Now we have evidence. Fifteen
low resolution photos.
taken with a cell phone and escape the criticism of the Libyan police with the speed of a mms. Depicting men injured by cutting weapons. Somali citizens are prisoners in Ganfuda in Benghazi, were arrested along the route that leads directly from the Libyan desert in Lampedusa. You can see the scars on his arms, the wounds are still open on the legs, the gauze on the back, and cuts on his head. The clothes are still stained with blood. And to say that on 11 August when the website in Somali Shabelle had spoken first of a massacre committed by the police in Benghazi, Libya, Ambassador Libyan Mogadishu, CIIS Rabiic Canshuur, he promptly denied the report. This time, deny these photos will be a bit 'more difficult. A
first published on the web site was the Shabelle. Today the Fortress Europe raises the observatory in Italy. According to an eyewitness, we spoke by telephone, but we can not reveal the identity for security reasons, the wounded would be at least fifty, mostly Somalis, Eritreans as well. But none of them was hospitalized. Are still confined in the cells of the detention camp. Twenty days after the revolt. All
erupted on the evening of August 9, when 300 prisoners, mostly Somalis, have attacked the gate, forcing the police cordon, to jump over and escape. The repression of the Libyan was very strong. Armed with batons and knives have faced the rioters beating about in the dark. At the end of the dead were six fights. But the number of victims could be set to rise, given that still do not know the fate of another dozen Somalis who are missing. The field of
Ganfuda is about ten kilometers from the city of Benghazi. We have held about 500 people, mostly Somalis, together with a group of Eritreans, some Malians and Nigerians. They have been arrested in the region of Ijdabiyah and Benghazi, during raids in the city. The charge is to be potential candidates for across the Mediterranean. Many of them are behind bars for more than six months. Some people are inside a year. None of them has ever been tried before a judge. There are people infected with scabies, dermatitis and respiratory disease. Released from prison is only corruption, but the cops asking $ 1,000 apiece. Detention conditions are very bad. In the cells of five to six meters are locked up to 60 people, kept on bread and water. They sleep on the floor, there are no mattresses. And every day are subjected to humiliation and harassment by the police.
whole affair, the Radical Members filed last August 18 in an urgent question to the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs asking whether Italy "is not considered essential, even in the light and pending verification of the facts stated above, ensure that the Somali asylum seekers are no longer returned to Libya." Probably the answer to is delayed in Parliament. But in reality the answer is already there. And the rejection of the 75 Somali yesterday it is the sad confirmation.
We were finally able to speak by telephone with one of them. On board were all Somalis, he said. It had asked Italian soldiers not to bring them back, because they wanted to seek asylum. Useless. In this moment, as you read, are in the detention center Zuwarah. Since I sbarcati, ieri alle tredici, non hanno ancora ricevuto niente da mangiare. Né hanno potuto incontrare gli operatori dell'Alto commissariato delle Nazioni Unite di Tripoli. Li hanno rinchiusi in un'unica cella, tutti e 75, comprese le donne e i bambini. Nessuno di loro ha idea di quale sarà la loro sorte. Ma nessuno si azzardi a criticare l'Italia per la politica dei respingimenti o per l'accordo con la Libia. Tanto meno l'Unione europea e i suoi portavoce...
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