Friday, September 4, 2009

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Africa: shame
religious leaders, political and scientific

The 2005 "Friday" of the Republic published a May 27 long leading dedicated to Africa, entitled "Africa - A year ago today 10 million more people have died from starvation, disease, war. In short, nothing has changed. " The service, which takes stock of the catastrophic situation in Africa and the efforts made by the West failed to help these people, deserves a detailed comment because I thought it was a prime example of the incredible removal of the "mother of all contemporary tragedies, precisely population explosion, which unites our media leaderships, religious, political science and beyond their differences in many areas and abyssal confirms the primacy of psychological factors in socio-political dynamics of our time.
In ten dense pages, the article manages to describe both the general aspects of the most horrific episode that some African tragedy on the issue and to interview the most diverse political authorities, religious and scientific, but without paying a single line, one word the crucial demographic of that tragedy, among other places also the basis of the immigrant tide that is sweeping the European liberal democratic civilization.
"Until the Sixties - writes the supplement of" Republic "at the beginning of his report - the people of Mwanza lived poor but decent fish caught in Lake Victoria. Then came the modern es'introdusse lake in the Nile perch. Today, on the shores of Victoria, the people it feeds and nourishes the family worked with the remains of the perch by the local fishing industry. This story, which takes place on the largest lake in the world, the film tells a raw and terrible, "Darwin's Nightmare", filmed by an Austrian director Hubert Sauper. Too bad that neither a shrewd reporter for La Repubblica, Attilio Giordano, nor the brilliant director of the Austrian history of Mwanza strives to tell the most appalling images of starvation and cruelty, the primary cause of minimally accennino of such horror (obviously considered a trifle by our intellectuals, always so full of compassion and cheap so poor intelligence and independence, qualities unfortunately expensive for those who have and use): namely the fact that in half a century elapsed between the Paradise Lost of the 60 current and Hell, the local population (who was already living in poverty but with dignity) has become eight times larger (it is said eight times), as has happened in the rest of the entire African continent . To understand the shameful cowardice and stupidity of this omission, just wondering if it would be Italy, from 50 million inhabitants of the '50s we were now 100 million in 1965, 200 million in 1980, 400 million in 1995 and sail to 800 million in 5 years. Even our children, like those in Africa, looking for some remnant of mountains of waste and we would be happy to work for a few Euros per day, while there is little value to 800 thousand contracts for unnecessary work socially intelligent leader requested and obtained from left of our intelligent, Fausto Bertinotti. But our brains overpaid chairs of political science, economic, social and even demographic, this theme of people prefer to ignore or always, at best, deal with it just to point out, desperate, that our population is not growing more.
And even the "experts" (so to speak) interviewed by the "Republic" shall, in respect
more dumb fish. So Antonio Raimondi, president of all the aid organizations of the Salesians (a multi-billion-euro bandwagon), explains the African disaster with three lethal blows inflicted on the African continent from the usual Beelzebub, the sinister West: the first was slavery, second was the political colonialism and the third is the economic neo-colonialism today. But, in addition to gloss over the warm support given to these nefarious enterprises by the Western capitalist world of the past clerical, Raimondi forget the entire fourth shot, really deadly, inflicted all’Africa dai suoi prediletti romani pontefici del ‘900: l’esplosione demografica, coi suoi tragici corollari che Raimondi enumera lamentosamente - dalla fame alla mortalità infantile alle malattie alla desertificazione alle guerre territoriali (ben 16 oggi in atto con 4 milioni di morti in cinque anni, nella sola guerra del Congo) – tacendone peratro scrupolosamente la massima causa. Ma non c’è forse da stupirsene, dopotutto si tratta di marmittoni del Vaticano abituati da sempre, per usare un motto militare, “a servir tacendo e, tacendo, morir”.
Più difficile è capire l’identico vergognoso silenzio di Giampaolo Calchi Novati sulle primarie cause demografiche della tragedia Africa. Sessantottino young lion in the '70s in Italian bookshops overthrew his numerous essays on the faults, and indistinguishable on the wonders of the capitalist West and the Third World, casts Novati has repeatedly assured its good and overpaid professor of African history and in contemporary ' His last opera repeats its expected listing of the tragedies of Africa and the faults of Western Beelzebub, but even he does not say a word about the trifle of the demographic bomb. Moreover, even a luminary like Professor of Italian medicine. Aldo Morrone, who runs an entire hospital in Ethiopia and, as a doctor, should be familiar with the plight of African women exhausted by motherhood, and starving children of those women forced to give birth like rabbits, preaches too long on the uselessness of medical aid, but his mouth is sewn on population.
short, a progressive journalist, a brilliant director, the body of our culture sinistrese Magna, Salesian friars, a professor of Merit sessantottino and a rival of Dr. Schweitzer nostrano all singing in chorus, despite the abysmal ideological differences, the same staid mercy on African tragedy but they look good all dall'accennare central to its cause - the uncontrolled birth rate - and the ruling of any serious remedy of birth control. Faced with this nonsense and general whining, only the psycho-analysis can indicate sexual taboos in an explanation that applies to all representatives of politics, culture, information science and powers, and beyond their ideological differences. And it's really hard to understand why there is so determined to deny the priority of the causes and psychological analysis of the major problems today.


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