Thursday, September 3, 2009

Son Smelling Moms Feet

Antigone and fathers 05.09.2005 Wake hosts

The Middle Eastern crime si è intrecciata in questi giorni con la cronaca culturale in modo drammatico ma, al tempo stesso, ricco di suggestioni. “Repubblica”, nelle sue pagine culturali, ha pubblicato l’annuncio d’una lettura dell’”Antigone” di Sofocle affidata a Monica Guerritore e Luca Lazzareschi ed inserita in un ciclo di letture di testi classici sui grandi temi della Legge e della Giustizia, che si sta svolgendo a Bologna.
La tragedia di Sofocle, rappresentata ad Atene nel V secolo a.C., narra la rivolta coraggiosa, anzi temeraria di Antigone, giovane donna, contro il tiranno di Tebe, Creonte, che vuole lasciare insepolto il cadavere di Polinice, fratello di Antigone, colpevole d’aver impugnato le armi against him. Unlike two other famous ancient Greek tragedians, Aeschylus and Euripides, Sophocles does not like to rely too explicit messages to his works and also in Antigone he merely impose the reason of state of the tyrant, who wants people to remember the fate of 'infamy that awaits the rebels, and Antigone, who is ready to risk their lives to bear witness to the feelings of respect and compassion that should always unite people, beyond their hatred and political conflicts. And in this tragedy there are no winners or losers: Antigone Creon will be killed by the cops, but they will see the ruin of his family and his son Haemon's suicide in despair over the death of Antigone, his promise bride.
Beyond the plot apparently "neutral", the figure of Antigone emanates an infectious charm that has made a point of reference for ever the conscience-free and rich in humanity, resolved to rebel against the tyranny even at the cost of life, behalf of their human feelings and ideals. Infectious charm that has always depended, I think, by the fact that Antigone is a young woman in revolt against the male power, but today it seems to me to multiply in the context of the ongoing battle royale between the male moral rights of traditional religions and ethics universal human in the liberal West is or should be champion. And this battle, as I said at the beginning, has found expression in a few episodes almost emblenatica heinous crime news reported by newspapers in recent days.
In Ramallah, West Bank, a Palestinian Christian father murdered his daughter for 22 years who wanted to marry, despite his ban, a Palestinian Muslim, while that same day, on the outskirts of Jerusalem, a young Muslim killed two sisters, and has seriously wounded a third, who had too much "fraternized" with the Israelis. And after this action the monstrous murderess has earned the sympathy and praise from parents of girls. Recently, also a young man in Gaza was murdered by the police of morality Hamas, the extremist movement also supported by our beloved post-communist, and another girl from Tulkarem, who was raped by her father, who was also pregnant, was knifed by his brother because he was allowed to protest publicly against his good daddy. And this brings us back to the murder case of Ramallah, a little while ago.
The daddy of Ramallah was hit by a sudden surge of anger. Before her daughter was beaten so brutally that it had to be hospitalized. Then when it was terminated on admission, had returned home, he had murdered by blows with a steel bar. And when the girl's funeral, some women of the Palestinian women's movement had tentato di protestare contro la sostanziale impunità che le leggi palestinesi assicurano agli autori dei cosiddetti delitti d’onore, altre donne islamiche, diciamo così benpensanti, le avevano rimproverate e aggredite perché “colpevoli” di voler denunciare l’omertà e il silenzio con cui la società islamica “copre” quegli orrendi crimini.
Ecco dunque la lezione che ci viene dall’intreccio della cronaca nera palestinese con la rievocazione bolognese di Antigone. Nei delitti mostruosi di Ramallah, Gaza e Tulkarem vediamo i frutti avvelenati dell’etica maschilista di tutte le religioni monoteiste, compresa la cristiana: sì, anche la cristiana, e non solo perché il babbino Lebanon was a Christian but because observing the exploits of many Christians, even our own fathers were not less horrifying, as long as Christianity has not had to deal with the thought and the liberal laws. Just remember the martyrdom of Beatrice Cenci, who was raped by her father (a monster of cruelty and brutality) and beheaded in Rome by Pope Clement (so to speak) VIII, because he had helped his brother and mother to suppress it. Moreover, the tyrannical spirit of God emerges in the Judeo-Christian story of Abraham, led by Yahweh almost to slaughter his son Isaac to test his devotion, or in that of Jesus, the son of God himself, who must crucify themselves to appease the wrath of the Father Its against humans, disobedient and sinful.
In Antigone, however, 500 years before Christ and 1000 before Muhammad, we honor and celebrate the courage of a young woman, a true pioneer of human rights, defying the tyrant in the name of his moral values \u200b\u200band compassion due to the dead . In her we see claimed for the first time in history, the rights of individual conscience and expression will always have a clear and articulated in the classical Athenian democracy and philosophy, humanism, and then finally in the Enlightenment and the "Spirit of the Laws "Montesquieu. Throughout this process of revolt against the patriarchal despotism of the monotheistic religions, all-male and fathers were almost always on the side of the oppressors. Proclaim the Christian roots of European liberal-democratic constitution, as demanded Pope Wojtyla and Ratzinger as Pope now pretends, or back up the claims against the Islamic liberal West as our so-called progressives, it was and it would therefore not only a resounding false ideological and history, but also a choice that would have nominated the Europe to the perpetuation of the clashes of civilizations (or rather of incivility) and religious dogma that have bloodied the world for centuries and that words are to be avoided.


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