Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Prom Dresses Catalogue

Universe dressing room - dressing room universe

The ten things I do while I wait for my girl out of the dressing rooms
10 Things that I do waiting for my girlfriend out of the dressing room

  1. Cerco una wi-fi aperta (quello in realtà appena entro in negozio)  e se la trovo controllo posta, aggiorno feed rss, twitter, aggiorno il meteo; 
  2. Mando sms e intanto nell'attesa di risposte leggo i feed dell'ultimo aggiornamento; 
  3. Pulisco la rubrica del cellulare dai numeri di sconosciuti o dai doppi contatti; 
  4. Idem per gli sms/e-mail
  5. In most shops, blowing away the dust of sheaves piled stationed at the corners of the dressing rooms (there are never noticed?) And I imagine that if I had my third Roomba shop around morning and evening ... sheaves more than three ounces of poor
  6. Fixed the other people waiting like me with eyes in the style of dying on a raft;
  7. If you have small children do grimaces;
  8. I play CrayonPhisics :
  9. playing Solitaire;
  10. Lately, if I have headphones, watch clips from " Romanzo Criminale, la serie " ;

10 Things that I do waiting for my girlfriend out of the dressing room
  1. I search a open wifi (actually when I enter in the store) if I find it, check the mail, feed Rss, twitter then the weather 
  2. I send sms, and in the meantime, read the last updated feeds 
  3. Delete double and old people from my contact list on the phone
  4. Idem for the sms/mail 
  5. Inside almost all store, I blow away the dust piled in corners and I think if the store was mine, I would use three roombas night and day... no more sheaves of dust 
  6. I stare at the other people in my same condition in style "dying man on a raft"
  7. If there are children I make them a grimace;
  8. Play to CrayonPhisics ; 
  9. Play to Solitaire 
  10. Recently, if I have headphones, I watch pieces of " Romanzo Criminale " tv series; 

 Tnk's to letizia for the review :)


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