Monday, September 7, 2009

Mixed Wrestling Submission Holds

The Open Society and Its Enemies

With this title, the Austrian philosopher Karl Popper in 1945 published a major work in which it stated in some famous thinkers (Plato, Aristotle, Karl Marx and Friedrich Hegel) the "bad teachers" and closed dogmatic conceptions of human society.

Reflecting on these days in terms of Western culture, I realized that the enemies of open society were and are far more numerous than the "handful" (albeit illustrious) reported by Popper. First, it became clear to me that the companies have been closed and are far more numerous than those litters from those few "bad teachers". All primitive societies, which have thousands of years before the "bad teachers" and all societies storiche (salvo quella greca) che li hanno preceduti o accompagnati per secoli, sono state "società chiuse" che hanno ostacolato o perseguitato il libero pensiero e ogni sviluppo sociale divergente dai dettami del rispettivi dogmatismi religiosi o politici. (Poichè le società primitive oggi vanno molto di moda, mi sembra doveroso ricordare che, per quanto affascinanti siano per noi certi loro valori e modi di vivere, si tratta sempre di società totalizzanti, rimaste immobili per millenni appunto perchè in esse non era nè prevista nè ammessa nessuna deviazione dalle norme rigide e dal "pensiero unico" che le governavano.)

Sopratutto, però, ho dovuto constatare che, anche nel mondo odierno, enemies of the West Liberal ( only open society in a world dominated by political and religious tyrannies ) were much more numerous than the followers of Hegel or Marx. Sure they have had an adverse effect on the birth of the most monstrous regimes dogmatic '900, Nazism and communism, and the spread of nationalist or comunistoidi tyrannies around the world, but, at least in the West Liberal, today its many enemies are no more (nor do they claim) the followers of those "bad teachers" nineteenth century.

This reality forces us to see once again the inadequacy of the methods adopted by the same historical, philosophical, and see Popper that only a psychological and psycho-cultural approach allows us to understand the diversity of different types of enemies of open society.

As I said these enemies in our society, are far more numerous than the followers of Hegel or Marx. Practically, indeed, are the vast majority of so-called euro-American intelligentsia. These so-called intellectuals (writers, journalists, artists, philosophers and theologians who are) always devote themselves with zeal and growing denigration of the West or the liberal or the exaltation and defense of their enemies.

Of course I do not want and I never wanted to deny that the liberal West has serious flaws of social and moral (which, per parte mia, ho cercato sempre di denunciare e rimediare), ma è per lo meno strano che i nostri intellettualetti e intellettualoni più celebrati non si siano minimamente impegnati nella difesa dell'Occidente liberale e nel suo miglioramento graduale, ma abbiano prodigato il loro ingegno solo per denigrarlo e per esaltarne i nemici esterni. E, con buona pace di Popper, questa moltitudine di nemici interni s'ispira solo in minima parte a quei pochi "cattivi maestri"di stampo hegeliano e marxista.

Se però, come accennavo poco sopra, si guarda il fenomeno con la lente della psicologia politica liberale tutto si chiarisce subito. Come i bambocci viziati del '68 e del '78 detestavano le loro famiglie permissive negli anni in cui Cooper proclamava "la morte della famiglia", così, oggi che la famiglia è tornata di moda, molti nostri intellettuali hanno trasferito il loro odio sulla società liberale che li ha generati. Ma il processo, da un punto di vista psicologico o psicopolitico, non è cambiato affatto. In realtà, oggi come nel '68, a guidare le scelte degli intellettualetti e intellettualoni non è tanto questo o quella teoria ma l'"attrazione fatale" che essi sentono per i nemici più rabbiosi della "società aperta". Del resto (e la cosa conferma ulteriormente la superiorità dell'approccio psicologico) anche nel '900 le cose non erano andate molto diversamente. A dettare l'irresponsabile appoggio dato da tanti intelettuali Europeans to the monstrous tyrannies of Nazi and Communist was not so much their adherence to nationalist or Marxist theories as their attraction to the liberal West's sworn enemies. What

'900 was already a very dangerous game, which threatened to deliver the future of mankind in a clique of bloodthirsty dictators. But the game today is much more dangerous because it tends to create alliances or complicity with the forces of Islamic fanaticism, that is, with a fanaticism that can not be controlled by military force (being made up by people eager to ensure safe and eternal happiness with death in battle) and it is now very close to get hold of nuclear weapons. In these days day a picture appeared in newspapers emblematic of the Venezuelan dictator Chavez (idol of many of our intellettualetti for his furious hatred against America and the middle class of his country) passionately embraced with fanatical dictator, Ahmadinejad, Holocaust denier, champion of terrorists and fundamentalists far more barbaric than the barbarians of Nazi criminals and communists and the next keeper of nuclear weapons. Who knows

see the tragedies hidden behind that image can best guess the stupid irresponsibility with which so much of our culture supports any alliance between the liberal West's enemies. And mind you, not just the cultural left. Just today, "Il Giornale" Victor Felts has published an admirable review of Oliver Stone's latest film and admired his interviews with the most fiercely anti-Western leaders in Latin America: from Castro to Chavez to Morales. Interviews are the ones that reminded me of a French pennivendolo with Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin, published on the eve of World War II in a book titled "Je connais ces dictateurs" ("I really know these so called dictators"). In that volume, the author presents an overview of the three good-natured and reassuring feared dictators, encouraging capitulationist culture and politics of Europe and America also very strong in those years: just as they do today, Oliver Stone and the editor of " Il Giornale. "


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