Galimberti, the senseless intellettualone
Leafing through "D" (the women's supplement of La Repubblica,) of 12 sttembre 2009, I came across one of the many spaces that the publisher agrees to Umberto Galimberti and I read an article that, by sovrstato of Galimberti a photo posing as a thinker (with his head in his hands and eyes of fascination bets on readers), began: "To live, man needs to build a sense in view of death, which is' implosion of any sense. " I confess that the opening words startled me, because three years ago I read in another sheet of wisdom galimbertiana published by La Repubblica, very different words, to say the opposite:
"The need for meaning - then our Umberto wrote - it's just the product of a culture, the Judeo-Christian, of which we are, willy-nilly, offspring." And obviously feeling more certain bambocceschi needs, Galimberti continued:
"" Actually, I have to be religious to have to ask myself the question of the meaning of life. Otherwise, as in my case, that problem I do not even go to the hall of the brain . The question of the meaning of life and property was in fact created within the Judeo-Christian tradition. "Galimberti
Frankly I do not understand where it drew its conclusion apodictic. In fact, la ricerca del significato è un bisogno antico quanto l’uomo: e lo troviamo già nella filosofia greca, di mezzo millennio anteriore alla civiltà cristiana, o nella religione buddista, del tutto indipendente dalla cultura giudaico-cristiana, mentre la credenza in una vita ultraterrena, come credo d’aver dimostrato nella mia opera “Lo shock primario” (Edizioni Rai-Eri, 2002), è testimoniata addirittura nelle sepolture neandertaliane di 80 o 100 mila anni fa. Ed uno dei massimi psicologi di stampo umanistico, Viktor Frankl, lo aveva chiaramente intuito quando scriveva già negli anni ’50, in polemica con Freud e Adler, che il bisogno essenziale dell’uomo non è il bisogno di sesso o di potere but the need for meaning.
Galimberti not seem to realize that the need for meaning arises not only from the pain, as he says, because the history of Buddha, a prince beloved by his father and his beloved wife and surrounded only joy that comes out of his enchanted garden for know the world and seek the truth, tells us that the search for meaning in life can also arise from wealth. And then, as the Buddha himself taught us, the pain is inseparable from existence, if only because, as my studies on anxiety have shown, the emergence of consciousness in the course of human evolution has led man the consciousness of his own destiny of death and participation in desperate agony of his fellow men the most loved: so that all religions, not just the Judeo-Christian, can be seen as just as many reactive-defensive formations before the anguish of death.
But, not surprisingly, the religion itself, which sees only Galimberti as the key tool of the human psyche to give a meaning to life, was less of a priority need for meaning in the struggle of man against his existential malaise. Since the '50s, in fact, research by Herman Feifel on anxiety of death among terminally ill patients revealed that the believers were less distressed non-believers before the impending death, while patients di gran lunga più sereni sono risultati gli uomini e le donne che sentivano di aver vissuto una vita significativa o, detto altrimenti, di essersi sostanzialmente realizzati. Dinanzi a queste realtà, il sarcasmo con cui Galimberti tratta la ricerca umana di significato e se ne proclama immune appare non un segnale di superiorità intellettuale, ma solo di patetica aridità o rimozione. Del resto, penso che la ragione centrale per cui il pensiero e la società liberale sono approdati all’odierna crisi vada cercata proprio nel fatto che hanno ridotto la libertà a consumismo, l’amore a banalità sessuale e la speranza a scetticismo, senza saper rispondere a questo centrale bisogno umano di significato.
Per parte mia, credo instead, where traditional religions are often dogmatic, mind of modern man, pathetic comforting tales, religious practices, as perforator human perception and intuition of a force that transcends us and that just gives meaning to our lives, not not be considered illusory. If, as everything seems to indicate, the human being is the highest expression of the evolution of life, is not absurd to think that dreams of love, beauty, justice, harmony, immortality, Creativity and Compassion man brought in a life process previously submitted to the domination of cruel laws and monotonous, are the dreams of life and that we are perhaps an expression of the attempt Life to redirect its course. In short, the liberal humanism seems to find its essential meaning in a sort of religion of man, in a religion that makes us feel and understand that we are bearers of a cosmic revolution and that is good to live and die for the dreams of 'Man and Life.
Galimberti, therefore, seems to have passed recently looked at the contempt with which the human search for meaning in life. But it must be said that even when the search for the meaning of life is not even passed him to the antechamber of the brain, the sense of career and success in this sinistrese Italy ruled by the post-communist, he is not never missed. So, for example, while it sharply and prematurely reported the crucial importance of existential malaise in the genesis of humanity, was well guarded from entering into open conflict with Freudian psychoanalysis, knowing very well that Freud and his whole movement have made the denial of anxiety death, the cornerstone of their theoretical system and professional.
Moreover, consistency has never been a need felt among the luminaries of our psychoanalysis. So, for example, Cesare Musatti Italian father of psychoanalysis, he made his brilliant career
Italian culture and the university simultaneously militating psychoanalytic orthodoxy and in the community, that in two worlds that were obviously incompatible: the psychoanalytic he considered essential and indestructible destructiveness of human nature and the community that proclaimed he wants to create a society completely pacified and bound in brotherhood and considered psychoanalysis a pathetic product of bourgeois and capitalist corruption.
And, after all, this brilliant ability to avoid any conflict with their sponsors, political and cultural at the same time cultivating tacit sensational career and is a feature of every heresy and intellettualetto intellettualone sinistrese Italian, always.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
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The Open Society and Its Enemies
With this title, the Austrian philosopher Karl Popper in 1945 published a major work in which it stated in some famous thinkers (Plato, Aristotle, Karl Marx and Friedrich Hegel) the "bad teachers" and closed dogmatic conceptions of human society.
Reflecting on these days in terms of Western culture, I realized that the enemies of open society were and are far more numerous than the "handful" (albeit illustrious) reported by Popper. First, it became clear to me that the companies have been closed and are far more numerous than those litters from those few "bad teachers". All primitive societies, which have thousands of years before the "bad teachers" and all societies storiche (salvo quella greca) che li hanno preceduti o accompagnati per secoli, sono state "società chiuse" che hanno ostacolato o perseguitato il libero pensiero e ogni sviluppo sociale divergente dai dettami del rispettivi dogmatismi religiosi o politici. (Poichè le società primitive oggi vanno molto di moda, mi sembra doveroso ricordare che, per quanto affascinanti siano per noi certi loro valori e modi di vivere, si tratta sempre di società totalizzanti, rimaste immobili per millenni appunto perchè in esse non era nè prevista nè ammessa nessuna deviazione dalle norme rigide e dal "pensiero unico" che le governavano.)
Sopratutto, però, ho dovuto constatare che, anche nel mondo odierno, enemies of the West Liberal ( only open society in a world dominated by political and religious tyrannies ) were much more numerous than the followers of Hegel or Marx. Sure they have had an adverse effect on the birth of the most monstrous regimes dogmatic '900, Nazism and communism, and the spread of nationalist or comunistoidi tyrannies around the world, but, at least in the West Liberal, today its many enemies are no more (nor do they claim) the followers of those "bad teachers" nineteenth century.
This reality forces us to see once again the inadequacy of the methods adopted by the same historical, philosophical, and see Popper that only a psychological and psycho-cultural approach allows us to understand the diversity of different types of enemies of open society.
As I said these enemies in our society, are far more numerous than the followers of Hegel or Marx. Practically, indeed, are the vast majority of so-called euro-American intelligentsia. These so-called intellectuals (writers, journalists, artists, philosophers and theologians who are) always devote themselves with zeal and growing denigration of the West or the liberal or the exaltation and defense of their enemies.
Of course I do not want and I never wanted to deny that the liberal West has serious flaws of social and moral (which, per parte mia, ho cercato sempre di denunciare e rimediare), ma è per lo meno strano che i nostri intellettualetti e intellettualoni più celebrati non si siano minimamente impegnati nella difesa dell'Occidente liberale e nel suo miglioramento graduale, ma abbiano prodigato il loro ingegno solo per denigrarlo e per esaltarne i nemici esterni. E, con buona pace di Popper, questa moltitudine di nemici interni s'ispira solo in minima parte a quei pochi "cattivi maestri"di stampo hegeliano e marxista.
Se però, come accennavo poco sopra, si guarda il fenomeno con la lente della psicologia politica liberale tutto si chiarisce subito. Come i bambocci viziati del '68 e del '78 detestavano le loro famiglie permissive negli anni in cui Cooper proclamava "la morte della famiglia", così, oggi che la famiglia è tornata di moda, molti nostri intellettuali hanno trasferito il loro odio sulla società liberale che li ha generati. Ma il processo, da un punto di vista psicologico o psicopolitico, non è cambiato affatto. In realtà, oggi come nel '68, a guidare le scelte degli intellettualetti e intellettualoni non è tanto questo o quella teoria ma l'"attrazione fatale" che essi sentono per i nemici più rabbiosi della "società aperta". Del resto (e la cosa conferma ulteriormente la superiorità dell'approccio psicologico) anche nel '900 le cose non erano andate molto diversamente. A dettare l'irresponsabile appoggio dato da tanti intelettuali Europeans to the monstrous tyrannies of Nazi and Communist was not so much their adherence to nationalist or Marxist theories as their attraction to the liberal West's sworn enemies. What
'900 was already a very dangerous game, which threatened to deliver the future of mankind in a clique of bloodthirsty dictators. But the game today is much more dangerous because it tends to create alliances or complicity with the forces of Islamic fanaticism, that is, with a fanaticism that can not be controlled by military force (being made up by people eager to ensure safe and eternal happiness with death in battle) and it is now very close to get hold of nuclear weapons. In these days day a picture appeared in newspapers emblematic of the Venezuelan dictator Chavez (idol of many of our intellettualetti for his furious hatred against America and the middle class of his country) passionately embraced with fanatical dictator, Ahmadinejad, Holocaust denier, champion of terrorists and fundamentalists far more barbaric than the barbarians of Nazi criminals and communists and the next keeper of nuclear weapons. Who knows
see the tragedies hidden behind that image can best guess the stupid irresponsibility with which so much of our culture supports any alliance between the liberal West's enemies. And mind you, not just the cultural left. Just today, "Il Giornale" Victor Felts has published an admirable review of Oliver Stone's latest film and admired his interviews with the most fiercely anti-Western leaders in Latin America: from Castro to Chavez to Morales. Interviews are the ones that reminded me of a French pennivendolo with Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin, published on the eve of World War II in a book titled "Je connais ces dictateurs" ("I really know these so called dictators"). In that volume, the author presents an overview of the three good-natured and reassuring feared dictators, encouraging capitulationist culture and politics of Europe and America also very strong in those years: just as they do today, Oliver Stone and the editor of " Il Giornale. "
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widow of sessantottino Culture (2003)
Italian cinema, and many are scrambling to celebrate the rebirth, after giving us brief moments of hope with movies like "Bread and Tulips" Soldini or "Take the soul "of Faenza, or" The Heart Elsewhere "by Avati, seems to slip back in the climate created tirelessly mortuary culture sinistrese widowhood. The culture of
sinistrese has always produced an abundance of orphans and widows, also because of its fatal attraction to firearms. But here I am referring to the psychological orphan and widows. After all, most of the brigades, as shoots Catholic fundamentalism, and they are all orphans of the Almighty. When stopping at the first part of the famous joke by Woody Allen, became convinced that God was dead, they rushed to replace the icon with those of Karl Marx and Mao Tse Tung. But the relentless beat of Woody also has pursued them in their new religion, forcing them in a few years to realize that, besides God, they were dead even Marx and Mao. And at that point in the series produced sinistrese widows of Maoism: France Bernard Henri Levy and Andre Gluksmann and here we have the various honeys, Lehrner, Ferrara, Liguori and his companions.
Widows of Maoism, however, were not the worst evil, because they were a merry widows, ready a consolarsi subito con nuovi appassionati amori, magari con gli avversari storici dei loro defunti consorti: volta a volta papi, cardinali, magnati o leaders socialdemocratici, conservatori e perfino postfascisti
Il male peggiore, sul piano culturale, sono state le vedove inconsolabili, quelle che non riescono a elaborare il loro lutto (come si dice in psicoanalisi) e passano la vita a ricordare, rievocare e rimpiangere gli amori e gli amanti perduti dei loro anni cosiddetti formidabili. Così, il risorto (o rimorto ? ) cinema italiano ha ricominciato a rifilarci uno dopo l’altro queste evocazioni delle vedove inconsolabili presentandoci il comunismo come un Caro Estinto, anche se in realtà era ben poco caro, ben poco carino very well and carrion. So this year the big screen has been invaded by self-celebration of the inconsolable widows: Before we had six hours of candy Tullio Giordana and his best in September while the black youth just beginning has already ladled out the "state secrets" of Paolo Benvenuti (a fictionalized story of the death of Bandito Giuliano and the massacre of Portella of Broom, where the good are of course the Communists, who shed their blood for generous landed in the Stalinist Workers' Paradise, and the villains are even more naturally, the Christian Democrats and Americans who tried, unfortunately with success, to close the doors of that Paradise). And now we get between the head and neck capolavoro di Marco Bellocchio, “Buongiorno Notte”, proclamato subito vincitore morale del Festival di Venezia dalla nostra cultura vedovile.
Dirò subito che il film non l’ho ancora visto e che sono dispostissimo a credere che si tratti di un buon film, anzi del capolavoro di Bellocchio: un capolavoro peraltro non difficile da realizzare perché, dopo “I pugni in tasca”, la sua ottima opera prima di quasi 40 anni fa, Bellocchio era caduto in un minestrone di psicoanalisi e Fagioli e non aveva prodotto più niente d’interessante. Ma, al di là del merito intrinseco del film, quello che mi ha sbalordito è stata la crisi isterica dell’autore (che se n’è andato da Venezia slamming the door) and many of his fans widow of culture.
First I hit the self-complacent provincialism in which it moves (actually petrified that has) a large part of Italian culture. How can you wonder that an international jury bombed by the dramatic events of the modern world has not heard much from the incident involved a man arrived at the top of Italian political success for his masterpieces of ambiguity (remember the sublime, enigmatic formula of "parallel convergences"?) and then kidnapped and murdered by a bunch of idiots who, with sixty years of delay, trying to resurrect the living rooms three rooms of the Italian model di rivoluzione leninista già ripetutamente morto e sepolto nella sua patria ?
Mi ha colpito anche la patetica riflessione di Bellocchio su quel dramma: “Ai tempi del delitto Moro – ha dichiarato a non so quale TG – io sperai fino all’ultimo che nella patria di Machiavelli si sarebbe trovata una soluzione meno cruenta”. Santa ingenuità ! E non solo perché fu proprio Machiavelli a scrivere nel “Principe” che “i nemici è meglio spegnerli che perdonarli”, ma anche perché è stata la multisecolare tradizione machiavellica di doppiezza ad addestrare i politici italiani (dai fascisti ai comunisti ai democristiani e, forse, allo stesso Moro) a preferire alla chiarezza e alla coerenza quei giochi di furbizia in cui restano regolarmente impaniati.
Del resto, la stessa cultura vedovile che ha prodotto il film di Bellocchio, e tanti altri ne produrrà, è figlia della doppiezza, della costituzionale incapacità cattocomunista a comportarsi con semplicità e coerenza. Perché siamo afflitti da tutte queste vedove del ’68 e del ’78 ? Semplicemente perché tutti questi intellettuali tormentatissimi non hanno mai avuto il coraggio di dire a se stessi e agli altri queste poche, oneste e semplici parole: “Ho creduto ciecamente, con decenni di ritardo, in una idiozia politica naufragata già cinquant’anni prima nel sangue e nella vergogna, ho screditato e diffamato la socialdemocrazia e tutti gli altri partiti liberaldemocratici e, tenendo ben stretti i miei privilegi di figlio o figlia di papà, ho messo in scena una rivoluzione da operetta che ha ritardato di altri decenni la modernizzazione culturale del paese. Devo quindi molte, solenni scuse ai miei concittadini che hanno avuto l’intelligenza e la saggezza di non seguirmi nel mio cammino demenziale. E mi propongo di scendere finalmente dalla mia cattedra ridicola, di ascoltare per un congruo numero di anni i pochi intellettuali indipendenti che ho trattato per tanto tempo con grottesca supponenza e di lavorare con sincerità per il rafforzamento della liberaldemocrazia che ho, così a lungo, odiosamente derisa e combattuta.”
Purtroppo, non avendo mai avuto questo pizzico di coraggio e di umiltà, gli intellettuali del sinistrese sono condannati a portare avanti il loro ruolo barboso di vedove inconsolabili, di geni incompresi e di garibaldini in pensione.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
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Qualche settimana fa ho cercato di analizzare le motivazioni della simpatia, anzi dell’amore sviscerato per i dogmatismi politici e religiosi antiliberali e antioccidentali, che hanno caratterizzato tanta parte della cultura europea dall’inizio del ‘900 ai nostri giorni. E avevo paragonato l’odio infantile e parricida che tanti intellettuali del nostro tempo provano per la società liberale che li ha generati al disprezzo nutrito da tanti rampolli viziati e capricciosi dell’odierna classe media per le loro famiglie permissive. Negli ultimi anni, però, questo furore antioccidentale si è focalizzato sempre più ossessivamente ed esclusivamente sugli Stati Uniti e sugli Americani, da scrivere naturalmente col Kappa per meglio assimilarli, anzi equipararli ai nazisti.
Proprio a questo furore antiamericano un recente numero dell’Espresso dedica un ampio servizio intitolato “Il nemico americano” e costellato di sottotitoli ovviamente compiaciuti come ad esempio: “Nel mondo torna a soffiare il vento contro la superpotenza USA nonchè contro una cultura e uno stile di vita”, oppure “Yankee Go Home: The slogan of the past comes back to resonate in the streets of the world. "
"Today, America - writes the body of our Magna sinistrese cultural - while affected by the September 11, 2001 stragista and fanatical terrorism, has not enjoyed widespread sympathy from the past ... For those who doubted that decline, it is worth noting that America after the Iraq war, can not rely on the consensus of the least time. While twelve years ago, during the first war against Saddam, seven Islamic countries had sided with Washington, now public opinion in Islamic countries can not accept to see their leaders lined up alongside the USA. La grande maggioranza è furente nei confronti dell’Impero Americano”…
Naturalmente l’Espresso non si domanda se questa radicale svolta antiamericana non sia stata prodotta anche dall’ambiguità, dalla larvata solidarietà o dall’assistenza clandestina (o addirittura esplicita, come nel caso dei palestinesi) dimostrata nei confronti dei terroristi e dei fanatici da molti regimi islamici desiderosi di dirottare contro Israele e l’Occidente le tensioni esplosive delle loro popolazioni esplodenti.. E tanto meno si domanda quanto abbiano ad essa contribuito i radical-chic che affollano i salotti buoni della vecchia Europa e della vecchissima Italia e le redazioni dei giornali sedicenti progressisti come l’Espresso. Del resto, sarebbe chiedere troppo a giornalisti che sull’antiamericanismo vivono di rendita da qualche decennio.
Ma i brani più comici dell’articolo sono quelli in cui il settimanale tenta di dimostrare che l’America è ormai detestata anche nei paesi liberal-democratici. Utilizzando i risultati di un’ampia indagine condotta dal Pew Research Center su 38.000 cittadini di 44 paesi, l’articolo rileva che, ad esempio, in Germania i cittadini filo-americani sono diminuiti di 17 punti e in Italia di 6 punti, rispetto a un paio d’anni fa. La realtà su cui, tuttavia, si preferisce glissare è che una maggioranza cospicua della popolazione dei paesi europei ( il 61% in Germania e il 70% in Italy, placed in spite of the anti-American) continues to support America. The odd news opinion poll
expressively proposal reminded me of that of the victorious battle with a rival made by Woody Allen and his girlfriend: "I thirsty lips to a shoe, a nasata on the knee and an eye on the hand" ...
I have already had occasion to point out some reasons for this anti-liberal hysteria rampant among certain giovanottini and certain intellettualetti our own: namely, the fatal attraction of the authoritarian personality-gregaristiche for tyrannical regimes. However, I think we should add, in the case of anti-Americanism, provincialism della nostra cultura ed il suo cronico complesso d’inferiorità verso la superpotenza egemone. E’ un complesso d’inferiorità rivelato del resto quotidianamente da questi signori che quando, nelle loro manifestazioni, imprecano contro l’America, lo fanno indossando indumenti e adottando mode di stampo rigorosamente americano (dai jeans alle scarpe da tennis alle T-shirts con scritte universitarie o battute sexy d’oltreocceano), tanto da apparire i gemelli cattivi dell’”Americano de Roma” magistralmente interpretato 40 anni fa da Alberto Sordi.
Tutto ciò sarebbe anche da ridere, se non fosse da piangere. Perché questo isterismo antiamericano sta mettendo in grave pericolo il bene supremo not only our freedoms but also that of future generations: namely the unity of the West Liberal Democrats, the only island of liberal tolerance and coexistence, before a world, the Islamic, always dominated by tyrannical regimes, often bloody and more extensively contaminated by religious fanaticism.
Of course this unit certainly does not involve a slavish obedience to U.S. policy and its many nonsense (nonsense, moreover, shared by several other governments) such as the systematic tendency to see only tyrannical regimes as allies or as enemies, alternating the financial and political support to the bombing and renouncing forever the alternative winning, that is, to start their people to democracy is bombing their women and youth masses with our message of freedom not only political but also love, is affecting all economic and technical aid to the legitimacy of liberal forces in their territories. But no sensible person would still get to call into question the need for unity West before the Supreme Islamic fanaticism as a threat to the planet where the comparison at the time embodied by Nazi fanaticism (and our local daily evoked by demagogues) is a joke province.
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AIDS, the scam of the vaccine - 2004
few days ago, a great newspaper Roman solemnly announced that the meritorious researchers involved in the fight against AIDS had become a stone's throw from the completion of the vaccine to put away the humanity from the threat of so-called plague of 2000. The news, however, has gone virtually unnoticed or unspoken. Why?
For three good reasons, moreover, have also been omitted. Firstly because, as in the fable of the shepherd boy who cried "Wolf, wolf!" No take more seriously the periodic alternation of terrorism and hope that characterizes the so-called official science communications (but very little science officer) regarding AIDS. Too many times terrorism has proved to be a scam irresponsible.
Just remember that, as I mentioned on other occasions, if they were real alarms published by our Ministry of Health in 1988 (200 mila seropositive which doubles every 10 months and had a median survival of 18 months) all Italians (and you including me) would die of AIDS for the past six years. And few remember that in the same year that the Ministry issued a special statement to deplore the documented information I disseminated to reassure people about the absurd exaggeration of the dangers of AIDS. But it will be useful to remember that for years it was announced that, in the states of California and New York Aids era diventato la prima causa di morte per i maschi tra i 25 e i 45 anni, proprio mentre in quegli stessi e in quella stessa popolazione la mortalità era calata. E sarà ancor più utile ricordare che, quando gli allarmi periodici si rivelarono ovviamente infondati nell’Occidente avanzato, il terrorismo fu spostato sull’Africa. Ma anche qui, mentre i cosiddetti esperti dell’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità e lo stesso segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite, Kofi Annan, annunciavano periodicamente l’apocalisse (“Chi non vive in Africa – disse Annan – ancora non si rende conto della gravità della tragedia...L’Africa muore...Un’intera generazione di bambini sta perdendo i propri genitori to AIDS. "
In reality, this "whole generation of African children who are losing their parents" is an old, outrageous lie that two well-known humanitarian and courageous leaders of the battles in Africa, the couple Krynen, in vain have unmasked in 1993.
I then summarize here the tragicomic odyssey of Philippe and Evelybe Krynen, which I largely told in my book "AIDS, the big scam", published by SEAM in 1996. Having learned that their union was destined to remain sterile, in 1989 the couple decided to Krynen dedicated to helping AIDS orphans in Africa, which was already Nations United and the health authorities had begun to fantasize. With the tireless energy of the best missionaries, Krynen succeeded in a few years to ensure an annual inflow of more than 100 billion to their health program that counted early in African countries then designated as the outbreak of the epidemic and dell'orfanezza mass, the beauty of 230 doctors, paramedics and social workers.
But within a few years, although it could play a large and valued by health care, hatefully Krynen been found to be duped in the field of AIDS. So, back in France, presented at national and international press when an explosive relationship between the other confutavano la tesi ufficiale della trasmissione dell’Aids per via sessuale (nessuno delle migliaia di partners di presunti malati di Aids da loro controllati era risultato infetto) e, soprattutto, smascheravano la truffa imbastita con i cosiddetti “orfani dell’Aids”. “Poco a poco – dichiaravano i Krynen nel loro rapporto – scoprimmo che i genitori dei presunti orfanelli non erano affatto morti, ma, com’è diffuso costume in molta parte dell’Africa, avevano semplicemente abbandonato i loro figli, trasferendosi altrove. Ben presto, però, gl’indigeni avevano scoperto che lo status di “orfani dell’Aids” assicura aiuti sostanziosi in denaro e in natura (in Africa Western charities are 720 missions in the field of AIDS) in a simple hungry, a hungry continent, can never aspire. " And
Krynen concluded bitterly: "It 's really terrible to discover that you have invested much energy in a tragedy that then turned out to be just a colossal lie. The world has undergone a true brainwashed about AIDS, so that no one checks the lies. AIDS exists in its own right: the power of lies. We went to Africa to help AIDS orphans and we are faced with the fact that there is no AIDS and its orphans. "
Krynen But the report was buried, as indeed my book and all the impressive information about the scam of AIDS produced by 750 scientists in 32 countries of dissent, under a blanket of silence: Only the Sunday Times of London published it in full, but its director ( see the case) was fired after a few weeks. Thus, throughout Africa, has continued to make a diagnosis of AIDS in 70-80% of cases, no specific examination, the patients with tuberculosis and dysentery, two diseases known to be endemic to the African continent.
Moreover, they are the same data Demographic Yearbook of the United Nations Kofi Annan to rebut. Not only in Africa whole, but in those countries where, according to Annan, Aids killed millions of people creating a generation of orphans, the adult mortality has significantly declined in recent years, between '75 / '97% and, 54 to 51 per thousand in Zambia, 46al from 42 in Kenya, 47 to 45 in Malawi, 60 to 39% in Nigeria, in Somalia from 59 to 40 and 50 to 26 in South Africa. It 'clear that the epidemic exterminator raved by Kofi Annan and many other authorities could not coexist with this sharp fall in overall mortality.
This, my friends, is the world's scientific and cultural conformity and subservience in which we live, and not only in Italy. Of course it's very painful to discover that in this world are complicit, I hope unconsciously also mirrored characters that we considered as Kofi Annan. But, after all, it is still the exponents of the international bureaucracy that our psycho-analysis has taught us to demystify together with all other bureaucracies. Still, the scam of AIDS and its orphans can at least serve to understand that a true liberal revolution, as I'm stressing for some time, it must invest in science and culture, because the current academic world is too conformist and corrupt to to produce independent research. And the last triumphant announcement on the "imminent discovery of the vaccine may be framed in this endless symphony of lies. Do you think this year marks the twentieth anniversary of the first triumphant announcement similar. It was in 1984 that AIDS WIZARD Robert Gallo, along with Minister of Health American era, announced that within two years at most would have come to a safe vaccine against AIDS ...
Friday, September 4, 2009
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Ajello, culture right
the mote and the beam 08:06
reading about "Republic" of 11 July (2006) Ajello In a long article on the culture (or ignorance) I have right now springs to mind two famous sayings: "If she cries Carthage, Rome does not laugh" and "They see the mote nell’occhio altrui ma non vedono il trave nel proprio occhio”.
Ajello si prodiga per due intere pagine a dimostrare l’inconsistenza, per non dire l’inesistenza, d’una cultura di destra ed arriva a una conclusione severa e inesorabile sintetizzata nel titolo della sua articolessa: “Il partito senza idee”. E tutto sommato non posso non concordare con lui. La destra non ha idee e sa soltanto baloccarsi con i residui riciclati della tradizione: un po’ di tiepido nazionalismo, un po’ di sbiadito cattolicesimo, un po’ di astiose nostalgie fasciste. Ma la filippica e il titolo di Ajello poggiano su un assunto gabbato per solido e che, invece, è non solo fragile ma addirittura comico: namely that the left now has a culture. Of course here we must agree on the term "culture". Of course the Left has now
square legions of celebrated intellectuals, hail events, celebrations and cultural awards, the pyramids of university chairs (also because it has always been very capable in the court well and place the characters that were once defined and useful idiots who have however proved futile crafty). But if culture is defined as the same Ajello seems to mean by his title, an intense excitement of innovative research, creativity, short of ideas, then really left is even worse than the right, for the simple reason that, as left it had a duty to embody change and innovation. And vice versa, in the hail of events in those legions of intellectuals, university professors in that pile you can not see a single new idea, maybe lonely and lost as the molecule of sodium publicity of a famous mineral water.
Even the famous joke of a film directed by the hero of the communist leader Moretti "The 'something left!" Unwittingly reveals the loss of the accuser, who can not remotely clear that in what sense that "something left." And in fact, a few years later, he took the field Moretti accused of incapacity Party leaders and candidates for the role of guiding the renovation, what has been produced? The roundabouts and girotondini that, after a bit 'of noise, as is typical of that game, I finished "The Crow".
Just as the right, the culture of so-called left toyed with the remnants of a tradition: a little recycling 'revolution of invective, or rediscovering the umbrella of social democracy, without conviction or celebrating the mummified and dusty idols of the past (from Foucault Brecht to Sartre), or by mobilizing its pompatissimi intellectuals today who revere and reward each other or eventually repeating the rituals in universities silly notional teaching and indoctrination of students, which have always characterized the tradition of conservative academic.
And besides, this is not only understandable, but inevitable, because culture of the left is made up of priests officiating but not more believers to zealots of a God who not only failed, as Silone said, but he died. Alberoni wrote how in the years when the looming collapse of communism: "The Europeans should not now abandon Marxist point of view or a challenging hypothesis, must abandon a faith, a bank safe, a home, a brotherhood that transcends countries . I do not believe that this separation will be painless because many of them will have a particular need for faith that relativism is skeptical of so much contemporary culture is bound to frustrate. In this moment in communist culture in Italy are thus led to wonder where he will lead the loss of an ideology deemed safe and inviolable ... One of the most likely hypothesis is that many believers of the left will end up in religious movements. "
This hypothesis has found many confirmations of Alberoni, although many other believers of the myth of communist ended instead in ecological movements or even in the drug, which is perfectly understandable in the light of psycho-analysis, because on the one hand, environmentalism can store the psychological mechanism of dogmatic religion replacing Satan to God, Nature and capitalism, while, the drug offers a substitute chemical with its havens of paradise or utopia revolution of the heavenly religions dogma. But the "big" of the flock and clergy communist left in midstream: it features all kinds of baggage and caste privilege, but devoid of the old and incapable of exciting ideas for new docks.
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Africa: shame
religious leaders, political and scientific
The 2005 "Friday" of the Republic published a May 27 long leading dedicated to Africa, entitled "Africa - A year ago today 10 million more people have died from starvation, disease, war. In short, nothing has changed. " The service, which takes stock of the catastrophic situation in Africa and the efforts made by the West failed to help these people, deserves a detailed comment because I thought it was a prime example of the incredible removal of the "mother of all contemporary tragedies, precisely population explosion, which unites our media leaderships, religious, political science and beyond their differences in many areas and abyssal confirms the primacy of psychological factors in socio-political dynamics of our time.
In ten dense pages, the article manages to describe both the general aspects of the most horrific episode that some African tragedy on the issue and to interview the most diverse political authorities, religious and scientific, but without paying a single line, one word the crucial demographic of that tragedy, among other places also the basis of the immigrant tide that is sweeping the European liberal democratic civilization.
"Until the Sixties - writes the supplement of" Republic "at the beginning of his report - the people of Mwanza lived poor but decent fish caught in Lake Victoria. Then came the modern es'introdusse lake in the Nile perch. Today, on the shores of Victoria, the people it feeds and nourishes the family worked with the remains of the perch by the local fishing industry. This story, which takes place on the largest lake in the world, the film tells a raw and terrible, "Darwin's Nightmare", filmed by an Austrian director Hubert Sauper. Too bad that neither a shrewd reporter for La Repubblica, Attilio Giordano, nor the brilliant director of the Austrian history of Mwanza strives to tell the most appalling images of starvation and cruelty, the primary cause of minimally accennino of such horror (obviously considered a trifle by our intellectuals, always so full of compassion and cheap so poor intelligence and independence, qualities unfortunately expensive for those who have and use): namely the fact that in half a century elapsed between the Paradise Lost of the 60 current and Hell, the local population (who was already living in poverty but with dignity) has become eight times larger (it is said eight times), as has happened in the rest of the entire African continent . To understand the shameful cowardice and stupidity of this omission, just wondering if it would be Italy, from 50 million inhabitants of the '50s we were now 100 million in 1965, 200 million in 1980, 400 million in 1995 and sail to 800 million in 5 years. Even our children, like those in Africa, looking for some remnant of mountains of waste and we would be happy to work for a few Euros per day, while there is little value to 800 thousand contracts for unnecessary work socially intelligent leader requested and obtained from left of our intelligent, Fausto Bertinotti. But our brains overpaid chairs of political science, economic, social and even demographic, this theme of people prefer to ignore or always, at best, deal with it just to point out, desperate, that our population is not growing more.
And even the "experts" (so to speak) interviewed by the "Republic" shall, in respect
more dumb fish. So Antonio Raimondi, president of all the aid organizations of the Salesians (a multi-billion-euro bandwagon), explains the African disaster with three lethal blows inflicted on the African continent from the usual Beelzebub, the sinister West: the first was slavery, second was the political colonialism and the third is the economic neo-colonialism today. But, in addition to gloss over the warm support given to these nefarious enterprises by the Western capitalist world of the past clerical, Raimondi forget the entire fourth shot, really deadly, inflicted all’Africa dai suoi prediletti romani pontefici del ‘900: l’esplosione demografica, coi suoi tragici corollari che Raimondi enumera lamentosamente - dalla fame alla mortalità infantile alle malattie alla desertificazione alle guerre territoriali (ben 16 oggi in atto con 4 milioni di morti in cinque anni, nella sola guerra del Congo) – tacendone peratro scrupolosamente la massima causa. Ma non c’è forse da stupirsene, dopotutto si tratta di marmittoni del Vaticano abituati da sempre, per usare un motto militare, “a servir tacendo e, tacendo, morir”.
Più difficile è capire l’identico vergognoso silenzio di Giampaolo Calchi Novati sulle primarie cause demografiche della tragedia Africa. Sessantottino young lion in the '70s in Italian bookshops overthrew his numerous essays on the faults, and indistinguishable on the wonders of the capitalist West and the Third World, casts Novati has repeatedly assured its good and overpaid professor of African history and in contemporary ' His last opera repeats its expected listing of the tragedies of Africa and the faults of Western Beelzebub, but even he does not say a word about the trifle of the demographic bomb. Moreover, even a luminary like Professor of Italian medicine. Aldo Morrone, who runs an entire hospital in Ethiopia and, as a doctor, should be familiar with the plight of African women exhausted by motherhood, and starving children of those women forced to give birth like rabbits, preaches too long on the uselessness of medical aid, but his mouth is sewn on population.
short, a progressive journalist, a brilliant director, the body of our culture sinistrese Magna, Salesian friars, a professor of Merit sessantottino and a rival of Dr. Schweitzer nostrano all singing in chorus, despite the abysmal ideological differences, the same staid mercy on African tragedy but they look good all dall'accennare central to its cause - the uncontrolled birth rate - and the ruling of any serious remedy of birth control. Faced with this nonsense and general whining, only the psycho-analysis can indicate sexual taboos in an explanation that applies to all representatives of politics, culture, information science and powers, and beyond their ideological differences. And it's really hard to understand why there is so determined to deny the priority of the causes and psychological analysis of the major problems today.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
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Children, cabbage and nonnni - 08:01:06
"Once we said our children are children born in the cabbage; Today we tell him that his grandfather went to America." With this bar full of black humor to the English sociologist Geoffrey Gorer has already reported 30 years ago meant that the greatest taboo of our culture is no longer sex, but morte.Tutto this is fully understandable, after all, because modern thinking, cutting the dogmas and certainties of the religious tradition has broken down also, sometimes without even realizing it, the barriers that the psyche man had built, from the very beginning of civilization, to defend themselves from the anguish of death. In those dogmas and certainties, in fact, were still the promise of salvation offered by our immortality as any other religion to the followers of the True Church and the True Faith
but I would not be misunderstood. The collapse of religious dogmatism and political can not be considered for sure a disaster by any person engaged in the fight for freedom, peace and human evolution. Even a summary analysis of history and current reality reveals itself easily, in fact, was and is how high the price of blood, oppression and suffering humanity paid for those dogmatic defenses from anguish. Every religious and political dogma, in fact, it was always based, in every human group, on the certainty that his was the one true faith or the only true revolution and, therefore, the followers of any religion or politics were agents of evil and were exterminated or subjugated.
No regrets, then, for a cultural model that has bloodied all the course of human history and that, with Islamic fanaticism, still bloody .. But at the same time, I think we should not accept the removal of the insane death that now prevails in contemporary culture. We live in a dramatic crisis of human affairs, but it can be a crisis of growth, not of agony and death. We are not in an alley Czech. We have before us three roads too often ignored or neglected.
The first is the passion of love and because love is a powerful antidote to anxiety (in the words of Wilhelm Reich, pleasure and anxiety are the two opposite poles of the emotional life), and because the orgasm itself, as accompanied by a monertanea loss of consciousness can be seen as a kind of "mercy killing" case and not the French call "the little death."
The second way is the development of psychological problem in the context of the analytical report. It 's the way that, moreover, has always characterized the psychotherapy. Think that psychotherapy or gates to solve the problems of our lives is an old illusion ye say of good agreement by therapists and clients boastful. Psychotherapy, in fact, does not eliminate our major problems and inner conflicts, but it helps us to live with them and process them in a creative way. And the same can do with the problem of death, provided it not refuse to recognize the dramatic gravity, which unfortunately did until recently. Thus, through an in-depth patient and processing and analysis (note the activity for which I work now for fifteen years with my collaborators at the Institute of Humanistic Psychology Existential), we can greatly reduce our fear of death and succeed to metabolize in creativity, design and solidarity. Moreover, in psychological terms, this means translating the ancient teaching of the great thinkers. Plato defined philosophy "a dress rehearsal of the drama of death" and Montaigne wrote this maxim of supreme wisdom, "philosophizing is learning to die, but learn to die is also learning to live. "
But there is also a third way, humanistic and non-dogmatic, to face the anguish of death: that of scientific research into the afterlife. The exponent is more courageous and moving of this research is for me a humanistic American psychiatrist, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, who was also the initiator of psychological assistance to the terminally ill. Having monitored twenty thousand cases of people from every country ed'ogni culture (Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Aborigines etc..) Declared clinically dead and then come back to life and having personally assisted several hundreds, the Ross wrote in "The Death and Life After Death" (Hawthorn Books, 1991): "For thousands of years lead us to believe in an afterlife. But for me it is no longer believing. This is just to know, "that is to know the evidence of life beyond this life." In the course of his research, in fact, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross found that the veterans from clinical death often describe experiences very similar, irrespective of their belonging to this or that culture. All say they experienced no pain the moment of death, seeing the doctors and other rescue workers bustle around their lifeless body, they were greeted in the afterlife con amore dalle persone morte a loro più care, di essere giunti ad un luogo di luce e gioia ineffabile e di aver vissuto con sofferenza e delusione il ritorno alla vita terrena ed al loro corpo. Naturalmente molti materialisti e molti atei hanno sepolto queste testimonianze sotto i loro sarcasmi. Ma, per parte mia, considero queste categoriche negazioni solo forme di dogmatismo paradossalmente identiche ai fideismi delle varie ortodossìe religiose. La psicologia e la scienza umanistica devono essere pronte, invece, ad impegnarsi in ogni tipo di ricerca seria e ad accoglierne i risultati. Certo, le osservazioni della Dr.ssa Ross e degli altri ricercatori in campo spirituale e parapsicologico vanno confrontate con quelle dei ricercatori di diverso orientamento e sviluppate in new directions, but can not be discarded based on the prejudices of a positivist and atheist thought is just as dated as the old dogmatic religious fanaticism. And not just because there should be no room for dogmatism in libertarian thought, but also because only a humanistic response to the existential crisis of Western culture can save us from the return of the old fanatic of a religious or political salvation and can make this a momentous crisis crisis of growth and creative affratellante for all humanity.
Luigi De Marchi
"Once we said our children are children born in the cabbage; Today we tell him that his grandfather went to America." With this bar full of black humor to the English sociologist Geoffrey Gorer has already reported 30 years ago meant that the greatest taboo of our culture is no longer sex, but morte.Tutto this is fully understandable, after all, because modern thinking, cutting the dogmas and certainties of the religious tradition has broken down also, sometimes without even realizing it, the barriers that the psyche man had built, from the very beginning of civilization, to defend themselves from the anguish of death. In those dogmas and certainties, in fact, were still the promise of salvation offered by our immortality as any other religion to the followers of the True Church and the True Faith
but I would not be misunderstood. The collapse of religious dogmatism and political can not be considered for sure a disaster by any person engaged in the fight for freedom, peace and human evolution. Even a summary analysis of history and current reality reveals itself easily, in fact, was and is how high the price of blood, oppression and suffering humanity paid for those dogmatic defenses from anguish. Every religious and political dogma, in fact, it was always based, in every human group, on the certainty that his was the one true faith or the only true revolution and, therefore, the followers of any religion or politics were agents of evil and were exterminated or subjugated.
No regrets, then, for a cultural model that has bloodied all the course of human history and that, with Islamic fanaticism, still bloody .. But at the same time, I think we should not accept the removal of the insane death that now prevails in contemporary culture. We live in a dramatic crisis of human affairs, but it can be a crisis of growth, not of agony and death. We are not in an alley Czech. We have before us three roads too often ignored or neglected.
The first is the passion of love and because love is a powerful antidote to anxiety (in the words of Wilhelm Reich, pleasure and anxiety are the two opposite poles of the emotional life), and because the orgasm itself, as accompanied by a monertanea loss of consciousness can be seen as a kind of "mercy killing" case and not the French call "the little death."
The second way is the development of psychological problem in the context of the analytical report. It 's the way that, moreover, has always characterized the psychotherapy. Think that psychotherapy or gates to solve the problems of our lives is an old illusion ye say of good agreement by therapists and clients boastful. Psychotherapy, in fact, does not eliminate our major problems and inner conflicts, but it helps us to live with them and process them in a creative way. And the same can do with the problem of death, provided it not refuse to recognize the dramatic gravity, which unfortunately did until recently. Thus, through an in-depth patient and processing and analysis (note the activity for which I work now for fifteen years with my collaborators at the Institute of Humanistic Psychology Existential), we can greatly reduce our fear of death and succeed to metabolize in creativity, design and solidarity. Moreover, in psychological terms, this means translating the ancient teaching of the great thinkers. Plato defined philosophy "a dress rehearsal of the drama of death" and Montaigne wrote this maxim of supreme wisdom, "philosophizing is learning to die, but learn to die is also learning to live. "
But there is also a third way, humanistic and non-dogmatic, to face the anguish of death: that of scientific research into the afterlife. The exponent is more courageous and moving of this research is for me a humanistic American psychiatrist, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, who was also the initiator of psychological assistance to the terminally ill. Having monitored twenty thousand cases of people from every country ed'ogni culture (Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Aborigines etc..) Declared clinically dead and then come back to life and having personally assisted several hundreds, the Ross wrote in "The Death and Life After Death" (Hawthorn Books, 1991): "For thousands of years lead us to believe in an afterlife. But for me it is no longer believing. This is just to know, "that is to know the evidence of life beyond this life." In the course of his research, in fact, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross found that the veterans from clinical death often describe experiences very similar, irrespective of their belonging to this or that culture. All say they experienced no pain the moment of death, seeing the doctors and other rescue workers bustle around their lifeless body, they were greeted in the afterlife con amore dalle persone morte a loro più care, di essere giunti ad un luogo di luce e gioia ineffabile e di aver vissuto con sofferenza e delusione il ritorno alla vita terrena ed al loro corpo. Naturalmente molti materialisti e molti atei hanno sepolto queste testimonianze sotto i loro sarcasmi. Ma, per parte mia, considero queste categoriche negazioni solo forme di dogmatismo paradossalmente identiche ai fideismi delle varie ortodossìe religiose. La psicologia e la scienza umanistica devono essere pronte, invece, ad impegnarsi in ogni tipo di ricerca seria e ad accoglierne i risultati. Certo, le osservazioni della Dr.ssa Ross e degli altri ricercatori in campo spirituale e parapsicologico vanno confrontate con quelle dei ricercatori di diverso orientamento e sviluppate in new directions, but can not be discarded based on the prejudices of a positivist and atheist thought is just as dated as the old dogmatic religious fanaticism. And not just because there should be no room for dogmatism in libertarian thought, but also because only a humanistic response to the existential crisis of Western culture can save us from the return of the old fanatic of a religious or political salvation and can make this a momentous crisis crisis of growth and creative affratellante for all humanity.
Luigi De Marchi
Son Smelling Moms Feet
Antigone and fathers 05.09.2005 Wake hosts
The Middle Eastern crime si è intrecciata in questi giorni con la cronaca culturale in modo drammatico ma, al tempo stesso, ricco di suggestioni. “Repubblica”, nelle sue pagine culturali, ha pubblicato l’annuncio d’una lettura dell’”Antigone” di Sofocle affidata a Monica Guerritore e Luca Lazzareschi ed inserita in un ciclo di letture di testi classici sui grandi temi della Legge e della Giustizia, che si sta svolgendo a Bologna.
La tragedia di Sofocle, rappresentata ad Atene nel V secolo a.C., narra la rivolta coraggiosa, anzi temeraria di Antigone, giovane donna, contro il tiranno di Tebe, Creonte, che vuole lasciare insepolto il cadavere di Polinice, fratello di Antigone, colpevole d’aver impugnato le armi against him. Unlike two other famous ancient Greek tragedians, Aeschylus and Euripides, Sophocles does not like to rely too explicit messages to his works and also in Antigone he merely impose the reason of state of the tyrant, who wants people to remember the fate of 'infamy that awaits the rebels, and Antigone, who is ready to risk their lives to bear witness to the feelings of respect and compassion that should always unite people, beyond their hatred and political conflicts. And in this tragedy there are no winners or losers: Antigone Creon will be killed by the cops, but they will see the ruin of his family and his son Haemon's suicide in despair over the death of Antigone, his promise bride.
Beyond the plot apparently "neutral", the figure of Antigone emanates an infectious charm that has made a point of reference for ever the conscience-free and rich in humanity, resolved to rebel against the tyranny even at the cost of life, behalf of their human feelings and ideals. Infectious charm that has always depended, I think, by the fact that Antigone is a young woman in revolt against the male power, but today it seems to me to multiply in the context of the ongoing battle royale between the male moral rights of traditional religions and ethics universal human in the liberal West is or should be champion. And this battle, as I said at the beginning, has found expression in a few episodes almost emblenatica heinous crime news reported by newspapers in recent days.
In Ramallah, West Bank, a Palestinian Christian father murdered his daughter for 22 years who wanted to marry, despite his ban, a Palestinian Muslim, while that same day, on the outskirts of Jerusalem, a young Muslim killed two sisters, and has seriously wounded a third, who had too much "fraternized" with the Israelis. And after this action the monstrous murderess has earned the sympathy and praise from parents of girls. Recently, also a young man in Gaza was murdered by the police of morality Hamas, the extremist movement also supported by our beloved post-communist, and another girl from Tulkarem, who was raped by her father, who was also pregnant, was knifed by his brother because he was allowed to protest publicly against his good daddy. And this brings us back to the murder case of Ramallah, a little while ago.
The daddy of Ramallah was hit by a sudden surge of anger. Before her daughter was beaten so brutally that it had to be hospitalized. Then when it was terminated on admission, had returned home, he had murdered by blows with a steel bar. And when the girl's funeral, some women of the Palestinian women's movement had tentato di protestare contro la sostanziale impunità che le leggi palestinesi assicurano agli autori dei cosiddetti delitti d’onore, altre donne islamiche, diciamo così benpensanti, le avevano rimproverate e aggredite perché “colpevoli” di voler denunciare l’omertà e il silenzio con cui la società islamica “copre” quegli orrendi crimini.
Ecco dunque la lezione che ci viene dall’intreccio della cronaca nera palestinese con la rievocazione bolognese di Antigone. Nei delitti mostruosi di Ramallah, Gaza e Tulkarem vediamo i frutti avvelenati dell’etica maschilista di tutte le religioni monoteiste, compresa la cristiana: sì, anche la cristiana, e non solo perché il babbino Lebanon was a Christian but because observing the exploits of many Christians, even our own fathers were not less horrifying, as long as Christianity has not had to deal with the thought and the liberal laws. Just remember the martyrdom of Beatrice Cenci, who was raped by her father (a monster of cruelty and brutality) and beheaded in Rome by Pope Clement (so to speak) VIII, because he had helped his brother and mother to suppress it. Moreover, the tyrannical spirit of God emerges in the Judeo-Christian story of Abraham, led by Yahweh almost to slaughter his son Isaac to test his devotion, or in that of Jesus, the son of God himself, who must crucify themselves to appease the wrath of the Father Its against humans, disobedient and sinful.
In Antigone, however, 500 years before Christ and 1000 before Muhammad, we honor and celebrate the courage of a young woman, a true pioneer of human rights, defying the tyrant in the name of his moral values \u200b\u200band compassion due to the dead . In her we see claimed for the first time in history, the rights of individual conscience and expression will always have a clear and articulated in the classical Athenian democracy and philosophy, humanism, and then finally in the Enlightenment and the "Spirit of the Laws "Montesquieu. Throughout this process of revolt against the patriarchal despotism of the monotheistic religions, all-male and fathers were almost always on the side of the oppressors. Proclaim the Christian roots of European liberal-democratic constitution, as demanded Pope Wojtyla and Ratzinger as Pope now pretends, or back up the claims against the Islamic liberal West as our so-called progressives, it was and it would therefore not only a resounding false ideological and history, but also a choice that would have nominated the Europe to the perpetuation of the clashes of civilizations (or rather of incivility) and religious dogma that have bloodied the world for centuries and that words are to be avoided.
The Middle Eastern crime si è intrecciata in questi giorni con la cronaca culturale in modo drammatico ma, al tempo stesso, ricco di suggestioni. “Repubblica”, nelle sue pagine culturali, ha pubblicato l’annuncio d’una lettura dell’”Antigone” di Sofocle affidata a Monica Guerritore e Luca Lazzareschi ed inserita in un ciclo di letture di testi classici sui grandi temi della Legge e della Giustizia, che si sta svolgendo a Bologna.
La tragedia di Sofocle, rappresentata ad Atene nel V secolo a.C., narra la rivolta coraggiosa, anzi temeraria di Antigone, giovane donna, contro il tiranno di Tebe, Creonte, che vuole lasciare insepolto il cadavere di Polinice, fratello di Antigone, colpevole d’aver impugnato le armi against him. Unlike two other famous ancient Greek tragedians, Aeschylus and Euripides, Sophocles does not like to rely too explicit messages to his works and also in Antigone he merely impose the reason of state of the tyrant, who wants people to remember the fate of 'infamy that awaits the rebels, and Antigone, who is ready to risk their lives to bear witness to the feelings of respect and compassion that should always unite people, beyond their hatred and political conflicts. And in this tragedy there are no winners or losers: Antigone Creon will be killed by the cops, but they will see the ruin of his family and his son Haemon's suicide in despair over the death of Antigone, his promise bride.
Beyond the plot apparently "neutral", the figure of Antigone emanates an infectious charm that has made a point of reference for ever the conscience-free and rich in humanity, resolved to rebel against the tyranny even at the cost of life, behalf of their human feelings and ideals. Infectious charm that has always depended, I think, by the fact that Antigone is a young woman in revolt against the male power, but today it seems to me to multiply in the context of the ongoing battle royale between the male moral rights of traditional religions and ethics universal human in the liberal West is or should be champion. And this battle, as I said at the beginning, has found expression in a few episodes almost emblenatica heinous crime news reported by newspapers in recent days.
In Ramallah, West Bank, a Palestinian Christian father murdered his daughter for 22 years who wanted to marry, despite his ban, a Palestinian Muslim, while that same day, on the outskirts of Jerusalem, a young Muslim killed two sisters, and has seriously wounded a third, who had too much "fraternized" with the Israelis. And after this action the monstrous murderess has earned the sympathy and praise from parents of girls. Recently, also a young man in Gaza was murdered by the police of morality Hamas, the extremist movement also supported by our beloved post-communist, and another girl from Tulkarem, who was raped by her father, who was also pregnant, was knifed by his brother because he was allowed to protest publicly against his good daddy. And this brings us back to the murder case of Ramallah, a little while ago.
The daddy of Ramallah was hit by a sudden surge of anger. Before her daughter was beaten so brutally that it had to be hospitalized. Then when it was terminated on admission, had returned home, he had murdered by blows with a steel bar. And when the girl's funeral, some women of the Palestinian women's movement had tentato di protestare contro la sostanziale impunità che le leggi palestinesi assicurano agli autori dei cosiddetti delitti d’onore, altre donne islamiche, diciamo così benpensanti, le avevano rimproverate e aggredite perché “colpevoli” di voler denunciare l’omertà e il silenzio con cui la società islamica “copre” quegli orrendi crimini.
Ecco dunque la lezione che ci viene dall’intreccio della cronaca nera palestinese con la rievocazione bolognese di Antigone. Nei delitti mostruosi di Ramallah, Gaza e Tulkarem vediamo i frutti avvelenati dell’etica maschilista di tutte le religioni monoteiste, compresa la cristiana: sì, anche la cristiana, e non solo perché il babbino Lebanon was a Christian but because observing the exploits of many Christians, even our own fathers were not less horrifying, as long as Christianity has not had to deal with the thought and the liberal laws. Just remember the martyrdom of Beatrice Cenci, who was raped by her father (a monster of cruelty and brutality) and beheaded in Rome by Pope Clement (so to speak) VIII, because he had helped his brother and mother to suppress it. Moreover, the tyrannical spirit of God emerges in the Judeo-Christian story of Abraham, led by Yahweh almost to slaughter his son Isaac to test his devotion, or in that of Jesus, the son of God himself, who must crucify themselves to appease the wrath of the Father Its against humans, disobedient and sinful.
In Antigone, however, 500 years before Christ and 1000 before Muhammad, we honor and celebrate the courage of a young woman, a true pioneer of human rights, defying the tyrant in the name of his moral values \u200b\u200band compassion due to the dead . In her we see claimed for the first time in history, the rights of individual conscience and expression will always have a clear and articulated in the classical Athenian democracy and philosophy, humanism, and then finally in the Enlightenment and the "Spirit of the Laws "Montesquieu. Throughout this process of revolt against the patriarchal despotism of the monotheistic religions, all-male and fathers were almost always on the side of the oppressors. Proclaim the Christian roots of European liberal-democratic constitution, as demanded Pope Wojtyla and Ratzinger as Pope now pretends, or back up the claims against the Islamic liberal West as our so-called progressives, it was and it would therefore not only a resounding false ideological and history, but also a choice that would have nominated the Europe to the perpetuation of the clashes of civilizations (or rather of incivility) and religious dogma that have bloodied the world for centuries and that words are to be avoided.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
White Discharge On My Clitoris
In 15 photo evidence of the massacre of Somalis in Benghazi
Now we have evidence. Fifteen
low resolution photos.
taken with a cell phone and escape the criticism of the Libyan police with the speed of a mms. Depicting men injured by cutting weapons. Somali citizens are prisoners in Ganfuda in Benghazi, were arrested along the route that leads directly from the Libyan desert in Lampedusa. You can see the scars on his arms, the wounds are still open on the legs, the gauze on the back, and cuts on his head. The clothes are still stained with blood. And to say that on 11 August when the website in Somali Shabelle had spoken first of a massacre committed by the police in Benghazi, Libya, Ambassador Libyan Mogadishu, CIIS Rabiic Canshuur, he promptly denied the report. This time, deny these photos will be a bit 'more difficult. A
first published on the web site was the Shabelle. Today the Fortress Europe raises the observatory in Italy. According to an eyewitness, we spoke by telephone, but we can not reveal the identity for security reasons, the wounded would be at least fifty, mostly Somalis, Eritreans as well. But none of them was hospitalized. Are still confined in the cells of the detention camp. Twenty days after the revolt. All
erupted on the evening of August 9, when 300 prisoners, mostly Somalis, have attacked the gate, forcing the police cordon, to jump over and escape. The repression of the Libyan was very strong. Armed with batons and knives have faced the rioters beating about in the dark. At the end of the dead were six fights. But the number of victims could be set to rise, given that still do not know the fate of another dozen Somalis who are missing. The field of
Ganfuda is about ten kilometers from the city of Benghazi. We have held about 500 people, mostly Somalis, together with a group of Eritreans, some Malians and Nigerians. They have been arrested in the region of Ijdabiyah and Benghazi, during raids in the city. The charge is to be potential candidates for across the Mediterranean. Many of them are behind bars for more than six months. Some people are inside a year. None of them has ever been tried before a judge. There are people infected with scabies, dermatitis and respiratory disease. Released from prison is only corruption, but the cops asking $ 1,000 apiece. Detention conditions are very bad. In the cells of five to six meters are locked up to 60 people, kept on bread and water. They sleep on the floor, there are no mattresses. And every day are subjected to humiliation and harassment by the police.
whole affair, the Radical Members filed last August 18 in an urgent question to the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs asking whether Italy "is not considered essential, even in the light and pending verification of the facts stated above, ensure that the Somali asylum seekers are no longer returned to Libya." Probably the answer to is delayed in Parliament. But in reality the answer is already there. And the rejection of the 75 Somali yesterday it is the sad confirmation.
We were finally able to speak by telephone with one of them. On board were all Somalis, he said. It had asked Italian soldiers not to bring them back, because they wanted to seek asylum. Useless. In this moment, as you read, are in the detention center Zuwarah. Since I sbarcati, ieri alle tredici, non hanno ancora ricevuto niente da mangiare. Né hanno potuto incontrare gli operatori dell'Alto commissariato delle Nazioni Unite di Tripoli. Li hanno rinchiusi in un'unica cella, tutti e 75, comprese le donne e i bambini. Nessuno di loro ha idea di quale sarà la loro sorte. Ma nessuno si azzardi a criticare l'Italia per la politica dei respingimenti o per l'accordo con la Libia. Tanto meno l'Unione europea e i suoi portavoce...
Now we have evidence. Fifteen
low resolution photos.
taken with a cell phone and escape the criticism of the Libyan police with the speed of a mms. Depicting men injured by cutting weapons. Somali citizens are prisoners in Ganfuda in Benghazi, were arrested along the route that leads directly from the Libyan desert in Lampedusa. You can see the scars on his arms, the wounds are still open on the legs, the gauze on the back, and cuts on his head. The clothes are still stained with blood. And to say that on 11 August when the website in Somali Shabelle had spoken first of a massacre committed by the police in Benghazi, Libya, Ambassador Libyan Mogadishu, CIIS Rabiic Canshuur, he promptly denied the report. This time, deny these photos will be a bit 'more difficult. A
first published on the web site was the Shabelle. Today the Fortress Europe raises the observatory in Italy. According to an eyewitness, we spoke by telephone, but we can not reveal the identity for security reasons, the wounded would be at least fifty, mostly Somalis, Eritreans as well. But none of them was hospitalized. Are still confined in the cells of the detention camp. Twenty days after the revolt. All
erupted on the evening of August 9, when 300 prisoners, mostly Somalis, have attacked the gate, forcing the police cordon, to jump over and escape. The repression of the Libyan was very strong. Armed with batons and knives have faced the rioters beating about in the dark. At the end of the dead were six fights. But the number of victims could be set to rise, given that still do not know the fate of another dozen Somalis who are missing. The field of
Ganfuda is about ten kilometers from the city of Benghazi. We have held about 500 people, mostly Somalis, together with a group of Eritreans, some Malians and Nigerians. They have been arrested in the region of Ijdabiyah and Benghazi, during raids in the city. The charge is to be potential candidates for across the Mediterranean. Many of them are behind bars for more than six months. Some people are inside a year. None of them has ever been tried before a judge. There are people infected with scabies, dermatitis and respiratory disease. Released from prison is only corruption, but the cops asking $ 1,000 apiece. Detention conditions are very bad. In the cells of five to six meters are locked up to 60 people, kept on bread and water. They sleep on the floor, there are no mattresses. And every day are subjected to humiliation and harassment by the police.
whole affair, the Radical Members filed last August 18 in an urgent question to the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs asking whether Italy "is not considered essential, even in the light and pending verification of the facts stated above, ensure that the Somali asylum seekers are no longer returned to Libya." Probably the answer to is delayed in Parliament. But in reality the answer is already there. And the rejection of the 75 Somali yesterday it is the sad confirmation.
We were finally able to speak by telephone with one of them. On board were all Somalis, he said. It had asked Italian soldiers not to bring them back, because they wanted to seek asylum. Useless. In this moment, as you read, are in the detention center Zuwarah. Since I sbarcati, ieri alle tredici, non hanno ancora ricevuto niente da mangiare. Né hanno potuto incontrare gli operatori dell'Alto commissariato delle Nazioni Unite di Tripoli. Li hanno rinchiusi in un'unica cella, tutti e 75, comprese le donne e i bambini. Nessuno di loro ha idea di quale sarà la loro sorte. Ma nessuno si azzardi a criticare l'Italia per la politica dei respingimenti o per l'accordo con la Libia. Tanto meno l'Unione europea e i suoi portavoce...
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
''mistress In Leather;;
Obama! It resizes the general
Shortly after assuming command of NATO forces in Afghanistan, Lt. Gen. Stanley McChrystal gave a report stating: 1) that the situation of the war against the Taliban "is serious", and 2) that the war, however, "we can still win", and 3) that we must, however, for this purpose, "to radically change strategy and 4) it is necessary to send more troops (32,000 men?) on the theater of war.
thesis are almost identical to those celebrated in his time from January Paetreus, commander of allied troops in Iraq, then landed at the usual carnage inconclusive.
face of this monotonous repetition of these grotesque and unnecessary prescriptions of salvation seems urgent to the more general problem of the instruments with which, so far, the West has tried to stop il terrorismo nel mondo islamico. Vediamoli tutti da vicino, questi strumenti.
In questi anni abbiamo assistito al fallimento delle tre strategie finora applicate dai leaders dell’Occidente liberale per vincere o almeno fermare il terrorismo 1) l’intervento militare ; 2) la prevenzione e la repressione con le risorse dell’intelligence ; 3) l’introduzione di elezioni democratiche nel mondo islamico - e alla generale invocazione di nuovi strumenti di lotta.
L’intervento militare ha già dimostrato ampiamente, in Irak come in Afganistan, di moltiplicare anziché annientare o decimare le file dei terroristi. Ciò era pienamente predictable and, for my part, I had already planned in an interview with RaiUno few days after the massacre of the Twin Towers. Are they equipped with a power of divination? No, unfortunately. I simply applied the tools of psycho-terrorism that clearly explain why terrorism is not domabile with the threat or use of military force: in fact the terrorist (and fanatic in general) not only fears but longs death in battle, which considers the safest food for the journey to immortality and eternal happiness in Paradise of the Martyrs, cheered by the voluptuous embrace of the 72 virgins. The effectiveness
deterrence, and control of military retaliation is therefore essentially nullified against the terrorists.
Opponents of the military have always underscored the presumed much greater effectiveness of the weapon ' intelligence, but the London bombings, organized and carried out under the noses of the most respected intelligence services around the world, and also those repeated two days later and failed only to technical failure of the bombs, have amply demonstrated the ineffectiveness of intelligence: ineffectiveness also determined by the personality and ideology of fanatical terrorist who has made the indefensible estendoli its targets the entire civilian population.
The third weapon fielded by the traditional political class of the West, namely the democratization of Islamic countries through elections to be carried out after campaigning with leaders pluralistic and conflicting lists, is also conspicuously failed for three times, ie in Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran . In Afghanistan, the people (including women in burkas caged) has peaceful plebiscite and elected to Parliament and the Government of the old clan chiefs and heads of tribes sexist, misogynist and intertwined with the dogmatic fundamentalist clergy. In Iraq, the people have democratically e plebiscitariamente eletto gli stessi capi-clan maschilisti, misogini e dogmatici legati a doppio filo con gli ayatollà sciiti, a loro volta legati a doppio filo con quelli iraniani, primatisti mondiali dell’assassinio politico e della tortura. In Iran, infine, potendo scegliere tra un leader fanatico ed uno pragmatico, il popolo ha plebiscitariamente eletto il fanatico prediletto dagli ayatollà più fanatici e accusato da molti testimoni d’essere stato egli stesso torturatore e assassino.
Dinanzi a questo triplice clamoroso fiasco, molte voci si sono levate per invocare tanto l’ideazione quanto l’applicazione di nuove e più efficaci armi nella lotta al terrorismo. Ma finora nessuna proposta innovativa è stata avanzata.
Per parte mia, invece, già all’indomani della strage alle Torri Gemelle avevo segnalato l’inutilità degli strumenti convenzionali nella lotta al terrorismo e sostenuto la necessità di bonificare la cultura islamica (e, del resto, ogni altra cultura dogmatica) dai suoi tratti fanatici perché, ovviamente, è nel fanatismo che nasce e prospera la pianta velenosa del terrorismo , ed avevo indicato l’arma vincente nella psicologia politica. Ma quali sono, dunque, gli strumenti operativi che la psicologia politica può mettere in campo ?
Anzitutto, una gigantesca cintura mediatica , cioè una collana di radiotelesivive issuers that, 24 hours a day, offering the people Slamic (and any other population where tyrannical regimes) images, the music and messages of not only political freedom but women, young, loving, educational, cultural and religion of the free world. Unfortunately, Western leaders have shown themselves deaf to our appeals. Only Silvio Berlusconi, after a series of my articles on the 'Next! "Brunetta and Cicchitto, in a meeting with reporters said:" Terrorism can not be won by military force, but only with television and other media ". But those words did not follow promising then no concrete initiative.
But the winning of the West Liberal lies in its position of cultural and personal freedom, because the need for freedom is a necessary requirement of human beings, or that no political or religious tyranny was never able or never able to extinguish. Of course this belt media programs should not be entrusted to the whims of usual intellettualetti gazzettieri and stuffed full of ideology and ignorant of psychology we can, as already happens in our national TV, to give the West a blank image, fatua and plastic, but should be carefully psychologically deep on the concrete needs of target populations: needs not only political freedom but also women, youth, love, music, educational and religious Islamic governments that often attract.
Certainly the opposition of the tyrannical regimes in these programs will be strong, but these are programs that can (especially radio) to reach populations directly without any need for consent of local governments . Moreover, the opposition of those regimes may be alleviated by conditioning the granting of economic aid and technology to the granting of radio-TV frequencies. The influence of these media campaigns will be much faster and more permanent radical than our so-called experts (those who have given the Iraqi and Afghan quagmires of war or the opening of Europe's skies to Al Jazeera TV and other Islamic fanaticism) and say do not think it is worth noting that a small radio station in the CNN Persian language was the basis of the major student riots in Tehran. The other big weapon
offered by the political psychology to fight terrorism is preventive in nature. It 'now possible to launch and implement quickly a series of psychological filters that will identify not only the terrorists but also the operational potential candidates for the terrorism. These filters have the advantage, if applied to all immigration and the whole population, can not be dismissed as tools of ethnic and cultural discrimination and to reduce terrorism to its psychopathological reality, after too many and too stupid ennobling political and religious taxes against him or proposals from members of masochism "pacifist" and "democratic."
Shortly after assuming command of NATO forces in Afghanistan, Lt. Gen. Stanley McChrystal gave a report stating: 1) that the situation of the war against the Taliban "is serious", and 2) that the war, however, "we can still win", and 3) that we must, however, for this purpose, "to radically change strategy and 4) it is necessary to send more troops (32,000 men?) on the theater of war.
thesis are almost identical to those celebrated in his time from January Paetreus, commander of allied troops in Iraq, then landed at the usual carnage inconclusive.
face of this monotonous repetition of these grotesque and unnecessary prescriptions of salvation seems urgent to the more general problem of the instruments with which, so far, the West has tried to stop il terrorismo nel mondo islamico. Vediamoli tutti da vicino, questi strumenti.
In questi anni abbiamo assistito al fallimento delle tre strategie finora applicate dai leaders dell’Occidente liberale per vincere o almeno fermare il terrorismo 1) l’intervento militare ; 2) la prevenzione e la repressione con le risorse dell’intelligence ; 3) l’introduzione di elezioni democratiche nel mondo islamico - e alla generale invocazione di nuovi strumenti di lotta.
L’intervento militare ha già dimostrato ampiamente, in Irak come in Afganistan, di moltiplicare anziché annientare o decimare le file dei terroristi. Ciò era pienamente predictable and, for my part, I had already planned in an interview with RaiUno few days after the massacre of the Twin Towers. Are they equipped with a power of divination? No, unfortunately. I simply applied the tools of psycho-terrorism that clearly explain why terrorism is not domabile with the threat or use of military force: in fact the terrorist (and fanatic in general) not only fears but longs death in battle, which considers the safest food for the journey to immortality and eternal happiness in Paradise of the Martyrs, cheered by the voluptuous embrace of the 72 virgins. The effectiveness
deterrence, and control of military retaliation is therefore essentially nullified against the terrorists.
Opponents of the military have always underscored the presumed much greater effectiveness of the weapon ' intelligence, but the London bombings, organized and carried out under the noses of the most respected intelligence services around the world, and also those repeated two days later and failed only to technical failure of the bombs, have amply demonstrated the ineffectiveness of intelligence: ineffectiveness also determined by the personality and ideology of fanatical terrorist who has made the indefensible estendoli its targets the entire civilian population.
The third weapon fielded by the traditional political class of the West, namely the democratization of Islamic countries through elections to be carried out after campaigning with leaders pluralistic and conflicting lists, is also conspicuously failed for three times, ie in Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran . In Afghanistan, the people (including women in burkas caged) has peaceful plebiscite and elected to Parliament and the Government of the old clan chiefs and heads of tribes sexist, misogynist and intertwined with the dogmatic fundamentalist clergy. In Iraq, the people have democratically e plebiscitariamente eletto gli stessi capi-clan maschilisti, misogini e dogmatici legati a doppio filo con gli ayatollà sciiti, a loro volta legati a doppio filo con quelli iraniani, primatisti mondiali dell’assassinio politico e della tortura. In Iran, infine, potendo scegliere tra un leader fanatico ed uno pragmatico, il popolo ha plebiscitariamente eletto il fanatico prediletto dagli ayatollà più fanatici e accusato da molti testimoni d’essere stato egli stesso torturatore e assassino.
Dinanzi a questo triplice clamoroso fiasco, molte voci si sono levate per invocare tanto l’ideazione quanto l’applicazione di nuove e più efficaci armi nella lotta al terrorismo. Ma finora nessuna proposta innovativa è stata avanzata.
Per parte mia, invece, già all’indomani della strage alle Torri Gemelle avevo segnalato l’inutilità degli strumenti convenzionali nella lotta al terrorismo e sostenuto la necessità di bonificare la cultura islamica (e, del resto, ogni altra cultura dogmatica) dai suoi tratti fanatici perché, ovviamente, è nel fanatismo che nasce e prospera la pianta velenosa del terrorismo , ed avevo indicato l’arma vincente nella psicologia politica. Ma quali sono, dunque, gli strumenti operativi che la psicologia politica può mettere in campo ?
Anzitutto, una gigantesca cintura mediatica , cioè una collana di radiotelesivive issuers that, 24 hours a day, offering the people Slamic (and any other population where tyrannical regimes) images, the music and messages of not only political freedom but women, young, loving, educational, cultural and religion of the free world. Unfortunately, Western leaders have shown themselves deaf to our appeals. Only Silvio Berlusconi, after a series of my articles on the 'Next! "Brunetta and Cicchitto, in a meeting with reporters said:" Terrorism can not be won by military force, but only with television and other media ". But those words did not follow promising then no concrete initiative.
But the winning of the West Liberal lies in its position of cultural and personal freedom, because the need for freedom is a necessary requirement of human beings, or that no political or religious tyranny was never able or never able to extinguish. Of course this belt media programs should not be entrusted to the whims of usual intellettualetti gazzettieri and stuffed full of ideology and ignorant of psychology we can, as already happens in our national TV, to give the West a blank image, fatua and plastic, but should be carefully psychologically deep on the concrete needs of target populations: needs not only political freedom but also women, youth, love, music, educational and religious Islamic governments that often attract.
Certainly the opposition of the tyrannical regimes in these programs will be strong, but these are programs that can (especially radio) to reach populations directly without any need for consent of local governments . Moreover, the opposition of those regimes may be alleviated by conditioning the granting of economic aid and technology to the granting of radio-TV frequencies. The influence of these media campaigns will be much faster and more permanent radical than our so-called experts (those who have given the Iraqi and Afghan quagmires of war or the opening of Europe's skies to Al Jazeera TV and other Islamic fanaticism) and say do not think it is worth noting that a small radio station in the CNN Persian language was the basis of the major student riots in Tehran. The other big weapon
offered by the political psychology to fight terrorism is preventive in nature. It 'now possible to launch and implement quickly a series of psychological filters that will identify not only the terrorists but also the operational potential candidates for the terrorism. These filters have the advantage, if applied to all immigration and the whole population, can not be dismissed as tools of ethnic and cultural discrimination and to reduce terrorism to its psychopathological reality, after too many and too stupid ennobling political and religious taxes against him or proposals from members of masochism "pacifist" and "democratic."
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