Monday, May 25, 2009

Horizontal Timber Fence

Rome. May 28-29-30 - Against the G8 on immigration and security. Intolerant of racism

To tear down walls and borders. For a global citizenship
Nabruka Mimun , this is the name of the woman who has taken her own life in night between 6 and 7 May in the camp of Ponte Galeria, near Rome. 227, of which people do not know the name or the fate refused to Libya in the same night, kicking off the hard-line Minister Maroni of the rejections at sea. Needless to speak of inviolable human rights, deceptive appeal to any international convention, set itself up enough to defend the Constitution italiana.Classi separate, separate buses, doctors, spy, spy principals, crime of illegal immigration, mayors, sheriff, "shared security", the army on the streets , civic militarism, metropolitan checkpoint: the world around us seems to be evolving rapidly in an escalation of racism and institutional violence aimed to make any and all of us in the grip of fear, exploitation and control. The blind and the government security package. Berlusconi did not want a multiethnic Italy and the specter of apartheid and racist policies realtà.Le you are securitarian governance practices in the economic crisis. In the absence of political crisis the only answer is security which results in the reduction of freedom and rights. How to stop the resistance unless otherwise caging (advance) the company, resulting in separation and racial hatred? These measures particularly affect all migrants but concerns all * and to "divide and break the links of solidarity between people, fueling the fear and make everything * more ricattabili.Ma the future is not written. The riots in detention centers for migrants (CIE) from Lampedusa to Turin, from Milan to Ponte Galeria, light a fire of hope and real freedom voices and shouting protests against the security package that is very * afraid to challenge. The social struggles do not stop, even urgent in the coming weeks we moltiplicano.È multiply actions and events to show the indignation and anger against a government increasingly razzista.Il May 23 in Milan there will be an important national event Campaign "which side" against the crisis, racism and the rights of migranti.Tra 28 and May 30 will be held in Rome on G8 dei ministri della giustizia e degli interni, che discuteranno di sicurezza, crisi e immigrazione. A presiederlo sarà il ministro razzista Roberto Maroni. Saranno in 8, solo in 8. Vorrebbero gestire la crisi sulla nostra pelle, laddove la politica economica non offre soluzioni, laddove il capitalismo traballa, laddove la crisi è globale e non conosce frontiere, la loro risposta è approfondire le differenze, contenere chi si ribella e chi lotta per la propria dignità.E’ arrivato il momento di far convergere le nostre lotte, le lotte dei migranti, degli studenti, di lavoratori e lavoratrici precar* che si ribellano a un mondo fatto di sbarramenti e frontiere, di muri e razzismo feroce. Queste lotte stanno costruendo una rete di resistenze the crisis, the security package in late May and the G8, which intends to ratify measures already in place for some time. On our bodies, our lives, against our diritti.Per We appeal to build a week of protests that from May 23 to Milan close for two days of decentralized action on 28 and 29 May and for the global event in Rome from 30 maggio.Per challenge the racist policies of the government and freedom-the world where racism not only looks at skin color, but want to hit across all of us who claim, income, housing, citizenship, freedom of the security package movimento.Contro razzistePer laws and the closure of the CIE in Italy, Europe and around the mediterraneoL'unica security that we seek is libertàContro borders and walls, for freedom of movimentoSiamo clandestin all uf *, is global citizenship that we

Thursday 28 and Friday 29, Days of decentralized actions.

Saturday 30 global anti-G8 event, RomaVerso mobilization against the G8 in July. We will not pay for your crisis! NoG8 Network - Rome


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