i concerti, e i volti noti dell’eterno cafonal italiano che passeggiano sul lungomare, il dannunziano “chilometro più bello d’Italia”.
Tra Elton John, Belén e Valeria Marini
La città di Peppe Scopelliti , il sindaco della riscossa, il Ciccio Franco del Duemila ora governatore delle Calabrie. In primavera si vota e il modello Reggio, un mix di spese folli per l’immagine, eventi, amici e fedelissimi piazzati nei posti chiave, è alle corde. Le casse del comune sono secche come le fiumare d’estate, ditte e fornitori non vengono pagati, i lavoratori delle società municipalizzate aspettano da mesi gli stipendi arretrati. Basta sfogliare un po’ di delibere per tuffarsi negli anni dello scialo. La ‘ndrangheta macchia l’immagine di Reggio? E noi compriamo 100 mila salviettine rinfrescanti al profumo di bergamotto, 22.800 euro. La cultura langue? E noi andiamo ad Aspendas, Turchia, a finanziare con 40 mila euro il Festival del teatro. I reggini sono tristi? Non c’è problem, just shell out € 250 000 thanks to Bravo, "Three nights of great comedy." The city wants to sing? And go with the big concert: Elton John, 360 000 €, Festival Tour, 251 000, Fedora, in 2004, with Katia Ricciarelli time artistic director of Teatro Cilea, 308 000 €. How to miss the top of the top, Lele Mora and his girls, the splendor of Briatore, Valeria Marini and Belén strolling along the seafront to the opening of "White Nights" (2007-2008), smile, shake hands, dispense kisses. To bring Lele Mora the shores of the Strait is Rappoccio Pasquale, an entrepreneur in all fields, from entertainment to health, with his hands in the big dough policy. Rappoccio is a Mason of the "Regional Grand Lodge of Italy", one of many lodges Reggio sit at the same table where politicians, businessmen and mobsters, and cultivates good relations with both parts of the ninety-center-ras with the center. He voted for Scopelliti, but also for the Democratic Party, has affair with his right, but also with Raffaele Lombardo. In recent days, has been indicted for the scandals of the Locri ASL along with the widow of Franco Fortugno, Maria Grazia Lagana. "Lele has done it all, when you can see the mayor?" She asks in a phone call. Mayor Scopelliti, May 8, 2006, agrees: "I go with my wife in Milan, so with the excuse me I also see the Italian Cup final."
Lele is generous with friends reggini if necessary is ready to make available his private plane for trips to Milan and Olbia, where Flavio Briatore expects all on his boat. Among the many calls he has to do for his "Medinex", a company that deals with sanitary materials, contacts with the policy for the elections and the White Nights, Rappoccio finds time to treat the mayor's trip to Sardinia . Scopelliti, but does not want to take the private plane of Lele Mora, "here, people talk and then there the risk of parliamentary questions. " Between a sandwich and a sciampagnino consumed Briatore's boat at the beginning of August 2006 we finally agrees to the sleepless night. The long leg of Valeria Marini will mow the most beautiful kilometer in Italy, Reggio will be happy, the Guardia di Finanza a bit 'less. Why, Pasquale Rappoccio, the Guardia di Finanza eat a bad review. "The Medinex - wrote in a 2002 report - would be favored in the provision of medical supplies to local health Palmi, through the interference of the boss Antonio Gallico." And in another statement as of 2005 indicate Rappoccio "nominee of the clan Books unitamente al fratello Vincenzo”. Poca roba, perché a Reggio anche i rapporti tra politica e ‘ndrangheta sono “fissaria”. Il dicembre 2008, i carabinieri filmano Antonino Serranò in compagnia di un presunto mafioso. Armeggia con una pistola. “Minchia che pallottole”, dice mentre la prova. L’arma funziona male e Serranò, da esperto, butta la colpa sul caricatore. Tonino Serranò è consigliere comunale, nel 2007 si presentò con una lista a sostegno del sindaco Scopelliti dal nome impegnativo “Io non ci sto”. Nessuno gli ha chiesto conto delle sue frequentazioni, o del perché maneggiasse una pistola nella città delle bombe ai magistrati e dei morti ammazzati. The City Council has unanimously elected President of the Commission services. And no one has asked the account director Michele brand and its relationship with the boss Cosimo Alvaro, heir to one of the families of the 'Ndrangheta's most powerful Calabria. Now the boss is in hiding, but with the brand in a recent past director spoke to weave, circles Force Italy to set up, tasks and benefices. "Because with me - said Marciano - before the policy is respect." And Manlius Flesch, another adviser to the governor's team Scopelliti, who asks that? None. Mimmo Barbieri attended with passion, an entrepreneur ended up in jail on charges to be the referent of Cosimo Alvaro, and for him "was a real landmark towards the city administration."
At the wedding no one was missing
support was needed and the Barbieri brothers were available. The same people who celebrate the October 15, 2006 fifty years of marriage of parents. They invite everyone mobsters, politicians and large. There is also the mayor Scopelliti, shaking hands and which toasts. "Then the Barbieri brothers were honest businessmen," is justified when the news comes out. "Shit - says the boss Cosimo Alvaro at the celebrations - were all there, the mayor, councilor and those of Margaret and Udeur. The boss's enthusiasm is matched by the dismal record of the police: "The presence of political leaders, as well as aggressive characters belonging to mafia associations, left no doubt about the centrality of Barbieri in crime trends and policies of Reggio." But even this is "fissaria. Why fight for the 'Ndrangheta, the governor Scopelliti has also sacrificed the weekend of the Immaculate Conception. It flew to the U.S. to bring the recipe to the UN to defeat the boss in the company of his secretary came Alberto Sarra. "In close relations with the brothers lamp, typical figures criminals who engage fully in the criminal substrate, with tasks and roles associated with the management of the assets of Pasquale Condello. The police write, but it is "fissaria.
Done From The Daily of December 14, 2010
Visto che ci lavoro live and report what I read and wrote in an article in the daily act. For all those who supported the current president of the Calabria region.
Lele Mora, Scopelliti and a city bend
bad policy, Freemasonry, boss and spending spree: it fails to model Reggio Calabria, you start to vote in local elections of next spring
"chistu is im'incrisciu pais u and me 'and everything ndi futtu esti fissaria" . Translation: "This is the land del mi annoio e me ne frego e ogni cosa è fesseria” . Nicola Giunta , artista e poeta, amava tanto la sua città, poco i suoi concittadini che prendeva a nerbate con versi spietati. Dicembre a Reggio Calabria, città accarezzata da un sole che fa impazzire il calendario, dove ogni cosa è “fissaria”. I soldati per strada come a Baghdad, il Museo con i Bronzi ancora transennato, off-limits per i turisti. È “fissaria” la vita ad “Arghillà”. “Luogo di capre scosceso e scomodo”, il ghetto. Sono secoli che i camion dell’azienda municipale d’igiene non si arrampicano tra i viali spogli di queste case popolari. Carcasse d’auto, montagne di rifiuti accatastati ai bordi di palazzoni anonimi e sgarrupati. “Noi qui siamo il tacco di Dio e tutto ci è vietato”, racconta Katia Colica, giovane architetto e giornalista reggina, che su Arghillà ha scritto un bel libro. Qui il “modello Reggio” non è mai arrivato. La città metropolitana, la perla dello Stretto con le luci e le fanfare, i concerti, e i volti noti dell’eterno cafonal italiano che passeggiano sul lungomare, il dannunziano “chilometro più bello d’Italia”.
Tra Elton John, Belén e Valeria Marini
La città di Peppe Scopelliti , il sindaco della riscossa, il Ciccio Franco del Duemila ora governatore delle Calabrie. In primavera si vota e il modello Reggio, un mix di spese folli per l’immagine, eventi, amici e fedelissimi piazzati nei posti chiave, è alle corde. Le casse del comune sono secche come le fiumare d’estate, ditte e fornitori non vengono pagati, i lavoratori delle società municipalizzate aspettano da mesi gli stipendi arretrati. Basta sfogliare un po’ di delibere per tuffarsi negli anni dello scialo. La ‘ndrangheta macchia l’immagine di Reggio? E noi compriamo 100 mila salviettine rinfrescanti al profumo di bergamotto, 22.800 euro. La cultura langue? E noi andiamo ad Aspendas, Turchia, a finanziare con 40 mila euro il Festival del teatro. I reggini sono tristi? Non c’è problem, just shell out € 250 000 thanks to Bravo, "Three nights of great comedy." The city wants to sing? And go with the big concert: Elton John, 360 000 €, Festival Tour, 251 000, Fedora, in 2004, with Katia Ricciarelli time artistic director of Teatro Cilea, 308 000 €. How to miss the top of the top, Lele Mora and his girls, the splendor of Briatore, Valeria Marini and Belén strolling along the seafront to the opening of "White Nights" (2007-2008), smile, shake hands, dispense kisses. To bring Lele Mora the shores of the Strait is Rappoccio Pasquale, an entrepreneur in all fields, from entertainment to health, with his hands in the big dough policy. Rappoccio is a Mason of the "Regional Grand Lodge of Italy", one of many lodges Reggio sit at the same table where politicians, businessmen and mobsters, and cultivates good relations with both parts of the ninety-center-ras with the center. He voted for Scopelliti, but also for the Democratic Party, has affair with his right, but also with Raffaele Lombardo. In recent days, has been indicted for the scandals of the Locri ASL along with the widow of Franco Fortugno, Maria Grazia Lagana. "Lele has done it all, when you can see the mayor?" She asks in a phone call. Mayor Scopelliti, May 8, 2006, agrees: "I go with my wife in Milan, so with the excuse me I also see the Italian Cup final."
Lele is generous with friends reggini if necessary is ready to make available his private plane for trips to Milan and Olbia, where Flavio Briatore expects all on his boat. Among the many calls he has to do for his "Medinex", a company that deals with sanitary materials, contacts with the policy for the elections and the White Nights, Rappoccio finds time to treat the mayor's trip to Sardinia . Scopelliti, but does not want to take the private plane of Lele Mora, "here, people talk and then there the risk of parliamentary questions. " Between a sandwich and a sciampagnino consumed Briatore's boat at the beginning of August 2006 we finally agrees to the sleepless night. The long leg of Valeria Marini will mow the most beautiful kilometer in Italy, Reggio will be happy, the Guardia di Finanza a bit 'less. Why, Pasquale Rappoccio, the Guardia di Finanza eat a bad review. "The Medinex - wrote in a 2002 report - would be favored in the provision of medical supplies to local health Palmi, through the interference of the boss Antonio Gallico." And in another statement as of 2005 indicate Rappoccio "nominee of the clan Books unitamente al fratello Vincenzo”. Poca roba, perché a Reggio anche i rapporti tra politica e ‘ndrangheta sono “fissaria”. Il dicembre 2008, i carabinieri filmano Antonino Serranò in compagnia di un presunto mafioso. Armeggia con una pistola. “Minchia che pallottole”, dice mentre la prova. L’arma funziona male e Serranò, da esperto, butta la colpa sul caricatore. Tonino Serranò è consigliere comunale, nel 2007 si presentò con una lista a sostegno del sindaco Scopelliti dal nome impegnativo “Io non ci sto”. Nessuno gli ha chiesto conto delle sue frequentazioni, o del perché maneggiasse una pistola nella città delle bombe ai magistrati e dei morti ammazzati. The City Council has unanimously elected President of the Commission services. And no one has asked the account director Michele brand and its relationship with the boss Cosimo Alvaro, heir to one of the families of the 'Ndrangheta's most powerful Calabria. Now the boss is in hiding, but with the brand in a recent past director spoke to weave, circles Force Italy to set up, tasks and benefices. "Because with me - said Marciano - before the policy is respect." And Manlius Flesch, another adviser to the governor's team Scopelliti, who asks that? None. Mimmo Barbieri attended with passion, an entrepreneur ended up in jail on charges to be the referent of Cosimo Alvaro, and for him "was a real landmark towards the city administration."
At the wedding no one was missing
support was needed and the Barbieri brothers were available. The same people who celebrate the October 15, 2006 fifty years of marriage of parents. They invite everyone mobsters, politicians and large. There is also the mayor Scopelliti, shaking hands and which toasts. "Then the Barbieri brothers were honest businessmen," is justified when the news comes out. "Shit - says the boss Cosimo Alvaro at the celebrations - were all there, the mayor, councilor and those of Margaret and Udeur. The boss's enthusiasm is matched by the dismal record of the police: "The presence of political leaders, as well as aggressive characters belonging to mafia associations, left no doubt about the centrality of Barbieri in crime trends and policies of Reggio." But even this is "fissaria. Why fight for the 'Ndrangheta, the governor Scopelliti has also sacrificed the weekend of the Immaculate Conception. It flew to the U.S. to bring the recipe to the UN to defeat the boss in the company of his secretary came Alberto Sarra. "In close relations with the brothers lamp, typical figures criminals who engage fully in the criminal substrate, with tasks and roles associated with the management of the assets of Pasquale Condello. The police write, but it is "fissaria.
Done From The Daily of December 14, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Cocobutter Removes Red Spots
Art - Part
Raise your hand if, in front of a work of contemporary art, he never thought
"It's something I could do it well"
Tonight I read and smile reading:
The border between contemporary art from the trash is very thin, sometimes almost made possible only by the exhibition space is located in the work. And as often happens the phrase most heard in a museum of contemporary art and the more pronounced is precisely the question: "this thing I could do it better?".
Most of the time behind a work there is a deep and serious study of the message you want to convey, of how to hit the viewer with as artistic technique and with what materials. Exploring the vision of a single work seemingly absurd one can understand the artistic and emotional pressure that allowed the artist to reach a solution more often than not extreme.
Sometimes maybe it's just garbage, and the difference is made by people who pushes the piece, the critic who speaks for remuneration and other factors more or less influential.
The fact remains that the ultimate purpose of art is to impress and excite, unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your point of view) is no longer the era of technical or artistic skill of understanding the ability to create beauty, to make a work a piece of art or a jumble of metal and wood.
Now everything can be art or not, depends on the gaze of the viewer. And if the viewer has looked good the first which must be observed in a contemporary art museum will be the name plate work, and then the work itself, not to get into this tragic mistake of setting a fire extinguisher for twenty minutes, believing the concept of extreme Flemish art.
Not to confuse the elderly rests on a chair for a post-modern installation.
not have much sympathy in contemporary art and reputation in part overestimated smile reading this because sometimes, just for a mistake like that, you can get the headlines, perhaps without Meritalia. Such an error gives me the illusion that you can resize a field for a moment that sometimes you take too seriously, and too little fun
course is just my thinking, my way of look at it, sorry for the artist involved in drama but especially for sanitation workers, I imagine, have been pointed out as "ignorant" from this and that other "industry expert".
In the video art Guzzanti currency
Raise your hand if, in front of a work of contemporary art, he never thought
"It's something I could do it well"
Tonight I read and smile reading:
"They exchange the art for the work and throw garbage in the incinerator"
They exchange a piece of contemporary art for garbage and throw in the garbage. Unfortunate fate of the "Legg-I," a work of art poor Isabella Facco exchanged by garbage collectors ODA for a refusal to bring the incinerator.
The border between contemporary art from the trash is very thin, sometimes almost made possible only by the exhibition space is located in the work. And as often happens the phrase most heard in a museum of contemporary art and the more pronounced is precisely the question: "this thing I could do it better?".
Most of the time behind a work there is a deep and serious study of the message you want to convey, of how to hit the viewer with as artistic technique and with what materials. Exploring the vision of a single work seemingly absurd one can understand the artistic and emotional pressure that allowed the artist to reach a solution more often than not extreme.
Sometimes maybe it's just garbage, and the difference is made by people who pushes the piece, the critic who speaks for remuneration and other factors more or less influential.
The fact remains that the ultimate purpose of art is to impress and excite, unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your point of view) is no longer the era of technical or artistic skill of understanding the ability to create beauty, to make a work a piece of art or a jumble of metal and wood.
Now everything can be art or not, depends on the gaze of the viewer. And if the viewer has looked good the first which must be observed in a contemporary art museum will be the name plate work, and then the work itself, not to get into this tragic mistake of setting a fire extinguisher for twenty minutes, believing the concept of extreme Flemish art.
Not to confuse the elderly rests on a chair for a post-modern installation.
not have much sympathy in contemporary art and reputation in part overestimated smile reading this because sometimes, just for a mistake like that, you can get the headlines, perhaps without Meritalia. Such an error gives me the illusion that you can resize a field for a moment that sometimes you take too seriously, and too little fun
course is just my thinking, my way of look at it, sorry for the artist involved in drama but especially for sanitation workers, I imagine, have been pointed out as "ignorant" from this and that other "industry expert".
In the video art Guzzanti currency
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Raw Diamonds What To Look For
De Marchi Thought
Scriviamo a tutti coloro che hanno seguito, come lettori, interlocutori o anche solo in amicizia, la vita e l'opera di Luigi De Marchi. Con la morte del suo autore, anche questo spazio di discussione chiude i battenti. Prosegue nel suo percorso, invece, l'onda lunga e anomala del suo pensiero, cui è stato dedicato un nuovo sito: . Nella speranza che, anche scomparso il suo autore, l’opera di Luigi De Marchi possa continuare a vivere nell’attualità, affinchè la sua eredità intellettuale non venga dispersa o dimenticata. O peggio ancora seppellita.
Paolo Fazzini e Fabio Franchi
Scriviamo a tutti coloro che hanno seguito, come lettori, interlocutori o anche solo in amicizia, la vita e l'opera di Luigi De Marchi. Con la morte del suo autore, anche questo spazio di discussione chiude i battenti. Prosegue nel suo percorso, invece, l'onda lunga e anomala del suo pensiero, cui è stato dedicato un nuovo sito: . Nella speranza che, anche scomparso il suo autore, l’opera di Luigi De Marchi possa continuare a vivere nell’attualità, affinchè la sua eredità intellettuale non venga dispersa o dimenticata. O peggio ancora seppellita.
Paolo Fazzini e Fabio Franchi
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Milena Velba Superhero
Conversations from dressing
After I joined the gym in and wrote a post with the first considerations is the time of the monthly report (report and the word gives me the chills several reasons that one day maybe I'll explain).
For precisely one month since the beginning of my adventure with distant cousins \u200b\u200bSchwarzenegger I must admit that I feel better , more toned and less tired in the past period.
the evening I have more energy and my body fat is going down to my great joy (Not yet at a healthy weight, but I do not fear as before and the arrival of Christmas, I'll have a better chance of not being mistaken for Santa Claus).
I also have to correct something about the gym that I chose to attend.
The instructor, not just after the first impression positivissima, proved rather a very professional, always prone to follow and explain the exercises, the fact that there is only him during the round and that's a lot of people to train leads him to have to split between several people, but I happily discovered that it is always willing to follow anyone with great professionalism.
Considetato il fatto che mi alleno con il lettore mp3 nelle orecchie tendo a non fare molta conversazione con gli altri atleti, ma l'altro giorno ho avuto il primo colloquio da spogliatoio.
Un ragazzo esprimeva il desiderio di voler cambiare telefonino e spiegava all'amico che stava valutando un Nokia "nonsoché" per circa 400€ di spesa. A quel punto mi sono sentito di intervenire per dare un consiglio e gli ho suggerito di valutare, con una spesa pari se non inferiore, l'acquisto di un device dell'HTC con un sistema operativo superiore a quello della Nokia (oltre a tutti gli altri fattori tecnici).
But the friend says that with things too complicated and that is not like Nokia's.
"De gustibus non est disputandum" and I go to lift weights.
The first attempt to approach the alien population of the gym is not going very well, but the return for the shower comes back the second chance, with the same person.
In the gym there are monitors that go RTL ball, and this radio, like almost all the major commercial radio stations have a fixed schedule that is cyclical, then I have to Alessandra Amoroso Nek or listen while I work out, always at the same time.
I finish showering and monitor changes in the locker room for the hundredth time Nek, then what do I think this song sucks and the general level of Italian music (the more commercial at least) and ready to share this "brainstorm" close with my cabinet, I turn to open his mouth and then block me, the words under his breath and his eyes transfixed, while his friend cheerfully sings in the voice is not too low ' last great success of Nek .
turn away from dialogue and begin on hillsides.
songs Nek If, as suggested by Anthony, then you deserve a fucking Nokia
After I joined the gym in and wrote a post with the first considerations is the time of the monthly report (report and the word gives me the chills several reasons that one day maybe I'll explain).
For precisely one month since the beginning of my adventure with distant cousins \u200b\u200bSchwarzenegger I must admit that I feel better , more toned and less tired in the past period.
the evening I have more energy and my body fat is going down to my great joy (Not yet at a healthy weight, but I do not fear as before and the arrival of Christmas, I'll have a better chance of not being mistaken for Santa Claus).
I also have to correct something about the gym that I chose to attend.
The instructor, not just after the first impression positivissima, proved rather a very professional, always prone to follow and explain the exercises, the fact that there is only him during the round and that's a lot of people to train leads him to have to split between several people, but I happily discovered that it is always willing to follow anyone with great professionalism.
Considetato il fatto che mi alleno con il lettore mp3 nelle orecchie tendo a non fare molta conversazione con gli altri atleti, ma l'altro giorno ho avuto il primo colloquio da spogliatoio.
Un ragazzo esprimeva il desiderio di voler cambiare telefonino e spiegava all'amico che stava valutando un Nokia "nonsoché" per circa 400€ di spesa. A quel punto mi sono sentito di intervenire per dare un consiglio e gli ho suggerito di valutare, con una spesa pari se non inferiore, l'acquisto di un device dell'HTC con un sistema operativo superiore a quello della Nokia (oltre a tutti gli altri fattori tecnici).
But the friend says that with things too complicated and that is not like Nokia's.
"De gustibus non est disputandum" and I go to lift weights.
The first attempt to approach the alien population of the gym is not going very well, but the return for the shower comes back the second chance, with the same person.
In the gym there are monitors that go RTL ball, and this radio, like almost all the major commercial radio stations have a fixed schedule that is cyclical, then I have to Alessandra Amoroso Nek or listen while I work out, always at the same time.
I finish showering and monitor changes in the locker room for the hundredth time Nek, then what do I think this song sucks and the general level of Italian music (the more commercial at least) and ready to share this "brainstorm" close with my cabinet, I turn to open his mouth and then block me, the words under his breath and his eyes transfixed, while his friend cheerfully sings in the voice is not too low ' last great success of Nek .
turn away from dialogue and begin on hillsides.
songs Nek If, as suggested by Anthony, then you deserve a fucking Nokia
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Bruised Knuckle Months
Television ...... Star Wars
I do not watch television for years, except for some rare cases of my home, I'll get all the information from the web, newspapers and online for more, for the few good programs ( See Report for example) I go to youtube.
Home series only TV and movie player and put it just recently all this even more, seeing the TV the other night did a blue flash and it was definitely off
The corpse is still there, 'm waiting for the right moment to throw but considering that I still have to discard the old fridge (and will be a year that died in the other room) I know that the TV will be long and tortuous history.
In the meantime, while I wash dishes, recover lost transmissions or things you've seen before but that still make me smile, and I see me happy.
Tonight I went in search of a lost bet to "Come away with me " Fazio and Saviano (and vice versa).
I avoid describing the contempt, disgust and anger I feel against the Director General of RAI, Mauro Masi (the lowercase is strongly desired), too stupid and dull not see the value of the product on those evenings by good people for good people.
After the motion of anger I've enjoyed some excerpts below and place it in a way that struck me particular.
But first I wanted to explain that place is another video that has a close relationship with the first.
This is an extraordinary intervention by the Pierfrancesco Favino intent on playing a Casale complaining and Gomorrah Roberto Saviano (and here is the link). A piece of television consigliatomi last year from a dear friend, an extraordinary sketch played exceptionally well, not to be missed.
First video
Second video
Ps. The title of my post? here's why
I do not watch television for years, except for some rare cases of my home, I'll get all the information from the web, newspapers and online for more, for the few good programs ( See Report for example) I go to youtube.
Home series only TV and movie player and put it just recently all this even more, seeing the TV the other night did a blue flash and it was definitely off
The corpse is still there, 'm waiting for the right moment to throw but considering that I still have to discard the old fridge (and will be a year that died in the other room) I know that the TV will be long and tortuous history.
In the meantime, while I wash dishes, recover lost transmissions or things you've seen before but that still make me smile, and I see me happy.
Tonight I went in search of a lost bet to "Come away with me " Fazio and Saviano (and vice versa).
I avoid describing the contempt, disgust and anger I feel against the Director General of RAI, Mauro Masi (the lowercase is strongly desired), too stupid and dull not see the value of the product on those evenings by good people for good people.
After the motion of anger I've enjoyed some excerpts below and place it in a way that struck me particular.
But first I wanted to explain that place is another video that has a close relationship with the first.
This is an extraordinary intervention by the Pierfrancesco Favino intent on playing a Casale complaining and Gomorrah Roberto Saviano (and here is the link). A piece of television consigliatomi last year from a dear friend, an extraordinary sketch played exceptionally well, not to be missed.
First video
Second video
Ps. The title of my post? here's why
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