Friday, March 5, 2010

My Dog Had Puppies And Now Is Bleeding Alot

Idee genocide antipalestinesi e il silenzio dei media

Oggi alle 21.12
di Paolo Maccioni - 04/03/2010

Dai blog d’Oltreoceano si apprende una notizia ripresa pure dai più attenti blogger nostrani e quasi per niente dai media a grande diffusione.

Martin Kramer, membro di un centro studi dell’Università di Harvard, oltre che dell’influente Winep, Institute for Near East Policy, at the Herzliya Conference in Israel has theorized measures to limit the birth of the Palestinian people.

Kramer has also called for the West to stop supplying aid that may encourage the Palestinians to reproduce and thus create a "superfluous young males' (his words).

In short: if you suffer from starvation, the Palestinian population aging and declining in number, so the problem of terrorism is solved. In other words: incitement to genocide, under international law.

Some intellectuals condemn the deplorable position Kramer, as MJ Rosenberg Richard Silverstein that have defined respectively as "genocidal" and "racist anti-Muslim", or as Stephen Walt of Harvard indolence Pilate laments respect to requests for removal or punishment.

When you ask, but how could it happen that seventy years ago when some intellectuals drew up the manifesto of the race people are not opposed and was angry enough?

Here, you can answer: You can just as today there are few indignation at this idea. Meanwhile, because few people know it. The echo data from blogs to news disconcerting contrast with the absurd, complicit silence of the mainstream media.


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