Thursday, February 17, 2011

Where Can I Read Kamehasutra Online

From site Olympuslabs law, and willingly steal:
while Berlusconi has undertaken not to say the investigation concerned it involves while trying to figure out how to do for a party, how do you manage to mess further divide to be with all, while the PD is just another fool (read the boxwoods have dropped his pants and then with feeling respond with a resounding 'no'), while this country speaks exclusively of San Remo and the whores of Berlusconi, the government approved the decree milleproroghe.

said it was the government of tax cuts, economic growth.

Well, let's see what this actually entails decree milleproroghe:

1 )   Introdotta tassa di 30 euro  piĆ¹ marca da bollo di 8 per ogni  ricorso al  giudice di pace .
2 )  Eliminata la detrazione del 19% per gli acquisti di abbonamenti ai trasporti pubblici locali;
3 )  Eliminata la detrazione del 19% per le spese di aggiornamento teachers.
4 ) Cancelled credit ' tax, introduced by Prodi, 10% of businesses doing research and innovation.
5 ) No refund fiscal drag to workers and businesses.
6 ) Introduction of the so-called tax on technology (media player, phone. Phones, computers)
7 )  Aumento tariffe dell’ acqua (grazie alla privatizzazione fatta da Tremonti, art. 23 bis decreto legge 133/2008)
8 )  Aumento delle tariffe postali
9 )  Aumento pedaggi austostrade Anas
10 )   Aumento di 3 euro sui biglietti aerei per chi parte da Roma e Milano to any destination on any airline, including flights.
11 ) Increased train tickets, both regional and long distance.
12 ) Doubling of 'VAT on subscriptions to pay TV
13 ) Tobacco: Cigarette low cost increase , and tobacco
14 ) Increase canone Rai
15 )  Confermata l’applicazione dell’Iva sulla tassa rifiuti, nonostante sentenza contraria Corte Cosituzionale.
16 )  Stretta fiscale sulle compagnie assicurative
17 )  Imposta di scopo (i comuni possono istituire nuovi tributi, ad es. tassa di soggiorno per i turisti) per favorire investimenti nel territorio comunale.
18 )   Concessa alle regions to increase to 3% of the 'additional income tax .
19) Institution on toll motorways (eg. Florence, Siena, Rome-Fiumicino, Salerno-Avellino, Bologna ring road)
20) Increase contribution rate, from 25 to 26% to members under separate management INPS (without healthcare professional associations, home sellers and occasional self-employed)
21) Increases 10% (from 7-8) the 'premium' for collection of Levying taxes granted to the spa. The new standard involves a burden on the taxpayer equal to 2.5% in case of payment after the sixtieth day.
22 ) € 1 increase for movie tickets (except the parish hall)
Certainly this is the suspension of payment of taxes for the earthquake victims abruzzo until June 30, 2011, and there are also 100 million (fas removed from the bottom) for the Ligurian and Venetian ...
is ultimately is better to talk back to whores


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