December, it's time to gifts, I like the toy shops, I like the rides and chubby dolls, toy trains, wooden home-made cakes ... I like things than once because they are things of my time.
I dedicate everything to the children for a few years I'm passionate about the study of gender ...
I magnetized for people who do not like to appear that they realize that I am there!
I love the little things, the precious thoughts, thought the gift!
What a surprise the "bookmark" I arrived with a note from dear friend Gio! As I fantasized about this delightful little item, I thought out of the hands of a child who has done for me, for me being with children from long years ... Today I discover that the stylized Star of David is a country of magic cha know, comes from Monghidoro, the right setting for a tale!
To friends dellaportadellamemoria monster this precious gift and I wish so many beautiful things!

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