Tuesday, September 1, 2009

''mistress In Leather;;

Obama! It resizes the general

Shortly after assuming command of NATO forces in Afghanistan, Lt. Gen. Stanley McChrystal gave a report stating: 1) that the situation of the war against the Taliban "is serious", and 2) that the war, however, "we can still win", and 3) that we must, however, for this purpose, "to radically change strategy and 4) it is necessary to send more troops (32,000 men?) on the theater of war.

thesis are almost identical to those celebrated in his time from January Paetreus, commander of allied troops in Iraq, then landed at the usual carnage inconclusive.

face of this monotonous repetition of these grotesque and unnecessary prescriptions of salvation seems urgent to the more general problem of the instruments with which, so far, the West has tried to stop il terrorismo nel mondo islamico. Vediamoli tutti da vicino, questi strumenti.

In questi anni abbiamo assistito al fallimento delle tre strategie finora applicate dai leaders dell’Occidente liberale per vincere o almeno fermare il terrorismo 1) l’intervento militare ; 2) la prevenzione e la repressione con le risorse dell’intelligence ; 3) l’introduzione di elezioni democratiche nel mondo islamico - e alla generale invocazione di nuovi strumenti di lotta.
L’intervento militare ha già dimostrato ampiamente, in Irak come in Afganistan, di moltiplicare anziché annientare o decimare le file dei terroristi. Ciò era pienamente predictable and, for my part, I had already planned in an interview with RaiUno few days after the massacre of the Twin Towers. Are they equipped with a power of divination? No, unfortunately. I simply applied the tools of psycho-terrorism that clearly explain why terrorism is not domabile with the threat or use of military force: in fact the terrorist (and fanatic in general) not only fears but longs death in battle, which considers the safest food for the journey to immortality and eternal happiness in Paradise of the Martyrs, cheered by the voluptuous embrace of the 72 virgins. The effectiveness
deterrence, and control of military retaliation is therefore essentially nullified against the terrorists.
Opponents of the military have always underscored the presumed much greater effectiveness of the weapon ' intelligence, but the London bombings, organized and carried out under the noses of the most respected intelligence services around the world, and also those repeated two days later and failed only to technical failure of the bombs, have amply demonstrated the ineffectiveness of intelligence: ineffectiveness also determined by the personality and ideology of fanatical terrorist who has made the indefensible estendoli its targets the entire civilian population.
The third weapon fielded by the traditional political class of the West, namely the democratization of Islamic countries through elections to be carried out after campaigning with leaders pluralistic and conflicting lists, is also conspicuously failed for three times, ie in Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran . In Afghanistan, the people (including women in burkas caged) has peaceful plebiscite and elected to Parliament and the Government of the old clan chiefs and heads of tribes sexist, misogynist and intertwined with the dogmatic fundamentalist clergy. In Iraq, the people have democratically e plebiscitariamente eletto gli stessi capi-clan maschilisti, misogini e dogmatici legati a doppio filo con gli ayatollà sciiti, a loro volta legati a doppio filo con quelli iraniani, primatisti mondiali dell’assassinio politico e della tortura. In Iran, infine, potendo scegliere tra un leader fanatico ed uno pragmatico, il popolo ha plebiscitariamente eletto il fanatico prediletto dagli ayatollà più fanatici e accusato da molti testimoni d’essere stato egli stesso torturatore e assassino.
Dinanzi a questo triplice clamoroso fiasco, molte voci si sono levate per invocare tanto l’ideazione quanto l’applicazione di nuove e più efficaci armi nella lotta al terrorismo. Ma finora nessuna proposta innovativa è stata avanzata.
Per parte mia, invece, già all’indomani della strage alle Torri Gemelle avevo segnalato l’inutilità degli strumenti convenzionali nella lotta al terrorismo e sostenuto la necessità di bonificare la cultura islamica (e, del resto, ogni altra cultura dogmatica) dai suoi tratti fanatici perché, ovviamente, è nel fanatismo che nasce e prospera la pianta velenosa del terrorismo , ed avevo indicato l’arma vincente nella psicologia politica. Ma quali sono, dunque, gli strumenti operativi che la psicologia politica può mettere in campo ?
Anzitutto, una gigantesca cintura mediatica , cioè una collana di radiotelesivive issuers that, 24 hours a day, offering the people Slamic (and any other population where tyrannical regimes) images, the music and messages of not only political freedom but women, young, loving, educational, cultural and religion of the free world. Unfortunately, Western leaders have shown themselves deaf to our appeals. Only Silvio Berlusconi, after a series of my articles on the 'Next! "Brunetta and Cicchitto, in a meeting with reporters said:" Terrorism can not be won by military force, but only with television and other media ". But those words did not follow promising then no concrete initiative.
But the winning of the West Liberal lies in its position of cultural and personal freedom, because the need for freedom is a necessary requirement of human beings, or that no political or religious tyranny was never able or never able to extinguish. Of course this belt media programs should not be entrusted to the whims of usual intellettualetti gazzettieri and stuffed full of ideology and ignorant of psychology we can, as already happens in our national TV, to give the West a blank image, fatua and plastic, but should be carefully psychologically deep on the concrete needs of target populations: needs not only political freedom but also women, youth, love, music, educational and religious Islamic governments that often attract.
Certainly the opposition of the tyrannical regimes in these programs will be strong, but these are programs that can (especially radio) to reach populations directly without any need for consent of local governments . Moreover, the opposition of those regimes may be alleviated by conditioning the granting of economic aid and technology to the granting of radio-TV frequencies. The influence of these media campaigns will be much faster and more permanent radical than our so-called experts (those who have given the Iraqi and Afghan quagmires of war or the opening of Europe's skies to Al Jazeera TV and other Islamic fanaticism) and say do not think it is worth noting that a small radio station in the CNN Persian language was the basis of the major student riots in Tehran. The other big weapon
offered by the political psychology to fight terrorism is preventive in nature. It 'now possible to launch and implement quickly a series of psychological filters that will identify not only the terrorists but also the operational potential candidates for the terrorism. These filters have the advantage, if applied to all immigration and the whole population, can not be dismissed as tools of ethnic and cultural discrimination and to reduce terrorism to its psychopathological reality, after too many and too stupid ennobling political and religious taxes against him or proposals from members of masochism "pacifist" and "democratic."


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