Monday, February 28, 2011

Mixed Wrestling Holds Female

Four years ago

After four years of more or less, distinguished career, today I said goodbye to my job.

In about two weeks I'll write my bullshit from a comfortable (hopefully) chair in the center of London.

Today I cleaned my pc I made up all the work and raised my personal folders (For more porn sites, of course). I brought a bottle of champagne to greet my colleagues and, recently, I turned off the light coming out of that room for the last time.

The decision to go to London was part of a dream a few years old, this year I said
"but you know what? For others and you do not ? what can stop you from leaving everything and leave? "
and saw that I was just told that I nothing stopping me but myself , which could decide if I wanted to leave and try to get lucky, no, create me my fortune in that London.

And so, armed with determination, along with Faith we decided on a deadline, end of February.
The next day I went to buy a bidet to pack (the first thing to bear, it seems logical is not it?) And some books in English to try to not talk like Toto and Peppino in Malafemmina " Savu indiriss volevan us ... the "

And now we, today was my last day at work.
But I do not consider myself a "brain drain" , and because my brain is what it is, is because I, in fact, I'm not running away from anything.

Unlike the vast majority of people who give up, I had a job here with a permanent contract, to own a house (full of mice, but they are also owned by them, and now have the pedigree) and more.

So my was not a decision dictated by the paucity of what I had , but by the desire to live in a city like London, a city full of opportunities and things to do, a city where the Design and art are the highest expression and where meritocracy and value count really.

And then a nation that has not berlusconi not attract a bit 'all?

Four years of work I have changed, believe in something "much better than" when I came into the agency.

extraordinary gentlemen I've had (of course they know that I say this only because they could read and therefore better to speak well: D), I enjoyed every day spent in there, sharing moments of all kinds, with colleagues and with whom, in turn, has revolved around the agency (except rare, rare cases of people that it was better if he was elsewhere).

An agency with three different heads but united, and unique in their great humanity. The only
" leaders, met in ten years of work in the area, with whom I drank grappa and bitterness of the head end of the day, or with whom I could talk about my problems knowing that they are heard.

In the end, I left a job , no, I left a family with whom I shared a lot and that, in one way or another, I'll bring in my trip.

Thursday the boys brought me out to dinner, offering, among other things, a delicious cake (pictured). I thank them all from my heart, because if these four years I must have been special, especially , each of them.

Thanks :-)

Ps. In order not to end up in doing good is what I miss:
  • The report cards at end of day and quality
  • The conditioner also closed in the summer and closed in winter
  • I do not miss the paranoia of someone, and the flurry of phone calls to someone else
  • The time dancer, and being late for useless bullshit
  • And most of all I miss the programmer of the agency, a goat incompetent, pig shit!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

New Router Made Web Browser Slow

February 22
The door of the memory recalls today Hans and Sophie Scholl

was February 22, 1943. The Nazi-Fascist Germany killed his children the best ... Monaco were young students, were participants in the group "Die Weisse Rose" the white rose . were young people who refused to be carried by the executioner, do not let themselves be persuaded by the words of the tyrant, who preached hatred. Young people who found the courage not to remain indifferent, knowing that danger life united their energies and print secret leaflets praising the resistance, the struggle against the regime.
were young full of life and dreams, sought refuge in Innere Emigration, in flight within, evenings spent in conversation about music, medicine, philosophy, religion, their events lasted all''alba were up Lesenabende , evening reading ... but decided that they should act and so they started with the distribution of leaflets that will become their death sentence.
In one of the pamphlets reads: " But what does the German people? blindly follows his seductive, does not see that you go to ruin?? "
The Geschwister Scholl were captured February 18, 1943 while distributing flyers inside the ' University of Monaco, were interrogated and tortured for long, endless days and then were sentenced to death.
names were Sophie and Hans Scholl.

Never forget them

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Where Can I Read Kamehasutra Online

From site Olympuslabs law, and willingly steal:
while Berlusconi has undertaken not to say the investigation concerned it involves while trying to figure out how to do for a party, how do you manage to mess further divide to be with all, while the PD is just another fool (read the boxwoods have dropped his pants and then with feeling respond with a resounding 'no'), while this country speaks exclusively of San Remo and the whores of Berlusconi, the government approved the decree milleproroghe.

said it was the government of tax cuts, economic growth.

Well, let's see what this actually entails decree milleproroghe:

1 )   Introdotta tassa di 30 euro  più marca da bollo di 8 per ogni  ricorso al  giudice di pace .
2 )  Eliminata la detrazione del 19% per gli acquisti di abbonamenti ai trasporti pubblici locali;
3 )  Eliminata la detrazione del 19% per le spese di aggiornamento teachers.
4 ) Cancelled credit ' tax, introduced by Prodi, 10% of businesses doing research and innovation.
5 ) No refund fiscal drag to workers and businesses.
6 ) Introduction of the so-called tax on technology (media player, phone. Phones, computers)
7 )  Aumento tariffe dell’ acqua (grazie alla privatizzazione fatta da Tremonti, art. 23 bis decreto legge 133/2008)
8 )  Aumento delle tariffe postali
9 )  Aumento pedaggi austostrade Anas
10 )   Aumento di 3 euro sui biglietti aerei per chi parte da Roma e Milano to any destination on any airline, including flights.
11 ) Increased train tickets, both regional and long distance.
12 ) Doubling of 'VAT on subscriptions to pay TV
13 ) Tobacco: Cigarette low cost increase , and tobacco
14 ) Increase canone Rai
15 )  Confermata l’applicazione dell’Iva sulla tassa rifiuti, nonostante sentenza contraria Corte Cosituzionale.
16 )  Stretta fiscale sulle compagnie assicurative
17 )  Imposta di scopo (i comuni possono istituire nuovi tributi, ad es. tassa di soggiorno per i turisti) per favorire investimenti nel territorio comunale.
18 )   Concessa alle regions to increase to 3% of the 'additional income tax .
19) Institution on toll motorways (eg. Florence, Siena, Rome-Fiumicino, Salerno-Avellino, Bologna ring road)
20) Increase contribution rate, from 25 to 26% to members under separate management INPS (without healthcare professional associations, home sellers and occasional self-employed)
21) Increases 10% (from 7-8) the 'premium' for collection of Levying taxes granted to the spa. The new standard involves a burden on the taxpayer equal to 2.5% in case of payment after the sixtieth day.
22 ) € 1 increase for movie tickets (except the parish hall)
Certainly this is the suspension of payment of taxes for the earthquake victims abruzzo until June 30, 2011, and there are also 100 million (fas removed from the bottom) for the Ligurian and Venetian ...
is ultimately is better to talk back to whores

Friday, February 11, 2011

Design Questionnaire About Fast Food

The noose around his neck filled with petrol

La settimana passata ho fatto il pieno alla mia macchinina (evento rarissimo) subito dopo ho scoperto che, guidando sotto i 120km all'ora potevo, secondo il computer di bordo, percorrere circa 650 chilometri , e quindi, per vedere se effettivamente la cosa era reale sono partito per la capitare, che da Reggio Calabria sono ad occhio e croce 600km

Before leaving, I loaded the car (Hyundai Getz 2005 vintage of 1,400 cc) and got a satellite navigator.

Unfortunately, I tend to screw some things, and in this case I would have to pay more attention to two small details of the navigator, the first is the updating of maps, subject to when he was President Pertini Republic (Ah good times and great president, not Napolitano) and the second detail is the cup that supports the Ambaradan almost every 50 km taken down from the navigator me finishing on the dashboard with windshield a dry crash.

after only ten minutes I found myself standing on the bridge Bagnara in line behind a column of cars and trucks. After another ten minutes I was with the engine off to read my e-reader , one eye on the line of cars and one "Blood Brothers" Gratteri / Nicaso. After almost 40 minutes of waiting I started the march, again on a column, up to before Rosarno.

I managed to keep the average of 120 kilometers and actually missing the display of the navigator were always less than marked on the board computer.

Non voglio approfondire il discorso sulle autostrade italiane, perché parlare male della Salerno-Reggio Calabria sarebbe come sparare contro la Croce Rossa, ma c'è da notare che adesso hanno deciso di mandare l'Esercito a presidiare alcuni cantieri   visto che:
Dal 2005 ad oggi, sui cantieri dell’autostrada A3 si sono verificati numerosi atti criminosi (attentati, intimidazioni, minacce, incendi dolosi di mezzi, furti, ecc.). che hanno indotto alcune imprese appaltatrici a dichiararsi costrette ad abbandonare i lavori.
E menomale che se ne sono accorti subito eh! Wake up, wake up your compliments, only after years and years of total crap, we're in good hands. And just imagine what would happen during construction of bridge that shit, there have been more than eighty percent of the contracts in hand the Mafia / Ndrangheta, Build it yeah, I just want to see, dickheads!

Viewed why I did not want to talk?

My trip was interrupted by stops to recharge pisciatine and red bull in the ever-present Autogrill (which I found to be the dealer for Italy of the chain Starbuck's, and is also why we only this chain has never caught on ... unfortunately)

arrived near the highway to three lanes I cried at the miracle undaunted and continued my advanced to the conquest of the capital, dodging SUVs and Golf at 180 to 200 per hour, regardless of Tutor for the speed control, and the microclimate in my car was starting to look like an illegal dump, like the one unearthed in the hills of Gallina, not far from my office.

Just before I do not know which junction, the navigator started flashing, disappearing completely directions to my destination. It must have been taken too many blows because of the suction cup of the above, the fact is that I would have to worry about the first warning of instability, when in the vicinity of the pollen, I marked in the air in the middle of plowed fields, while I was in single-lane queue (as usual).

However, as it is not the navigator to 800 meters from my release still has not recovered, then began to slow down and switch it on again like a madman, he comes off, I drop his dashboard, I take it the go-around a good deal of saliva (sputazzata I would say) and miracle of miracles lights working, the Stash my exit and save, even on the right path.

The trip lasted about eight hours and a half minutes less than minutes, I spent 45 € for a full tank of gas plus 17 € for the exit. We add various drinks and cagatine for the trip, let's say that I was about 70 euro, just to the left. The return was similar in cost, perhaps a bit 'more cagatine to eat, because the return there were two.

The good thing of the trip was the weather, beautiful all weekend.

I did not kill animals in my way, music is always been excellent and I have never, ever, cross a patrol forces Odin.

And tonight we leave

Thursday, February 10, 2011

What Is Born Sleep Apnia

was Sunday the February 6 1944 . On

Judenrampe Auschwitz-Birkenau open the doors of the cattle cars of the train arrived in Hell.

had left by Sunday, January 30 platform 21 of Central Station Milan with more than 600 people : men, women, old and children are on that load.
arrival at Auschwitz, the next Sunday, February 6 between barking dogs and piercing screams, beatings and threats are made the selection: about 500 fra loro vengono selezionati per la morte, gasati e bruciati dopo poche ore dall’arrivo.

In quel trasporto i bambini da 1 a 14 anni erano più di 40, tra di loro Sissel Vogelmann di 8 anni e Liliana Segre di 13 . La signora Esmeralda Dina di 88 anni era la più anziana. La più piccola si chiamava Luciana Pacifici , aveva otto mesi.


Erano partiti da Milano dal binario 21 Central Station ....

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Are Warts On Stomach Herpes

To not have ten minutes ...

Changing the gym, some days ago, two types eeeenormi give free rein to their thoughts, or if you prefer, fart from your mouth:

"No, because sure the euro will disappear , Collapse is not possible to this situation, what before now cost one thousand five hundred but still does not cost much, but they are euro and more than twice, and then, there is no good quest'euro trusted "

- and I thought that you did not talk like that ... more -

"no but I do not understand why they break so much, one is no longer free to have sex with Who wants that immediately break the balls, what the hell can afford it do not understand why they should attack him! and then one at home is not what it seems? they want! "

- certo, prova a farti crescere due piante di maria in balcone e poi vediamo se non ti succede nulla, oppure meglio ancora, apri la bombola del gas e poi fumati una sigaretta, fammi il favore cosi vediamo che succede - 

"beh poi voglio vedere te se non te la facevi una come quella, mica sembrava minorenne? e poi meglio lui di Marrazzo, quello andava con i travestiti"

- a parte il fatto che il vecchio porco era a conoscenza della vera età di "quella", non pretendo che tu possa capire che un presidente del consiglio non si possa comportare come il vecchio depravato pedofilo che in effetti è, ma almeno capire cos'è l'abuso di potere e ammettere che non si può telefonare in questura per far rilasciare amichette varie sparando la balla sulla nipote di Mubarak, cazzo un idiota farebbe di meglio!!! e poi Marrazzo almeno di è dimesso -

"no il fatto è che io si, sono di destra , ma lo sono per il mio lavoro"

- vorrei capire quale work forces you to become a fascist , which, someone give me an explanation, QUALEEEE! -

"Berlusconi was not done by only using 50 million pounds of the liquidation of the father"

- shame that you were at the exchange rate today about 500 billion lire received in cash ... the face of the liquidation.

Had I been ten minute or time (and a piece of paper to make two doodles, given the Subjects) I would open a political rally in the processes of gym to explain what kind of shit is berlusconi, but I was in a hurry and therefore nothing to do.

Not to forget the origins of that pig pedophile mafia, Travaglio here that explains how, when and why the birth of the ruin of Italy (as a result of these interviews was kicked out Luttazzi Rai with 'edict Bulgarian and soon the same fate for Biagi and Santoro)