Friday, September 4, 2009

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Ajello, culture right
the mote and the beam

reading about "Republic" of 11 July (2006) Ajello In a long article on the culture (or ignorance) I have right now springs to mind two famous sayings: "If she cries Carthage, Rome does not laugh" and "They see the mote nell’occhio altrui ma non vedono il trave nel proprio occhio”.
Ajello si prodiga per due intere pagine a dimostrare l’inconsistenza, per non dire l’inesistenza, d’una cultura di destra ed arriva a una conclusione severa e inesorabile sintetizzata nel titolo della sua articolessa: “Il partito senza idee”. E tutto sommato non posso non concordare con lui. La destra non ha idee e sa soltanto baloccarsi con i residui riciclati della tradizione: un po’ di tiepido nazionalismo, un po’ di sbiadito cattolicesimo, un po’ di astiose nostalgie fasciste. Ma la filippica e il titolo di Ajello poggiano su un assunto gabbato per solido e che, invece, รจ non solo fragile ma addirittura comico: namely that the left now has a culture. Of course here we must agree on the term "culture". Of course the Left has now
square legions of celebrated intellectuals, hail events, celebrations and cultural awards, the pyramids of university chairs (also because it has always been very capable in the court well and place the characters that were once defined and useful idiots who have however proved futile crafty). But if culture is defined as the same Ajello seems to mean by his title, an intense excitement of innovative research, creativity, short of ideas, then really left is even worse than the right, for the simple reason that, as left it had a duty to embody change and innovation. And vice versa, in the hail of events in those legions of intellectuals, university professors in that pile you can not see a single new idea, maybe lonely and lost as the molecule of sodium publicity of a famous mineral water.
Even the famous joke of a film directed by the hero of the communist leader Moretti "The 'something left!" Unwittingly reveals the loss of the accuser, who can not remotely clear that in what sense that "something left." And in fact, a few years later, he took the field Moretti accused of incapacity Party leaders and candidates for the role of guiding the renovation, what has been produced? The roundabouts and girotondini that, after a bit 'of noise, as is typical of that game, I finished "The Crow".
Just as the right, the culture of so-called left toyed with the remnants of a tradition: a little recycling 'revolution of invective, or rediscovering the umbrella of social democracy, without conviction or celebrating the mummified and dusty idols of the past (from Foucault Brecht to Sartre), or by mobilizing its pompatissimi intellectuals today who revere and reward each other or eventually repeating the rituals in universities silly notional teaching and indoctrination of students, which have always characterized the tradition of conservative academic.
And besides, this is not only understandable, but inevitable, because culture of the left is made up of priests officiating but not more believers to zealots of a God who not only failed, as Silone said, but he died. Alberoni wrote how in the years when the looming collapse of communism: "The Europeans should not now abandon Marxist point of view or a challenging hypothesis, must abandon a faith, a bank safe, a home, a brotherhood that transcends countries . I do not believe that this separation will be painless because many of them will have a particular need for faith that relativism is skeptical of so much contemporary culture is bound to frustrate. In this moment in communist culture in Italy are thus led to wonder where he will lead the loss of an ideology deemed safe and inviolable ... One of the most likely hypothesis is that many believers of the left will end up in religious movements. "
This hypothesis has found many confirmations of Alberoni, although many other believers of the myth of communist ended instead in ecological movements or even in the drug, which is perfectly understandable in the light of psycho-analysis, because on the one hand, environmentalism can store the psychological mechanism of dogmatic religion replacing Satan to God, Nature and capitalism, while, the drug offers a substitute chemical with its havens of paradise or utopia revolution of the heavenly religions dogma. But the "big" of the flock and clergy communist left in midstream: it features all kinds of baggage and caste privilege, but devoid of the old and incapable of exciting ideas for new docks.


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