Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Milena Velba Superhero

Conversations from dressing

After I joined the gym in and wrote a post with the first considerations is the time of the monthly report (report and the word gives me the chills several reasons that one day maybe I'll explain).

For precisely one month since the beginning of my adventure with distant cousins \u200b\u200bSchwarzenegger I must admit that I feel better , more toned and less tired in the past period.

the evening I have more energy and my body fat is going down to my great joy (Not yet at a healthy weight, but I do not fear as before and the arrival of Christmas, I'll have a better chance of not being mistaken for Santa Claus).

I also have to correct something about the gym that I chose to attend.
The instructor, not just after the first impression positivissima, proved rather a very professional, always prone to follow and explain the exercises, the fact that there is only him during the round and that's a lot of people to train leads him to have to split between several people, but I happily discovered that it is always willing to follow anyone with great professionalism.

Considetato il fatto che mi alleno con il lettore mp3 nelle orecchie tendo a non fare molta conversazione con gli altri atleti, ma l'altro giorno ho avuto il primo colloquio da spogliatoio.

Un ragazzo esprimeva il desiderio di voler cambiare telefonino e spiegava all'amico che stava valutando un Nokia "nonsoché" per circa 400€ di spesa. A quel punto mi sono sentito di intervenire per dare un consiglio e gli ho suggerito di valutare, con una spesa pari se non inferiore, l'acquisto di un device dell'HTC con un sistema operativo superiore a quello della Nokia (oltre a tutti gli altri fattori tecnici).

But the friend says that with things too complicated and that is not like Nokia's.

"De gustibus non est disputandum" and I go to lift weights.

The first attempt to approach the alien population of the gym is not going very well, but the return for the shower comes back the second chance, with the same person.

In the gym there are monitors that go RTL ball, and this radio, like almost all the major commercial radio stations have a fixed schedule that is cyclical, then I have to Alessandra Amoroso Nek or listen while I work out, always at the same time.

I finish showering and monitor changes in the locker room for the hundredth time Nek, then what do I think this song sucks and the general level of Italian music (the more commercial at least) and ready to share this "brainstorm" close with my cabinet, I turn to open his mouth and then block me, the words under his breath and his eyes transfixed, while his friend cheerfully sings in the voice is not too low ' last great success of Nek .

turn away from dialogue and begin on hillsides.

songs Nek If, as suggested by Anthony, then you deserve a fucking Nokia


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